Begonia cathayana

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Read about Begonia cathayana in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Begonia cathayana, Hemsl. (B. Boiaringiana, Hort., not Champ.). Fig. 524. A beautiful omamental-lvd. species, named in 1908: sts. fleshy and crimson-hairy, 18 in. high: Lvs. hanging much like the Rex varieties, large, obliquely cordate, long-pointed, toothed and serrate, green with crimson nerves above and bright mottled crimson beneath, very showy: fls. large for the group, vermilion. Sept. China. B.M. 8202.—It propagates readily from cuttings of both sts. and Lvs. 11 has been hybridized with B. Rex, producing very richly colored foliage. B. Bowringiana, Champ. B.M. 5182, is distinct from B. cathayana, and apparently is not in cult.; but the B. Bowringiana of gardens, as figured in G.C. Apr. 18, 1903 suppl., is the plant here described.

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