Begonia haageana

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Read about Begonia haageana in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Begonia haageana, Wats. (B. Scharffi, Hook.). Fig. 523. Tall-shrubby, whole plant hairy: Lvs. ovate-cordate, acuminate, wavy, red-nerved above: fls. rose-pink, with a cyme 8-12 in. diam., males with 2 round and 2 narrow petals, females with 5 equal petals. Brazil. G.C. III. 16:633. B.M. 7028, (as B. Scharffi).—One of the most beautiful plants of the genus, and now one of the best known of the big tall red-hairy begonias; the hanging trusses of fls. (imperfectly represented in Fig. 523) are very conspicuous. Named for one of the firm of Haage & Schmidt. B. Credneri, Hort. (B. Scharffiana X B. metallica). Intro. by Haage & Schmidt, 1890. There is another plant named B. Credneri, which was raised by Lemoine in 1891 from the same parents. Bruant also used these two parents in 1891, and called his plant B. pictaviensis. All three plants can be distinguished from B. Haageana only by their smaller fls. and the peduncles standing erect and not gracefully bending over, as in B. Haageana.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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