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Neottia >

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Read about Neottia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Neottia (meaning a bird's nest, and referring to the curiously interlaced roots). Orchidaceae. A very few small terrestrial saprophytic orchids of Eu. and Asia, sometimes transferred to grounds, but little known as cult. plants. The N. Petola, Blume, of orchid collections, is Macodes Petola, which see. N. speciosa, Jacq., is Spiranthes, and N. pubescens, Willd., is Goodyera pubescens.

Leafless and brown, the st. with sheathing scales rather than lvs.: fls. brownish, in a raceme or spike; perianth hooded; lip deflexed and 2-lobed; column long and free, the anther hinged on the back of it. N. Nidus-avis, Linn., is the bird's-nest orchid of Great Britain and the continent, frequenting beech woods particularly: root a mass of interlaced stout fibers from the extremities of which young plants are produced: st. 12-18 in. high: fls. many in a dense spike 1/3 in. long, with short bracts.

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