Odontoglossum crispum
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ExpandRead about Odontoglossum crispum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Odontoglossum crispum, Lindl. (O. Bluntii. Reichb. f. O. Alexandrae, Batem.). Figs. 2562 and 2563. Pseudobulbs ovate, compressed, about 3 in. long: Lvs. linear, 1 ft. long: panicles rather short, but attaining a length of 2½ ft., with few short branches and crowded fls.; fls. white, variously spotted with crimson, brown, etc., or tinged with rose, 2-3 in. across; sepals ovate to ovate - lanceolate, often undulate; petals ovate to rhomboid, toothed and undulate-crisp; labellum oblong- ovate, fringed with teeth, wavy and crisp. Fls. are produced at any season of the year. Colombia. F.S. 16: 1652. Gn. 4, p. 241; 20:12; 21, p. 95; 23, p. 210; 40, p. 596; 46, p. 149; 53, p. 297. R.B. 21:3. Gng. 6:24; 16:133. J.H. III. 34:499; 49:329; 62:449. G.C. III. 21:379; 23:165, 390; 25:67, 179, 187; 43:4. A.F. 13: 34. F.E. 9:327. G. 4:619; 9:223; 24:662; 26:198. 35: 333. G.M. 50:527. G.Z. 21, p. 145. O. 1910. p. 24. C.L.A. 10:413; 20, Aug., p. 44.—As was stated in the introduction, this species has probably more than 100 named varieties. Many besides those cited have been figured in horticultural and botanical works. Very few varieties are found in American trade lists, but some of the most distinct are given below: Var. andersonianum, Hort. (O. Andersonianum. Reichb. f.). Fls. creamy white, with broad, longitudinal bands of cinnamon. F.M. 1872:45. G.C. II. 24:680, 681; III. 17:739. G.W. 13, p. 619.—Listed in Amer. Var. apiatum, Ballantyne. Fls. very large; sepals and petals laciniate on the edges, white, with rich chocolate-brown blotches. G.C. III. 15:375. Var. ashworthianum, O'Brien. Fls. almost entirely rose-purple, with white margins and a few white marks on the sepals and petals. G.C. III. 19:197. Var. cooksoniae, Hort. Fls. 4 in. across, the segms. fringed and heavily tinged with purple on back, the face pure white around the column, the margins white, tinged purple in places, the segms. with a large central purple-red blotch, surrounded with smaller blotches. G.C. III. 33:109. Var. fowlerianum, Hort. Fls. white, the sepals with 2 large irregular ruby-crimson blotches and smaller purple ones, the petals with large ruby-crimson blotches separated by narrow white lines; lip crimped, purple- marked, the crest yellow. G.C. III. 41:278; 45:211. Var. gouvilleanum, Andre:. Fls. large, white; petals irregularly toothed, with few small crimson blotches; sepals heavily blotched. R.H. 1888:132. Var. grairianum, Hort. Sepals and petals for most part a glowing yellowish rose, the margins white with a few white inward-running lines; crest yellow. G.C. III. 33:407. Var. guttatum, Hort. (O. Alexandra: var. guttatum, Hook.). Sepals linear-oblong, with several pale purple blotches; petals broader, similarly spotted; labellum oblong-quadrate, contracted in the middle, spotted with rose and having a large rose patch on the disk. B.M. 5697. Var. karthausii, Hort. Sepals and petals strongly toothed, pure white or tinted m places on the margins, with several large irregular, more or less confluent bright purple central blotches; lip marked with red-brown. C.O. 1 s. Var. lehmanni, Hort. Labellum broadly ovate, bright ruby-red, broadly edged with white; crest yellow; sepals and petals tinged with rose, with few red spots. G.C. III. 24:147.—In American trade. Var. luciani, Hort. Sepals and petals violet on back, marked on face with large irregular purple-brown blotches. C.O. 1 s. Var. maculatum, Hort. Fls. white, spotted with purplish brown; petals suborbicular. laciniate-toothed. G.C. III. 16:248. Var. mariae, Andre. Fls. pure white, except a few red spots on the base of the sepals. I.H. 25:325. Var. mundyanum, Hort. Fls. white, rose-purple tinged, heavily blotched with chestnut or red-brown, the center of lip bright yellow. G.C. III. 27:117. Var. pittianum, Hort. Fls. white, slightly rose-tinged, the acuminate sepals and petals heavily blotched with red-brown, the back heavily tinged with purple; lip with a yellow crest marked with reddish lines and brown-spotted. G.C. III. 30:154. G.M. 49:212. Var. purpurascens, Hort. Fls. heavily tinged with rose-purple, the dorsal sepal and petals with numerous small well-defined reddish purple spots, the spots on the lateral sepals obscured by the coloring; lip white with reddish blotches in front, the crest yellow, with a few reddish lines. G.C. III. 29:233. G.M. 46:391. J.H. III. 42:275. Var. sanderae, Hort. Fls. purple-tinted, heavily blotched with reddish orange-brown. G.C. III. 33:416. J.H. III. 43:3. Var. schroederi, Hort. Fls. with 1 or 2 large and several small, brownish red spots on the white segms. Advertised in Amer. Var. trianae, Hort. (0. Alexandrae var. Trianae, Hook.). Dorsal sepals with a single roseate spot; lateral sepals suffused and spotted with rose; petals pure white; labellum with a large 2-lobed spot. B.M. 5691. Var. veitchianum, Hort. Sepals ovate, undulate, white, with several brownish crimson spots; petals broader, color like the sepals but mostly in one large central blotch; margins undulate and toothed. G.C. III. 1:799. F. 1884:177. G.Z. 30:217.
Pests and diseases
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Odontoglossum crispum. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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