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Ourisia >

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Read about Ourisia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Ourisia (Governor Ouris, of the Falkland Islands). Scrophulariaceae. Small herbs, used in alpine gardening and for borders.

Perennial, rarely somewhat woody at the base, usually dwarf, decumbent or creeping a short distance, glabrous or sparsely hairy: Lvs. opposite, nearly all radical, crenate or entire: fls. either axillary and solitary, or in a raceme at the apex of a scape, usually scarlet or rose- colored; corolla-tube cylindrical or slightly bell - shaped at the throat, mostly somewhat curved, lobes nearly equal; stamens 4, didynamous; style entire: caps. 2- celled. —About 20 species in Tasmania, New Zeal., S. Amer.

O. Cockaynidna, Petric. A New Zeal, species forming large matted patches, reported in England: sta. 3-6 in. or more long, creeping and rooting: Lvs. ovate or ovate-apatulate, obtuse, crenate, with sheathing petioles: peduncles few-fld. and 3-6 in. high, bearing large white fls.

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