Leach orchid

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Silvery stelis (Stelis argentata)

Plant Characteristics
Lifespan: perennial
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Orchidaceae >

Stelis >

Read about Leach orchid in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 
'Indian mistletoe', first depiction of a Stelis orchid
Herbal Book of Johannes Theodorus Tabernaemontanus

Stelis (an old Greek name used by Theophrastus for some parasitical plant). Orchidaceae. Epiphytic herbs, some of them adapted to the warmhouse and others to the intermediate house: sts. cespitose or creeping, with simple branches 1-lvd. at the tip and frequently 1-3-sheathed below the lf., not pseudobulbous: lvs. leathery, often contracted at the base to the petiole which is frequently concave or channeled and sometimes articulate near the base: fls. small to minute, short-pedicelled in an elongated raceme at the base of the terminal lf., secund, rarely somewhat distichous; bracts alternate, various; sepals frequently subequal, broad or triangular, spreading, more or less connate; petals much shorter, broad, the margins thickened; labellum sessile at the base of the column, equal and similar to the petals or narrower and sometimes shortly 3-lobed; column equaling or shorter than the labellum; pollinia 2: caps. small, ovoid or oblong, not beaked, often 3-edged.—About 500 species, Mex. and W. Indies southward to Brazil and Peru. Treatment the same as for Pleurothallis. CH

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Here are some species and their common names:

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Read about Leach orchid in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

S. barbata, Rolfe, is a species differing from S. Endresii in having long-bearded sepals and a tridenticulate lip: its fls. are greenish ochre-yellow with purple hairs and red-purple blotches. Costa Rica.—S. Binotii, Wildem., grows about 2 in. high: lvs. thick, 2-3 in. long, deeply channeled above: racemes 1-3, many-fld.: fls. green, not spotted: sepals membranaceous: petals concave, very short: lip hooded, about as long as the petals. Brazil. –S.Bruchmuelleri, Reichb. f., has lvs. 1 1/2 - 2 in. long: fls. yellowish purple outside, pale purple within, disposed at intervals along the rachis; sepals broadly ovate, acute, spreading, hairy within: petals and lip minute, the latter undivided. Mex. (?). B.M. 6521.—S. canaliculata, Reichb. f., is about 8 in. high, has cuneate-oblong, obtuse, thick lvs. which are plainly channeled in the middle: fls. dull yellowish green, very small, secund in dense racemes; bracts and rachis whitish. Colombia.—S. ciliaris, Lindl. (S. atropurpurea, Hook.), grows about 6 in. high: lvs. broadly oblong, narrowed at base: spike naked half way then closely fld.: fls. deep purple; sepals ovate, long-fringed; petals compressed-rhomboid, fleshy; lip ovate, fleshy, channeled at base. Mex. B.B. 3975.-S. dolichopus, Schlechter, has sts. about 6 in. high: lvs. rather thick, oblong-ligulate, up to nearly 4 in. long: raceme only 1 1/4 – 1 3/4 in. long: fls. pale yellow. Probably Colombia.—S. Endresii, Reichb. f., has lvs. cuneate, oblong-ligulate, obtuse, emarginate and apiculate, thick: raceme distichous: fls. greenish white: sepals coalescing toward the base: lip fleshy, transversely subrhomboid, excavated. Costa Rica.—S. glossula, Reichb. f., is densely tufted: lvs. cuneate, oblong-ligulate, minutely bilobed with a small tooth at apex: fls. brownish, in 2 transverse rows; the upper sepal having a longer extent than the whole of the other floral organs together; lip fleshy, papilli-form. Costa Rica.—S. grandiflora, Lindl., has sts. 3 in. high: lvs. oblong, petiolate, emarginate, 4 1/2 x 1 in.: spike dense; spathe large, acuminate: fls. chocolate-colored, large for the genus: sepals equal, obtuse; petals ovate; lip ovate, concave, emarginate. Brazil.— S. grossilabris, Reichb. f. Plant tufted: lvs. cuneate, spatulate, obtuse: racemes shorter than the lvs.: fls. light greenish, small; lip thick and fleshy. Hab.(?).—S. Hennisiana, Schlechter, has slender sts. up to 2 1/2 in. long, 1-lvd.: lvs. lanceolate-ligulate, about 3 in. long, petiole 1 1/4 in. long: racemes slender, 1-sided, many-fld., usually slightly longer than the lvs.: fls. dark purple-red. Colombia. —S. macroglossa, Hort., is offered in the trade.—S. micrantha, Swartz, grows 3-6 in. high: lvs. lanceolate-oblong, rather blunt, 1-2 1/2 in. long: raceme slender, spike-like: fls. whitish, red within, nodding, l-sided-distichous; sepals deltoid; petals and lip truncate. Jamaica. L.B.C. 11:1011.—S. ophioglossoides, Swartz, has the st. shorter than the lvs., which are 2 1/2- 6 in. long, oblong-linear, rather blunt, long-tapering at the base: raceme slender, 1-sided, pedunculate: fls. greenish, with a tinge of purple, minute. W. Indies. B.R. 935. L.B.C. 50:442.—S. sesquipedalis, Lindl., is about 6 in. high: lvs. broadly oval, shortly petiolate, 1 1/2 - 4 in. long: spike 7-10 in. long: fls. pale yellow, secund, large; sepals roundish ovate, obtuse; petals oblate; lip oblate, hooded. Venezuela.—S. venosa, Hort., said to have 6 lvs., is offered in the trade.—S. zonata, Reichb. f., has a short st.: lvs, very thick, cuneate-oblong, blunt: raceme 1-sided: fls. light ochre; sepals brown at base; petals with a mauve middle zone. Guiana. CH

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