Miltonia phalaenopsis


Plant Characteristics
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phalaenopsis >

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Read about Miltonia phalaenopsis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Miltonia phalaenopsis. Nichols. (Odontoglossum Phalaenopsis, Lind. & Reichb. f.). Pseudobulbs ovate, with grass like lvs. 8-10 in. long at the base and apex: stalks fld., shorter than the lvs.: fls. large, flat, white, with the labellum variegated and streaked with crimson; sepals 1 in. long, oblong, pointed; petals broader and rounded ; labellum large, broadened and 2-lobed in front, constricted near the middle and expanded above into 2 rounded lobes. The pseudobulbs are clustered, forming clumps 1 ft. or more across, with numerous fls. mingled with the long, grass-like lvs. Spring and summer. Colombia. I.H. 3:109. Gn. 18, p. 447; 26, p. 232; 35, p. 269; 36, p. 315. G.C. II. 25:364. I.H. 28: 417 (var. luxurians, more vivid). Var. alba, Hort. Fls. pure white except yellow markings on lip.

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