Phalaenopsis (Greek, moth-like; suggested by the large white flowers
of some species). Orchidaceae. This genus, called by Lindley the
grandest of all orchids," contains some of the most useful species to
be found in the orchid family; warmhouse.
Of monopodial growth, having short sts. which increase slowly in
length: lvs. few, thick, leathery, often mottled: infl. a raceme or
panicle, large or not longer than the lvs.; sepals spreading, the
lateral ones more or less united with the base of the column; petals
about as large as the sepals or very much broader; labellum variously
shaped but united with the base of the column.— About 50 species
natives of the hot regions of India and the Malay Archipelago,
growing on trunks of trees and sides of rocks under conditions of
high temperature and great moisture. The fls. are remarkably
beautiful in form and color. Those of the larger species are borne in
graceful drooping panicles on which they usually all face in one
As all phalaenopsis are natives of the most tropical regions of the
globe, it is essential that they be well supplied with heat and
moisture, particularly during the growing season, from March to
October. Care should be taken to avoid direct draught on the plants,
but air should be admitted on all possible occasions. This is
absolutely necessary to keep the plants in perfect condition. During
bright sunshine the plants should be shaded, but given all the light
possible to insure good tough ripe foliage by autumn, and large
branching flower-spikes may be expected in the flowering season. A
close moist atmosphere will grow large soft foliage, but small
flower-spikes usually result. Plants may be grown suspended from the
roof, not too near the glass, or on benches, in pots, in baskets, in
pans, or on blocks or rafts. They are somewhat whimsical, and once a house is found in which they succeed, they should not be moved. During the growing season the temperature should be kept as uniformly as
possible between 70° and 75° F., allowing a rise of 10° with sun
heat. The minimum night temperature, in winter, should be 60° to 65°
F. Good and ample drainage is absolutely necessary, clean potsherds
and lumps of charcoal being the best material, and only sufficient
peat fiber and sphagnum in equal proportions should be used to keep
the plant firmly in position, as the roots will eventually cover the
receptacle in which they are growing. When potting, always give the
plant its natural inclination, which is invariably sufficient to
prevent water remaining in the axils of the leaves, a condition which
should be carefully guarded against, either from watering or from
drip. Always keep the plant well raised, when potting, to insure
quick and perfect drainage. Sponging the leaves occasionally will
keep the plants clean and prevent the attack of thrip and red-spider.
The propagation of phalaenopsis is a very slow process, as the plants
rarely afford opportunity for division. Sometimes young plants form
on the old flower-stems, and these should be left until they make
root, at which stage they may be removed, potted, and carefully
watered until root-action begins in the new material.
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