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Glossary of botanical and horticultural technical terms.
Glossary of botanical and horticultural technical terms
The following set of words includes many descriptive terms used on and elsewhere, with explanations of their meaning.
The following set of words includes many descriptive terms used on and elsewhere, with explanations of their meaning.
''[[Aberrant]]''. Unusual, or exceptional; a plant or structure that varies from customary structure or from the type; used mostly of variation.
''[[Aberrant]]''. Unusual, or exceptional; a plant or structure that varies from customary structure or from the type; used mostly of variation.
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''[[Axis]]''. The main or central line of development of any plant or organ; the main stem.
''[[Axis]]''. The main or central line of development of any plant or organ; the main stem.
''[[Bacca]]''. A berry.
''[[Bacca]]''. A berry.
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''[[Bush]]''. A low and thick shrub, without distinct trunk.
''[[Bush]]''. A low and thick shrub, without distinct trunk.
''[[Caducous]]''. Falling off early, or prematurely, as the sepals in some plants.
''[[Caducous]]''. Falling off early, or prematurely, as the sepals in some plants.
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Cymose inflorescence. With central flowers opening first. Cypsela. An old term for the fruit of composites, being dry, one-celled and one-seeded.
Cymose inflorescence. With central flowers opening first. Cypsela. An old term for the fruit of composites, being dry, one-celled and one-seeded.
Deciduous. Falling, as the leaves of non-evergreen trees.
Deciduous. Falling, as the leaves of non-evergreen trees.
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Dumose. Low and branching, as a bush.
Dumose. Low and branching, as a bush.
E- or Ex-. In Latin-formed words, usually denoting, as a prefix, that parts are missing, as exstipulate, without stipules, estriate, without stripes.
E- or Ex-. In Latin-formed words, usually denoting, as a prefix, that parts are missing, as exstipulate, without stipules, estriate, without stripes.
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Eye. The marked center of a flower; a bud on a tuber, as on a potato; a single-bud cutting.
Eye. The marked center of a flower; a bud on a tuber, as on a potato; a single-bud cutting.
Fades. The general appearance or "looks" of a plant; or the characteristic appearance of a plant society.
Fades. The general appearance or "looks" of a plant; or the characteristic appearance of a plant society.
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Fusiform. Spindle-shaped; narrowed both ways from a swollen middle, as dahlia roots.
Fusiform. Spindle-shaped; narrowed both ways from a swollen middle, as dahlia roots.
Galea. A hood or a helmet-shaped part or structure, as found in the upper lip of some corollas.  
Galea. A hood or a helmet-shaped part or structure, as found in the upper lip of some corollas.  
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Gynophore. Stipe of an ovary prolonged within the calyx.
Gynophore. Stipe of an ovary prolonged within the calyx.
Habit. The looks, appearance, general style or mode of growth; as an upright, open, decumbent or strict habit.
Habit. The looks, appearance, general style or mode of growth; as an upright, open, decumbent or strict habit.
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Hypogynous. Borne on the torus, or under the ovary; said of the stamens or petals.
Hypogynous. Borne on the torus, or under the ovary; said of the stamens or petals.
Immarginate. Without a rim or edge.
Immarginate. Without a rim or edge.
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Irregular flower. Some parts different from other parts in same series.
Irregular flower. Some parts different from other parts in same series.
Jointed. With nodes, or points of real or apparent articulation.
Jointed. With nodes, or points of real or apparent articulation.
Keeled. Ridged like the bottom of a boat; also the two front united petals of a papilionaceous flower.
Keeled. Ridged like the bottom of a boat; also the two front united petals of a papilionaceous flower.
Knaur. An excrescence, bur or knot of woody tissue that will grow when removed and used as a cutting.
Knaur. An excrescence, bur or knot of woody tissue that will grow when removed and used as a cutting.
Labellum. Lip, particularly the lip of orchids.
Labellum. Lip, particularly the lip of orchids.
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Lyratc. Pinnatifid but with an enlarged terminal lobe and smaller lower lobes.
Lyratc. Pinnatifid but with an enlarged terminal lobe and smaller lower lobes.
Medullary. Relating to the pith; the medullary rays seen in cross-sections of woody trunks radiate from the medulla or pith.  
Medullary. Relating to the pith; the medullary rays seen in cross-sections of woody trunks radiate from the medulla or pith.  
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Mycelium. Vegetative part of a fungus, composed of threads or thready tissue.
Mycelium. Vegetative part of a fungus, composed of threads or thready tissue.
Naked flower. With no floral envelopes; without calyx and corolla.  
Naked flower. With no floral envelopes; without calyx and corolla.  
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Nutlet. A small or diminutive nut; nucule.
Nutlet. A small or diminutive nut; nucule.
Ob-. A Latin syllable, usually signifying inversion.  
Ob-. A Latin syllable, usually signifying inversion.  
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Ovuliferous. Ovule-bearing.
Ovuliferous. Ovule-bearing.
Painted. Said of colors that are in streaks of unequal brilliancy.  
Painted. Said of colors that are in streaks of unequal brilliancy.  
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Pyxis. Pod opening or dehiscing by a transverse ring.
Pyxis. Pod opening or dehiscing by a transverse ring.
Quadrangular. Four-angled.
Quadrangular. Four-angled.
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Quintupled. Five times; multiplied by five.
Quintupled. Five times; multiplied by five.
Raceme. A simple elongated indeterminate cluster with stalked flowers.  
Raceme. A simple elongated indeterminate cluster with stalked flowers.  
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Runner. A slender trailing shoot taking root at the nodes.
Runner. A slender trailing shoot taking root at the nodes.
Sabulose. Growing in or pertaining to sandy places.
Sabulose. Growing in or pertaining to sandy places.
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Syncarpous. Having carpels united. See Apocarpus. Syngenesious. Anthers united in a ring, as in Composite.
Syncarpous. Having carpels united. See Apocarpus. Syngenesious. Anthers united in a ring, as in Composite.
Tapering. Gradually becoming smaller or diminishing in diameter or width toward one end.
Tapering. Gradually becoming smaller or diminishing in diameter or width toward one end.
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Turgid. Swollen from fullness.
Turgid. Swollen from fullness.
Umbel. Corymbose or indeterminate cluster with branches or rays arising from a common point and about equal in length, resembling framework of umbrella; umbels are characteristic of the Umbellifera.
Umbel. Corymbose or indeterminate cluster with branches or rays arising from a common point and about equal in length, resembling framework of umbrella; umbels are characteristic of the Umbellifera.
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Utricle. A small bladder; a bladdery 1-seeded fruit.
Utricle. A small bladder; a bladdery 1-seeded fruit.
Vahate. Opening by valves or pertaining to valves; meeting by the edges without overlapping, as leaves or petals in the bud.  
Vahate. Opening by valves or pertaining to valves; meeting by the edges without overlapping, as leaves or petals in the bud.  
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Volute. Rolled up.
Volute. Rolled up.
Watersprout. A strong rapid-growing adventitious shoot in a tree-top or bush or on a trunk.
Watersprout. A strong rapid-growing adventitious shoot in a tree-top or bush or on a trunk.
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Wort. Old word for a plant or herb; now used only in combination, as mother-wort, spiderviort, liverwort.
Wort. Old word for a plant or herb; now used only in combination, as mother-wort, spiderviort, liverwort.