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Habit. The looks, appearance, general style or mode of growth; as an upright, open, decumbent or strict habit.
''[[Habit]]''. The looks, appearance, general style or mode of growth; as an upright, open, decumbent or strict habit.
Habitat. Particular place in which a plant grows; as a swamp, roadside, lawn, woods, ballast-heap, hillside.
''[[Habitat]]''. Particular place in which a plant grows; as a swamp, roadside, lawn, woods, ballast-heap, hillside.
Hairs. A general name for many kinds of small and slender outgrowths on the parts of plants; special kinds of hairiness are designated as setose, villous, comose, pubescent, hirsute, and others.
''[[Hairs]]''. A general name for many kinds of small and slender outgrowths on the parts of plants; special kinds of hairiness are designated as setose, villous, comose, pubescent, hirsute, and others.
Halberd-shaped. Hastate.
''[[Halberd-shaped]]''. Hastate.
Hamate. Hooked.
''[[Hamate]]''. Hooked.
Hastate. Of the shape of an arrow-head but the basal lobes pointed or narrow and standing nearly or quite at right angles; halberd-shaped.
''[[Hastate]]''. Of the shape of an arrow-head but the basal lobes pointed or narrow and standing nearly or quite at right angles; halberd-shaped.
Haulm. Straw-like stems, as of the cereal grains; sometimes also applied to the stems of palms; usually a collective noun.
''[[Haulm]]''. Straw-like stems, as of the cereal grains; sometimes also applied to the stems of palms; usually a collective noun.
Head. A short dense spike; capitulum.
''[[Head]]''. A short dense spike; capitulum.
Heart-shaped. Cordate; ovate in general outline but with two rounded basal lobes; has reference particularly to the shape of the base of a leaf or other expanded part.
''[[Heart-shaped]]''. Cordate; ovate in general outline but with two rounded basal lobes; has reference particularly to the shape of the base of a leaf or other expanded part.
Heel. An enlarged or more or less transverse part on the lower end of a cutting secured from the older or larger branch from which the cutting is taken.
''[[Heel]]''. An enlarged or more or less transverse part on the lower end of a cutting secured from the older or larger branch from which the cutting is taken.
Helicoid. Twisted or coiled in snail-shell form.
''[[Helicoid]]''. Twisted or coiled in snail-shell form.
Heliotropism. The characteristic of turning toward the light.
''[[Heliotropism]]''. The characteristic of turning toward the light.
Hemi- In Greek compounds, signifying half.
''[[Hemi-]]'' In Greek compounds, signifying half.
Hepta- In Greek compounds, signifying seven.
''[[Hepta-]]'' In Greek compounds, signifying seven.
Herb. Naturally dying to the ground; without persistent stem above ground; lacking definite woody firm structure.
''[[Herb]]''. Naturally dying to the ground; without persistent stem above ground; lacking definite woody firm structure.
Herbaceous. Not woody; dying down each year; said also of soft branches before they become woody.
''[[Herbaceous]]''. Not woody; dying down each year; said also of soft branches before they become woody.
Hermaphrodite. Bearing both stamens and pistil in the same flower; two-sexed; bisexual.
''[[Hermaphrodite]]''. Bearing both stamens and pistil in the same flower; two-sexed; bisexual.
Hesperidium. The fruit of the orange-kind.
''[[Hesperidium]]''. The fruit of the orange-kind.
Hetcrocarpous. Various-fruited; with more than one kind or form of fruit.
''[[Hetcrocarpous]]''. Various-fruited; with more than one kind or form of fruit.
Heterogamous. With two or more kinds or forms of flowers.
''[[Heterogamous]]''. With two or more kinds or forms of flowers.
Hetcros. In Greek composition, signifying various, or of more than one kind or form; as heterophyllous, with more than one kind or form of leaf.
''[[Heteros]]''. In Greek composition, signifying various, or of more than one kind or form; as heterophyllous, with more than one kind or form of leaf.
Hilum. In the seed, the scar or mark indicating the point of attachment.
''[[Hilum]]''. In the seed, the scar or mark indicating the point of attachment.
Hip. Fruit of the rose, being an urn-like or closed receptacle bearing the achenes inside. See Hypanthium.
''[[Hip]]''. Fruit of the rose, being an urn-like or closed receptacle bearing the achenes inside. See Hypanthium.
Hirsute. With rather rough or coarse hairs.
''[[Hirsute]]''. With rather rough or coarse hairs.
Hirtellous. Softly or minutely hirsute or hairy.
''[[Hirtellous]]''. Softly or minutely hirsute or hairy.
Hispid. Provided with stiff or bristly hairs.
''[[Hispid]]''. Provided with stiff or bristly hairs.
Hispidulous. Somewhat or minutely hispid.
''[[Hispidulous]]''. Somewhat or minutely hispid.
Hoary. Covered with a close white or whitish pubescence.
''[[Hoary]]''. Covered with a close white or whitish pubescence.
Homo- In Greek compounds, signifying alike or very similar.
''[[Homo-]]'' In Greek compounds, signifying alike or very similar.
Homocarpous. All the fruits, as of a flower-head, alike.
''[[Homocarpous]]''. All the fruits, as of a flower-head, alike.
Homogamous. Presenting only one kind of flowers.
''[[Homogamous]]''. Presenting only one kind of flowers.
Homologous. Related in origin or morphology. See .', nalogoui.
''[[Homologous]]''. Related in origin or morphology. See .', nalogoui.
Homomorphous. Uniform; all the given parts alike.
''[[Homomorphous]]''. Uniform; all the given parts alike.
Horny. Hard and dense in texture; corneous.
''[[Horny]]''. Hard and dense in texture; corneous.
Hybrid. A plant resulting from a cross between two or more parents that are more or less unlike.
''[[Hybrid]]''. A plant resulting from a cross between two or more parents that are more or less unlike.
Hygroscopic. Capable of absorbing moisture from atmosphere.
''[[Hygroscopic]]''. Capable of absorbing moisture from atmosphere.
Hypanthium. A fruit-like body (as the rose-hip) formed by the enlargement of the torus and bearing the proper fruits on its upper or inner surface; literally "beneath the flower." Now commonly used to denote the cup- shaped receptacle on which calyx, petals and stamens are inserted in cases of pcrigyny, as in plum, fuchsia.
''[[Hypanthium]]''. A fruit-like body (as the rose-hip) formed by the enlargement of the torus and bearing the proper fruits on its upper or inner surface; literally "beneath the flower." Now commonly used to denote the cup- shaped receptacle on which calyx, petals and stamens are inserted in cases of pcrigyny, as in plum, fuchsia.
Hypochti. The lower or basal part of the lip in orchids.
''[[Hypochil]]''. The lower or basal part of the lip in orchids.
Hypocotyl. That part of the caulicle lying below the cotyledons.
''[[Hypocotyl]]''. That part of the caulicle lying below the cotyledons.
Hypocrateriform. Salver-form; that shape of the flower characterized by a cylindrical tube and a flat-spreading limb, as in phlox.
''[[Hypocrateriform]]''. Salver-form; that shape of the flower characterized by a cylindrical tube and a flat-spreading limb, as in phlox.
Hypogeal. Cotyledons remaining beneath the ground in germination.
''[[Hypogeal]]''. Cotyledons remaining beneath the ground in germination.
Hypogynous. Borne on the torus, or under the ovary; said of the stamens or petals.
''[[Hypogynous]]''. Borne on the torus, or under the ovary; said of the stamens or petals.
Immarginate. Without a rim or edge.
''[[Immarginate]]''. Without a rim or edge.
Immersed. Entirely under water.
''[[Immersed]]''. Entirely under water.
Imparipinnate. Unequally pinnate; odd-pinnate; with a single terminal leaflet.
''[[Imparipinnate]]''. Unequally pinnate; odd-pinnate; with a single terminal leaflet.
''[[Imperfect flower]]''. Having either stamens or pistils, but not both.
Imperfect flower. Having either stamens or pistils, but not both.
''[[Implexed]], implexuous''. Entangled, interlaced.
Implexed, implexuous. Entangled, interlaced.
''[[Impregnation]]''. Fecundation or fertilization of the ovule by the pollen; also, the infiltration of substances.
Impregnation. Fecundation or fertilization of the ovule by the pollen; also, the infiltration of substances.
''[[Impressed]]''. Deeply nerved; furrowed or grooved as if by pressure.
Impressed. Deeply nerved; furrowed or grooved as if by pressure.
''[[Inarching]]''. The grafting together of two plants with the intention that, when they are severed, part of one plant will be growing on the other.
Inarching, The grafting together of two plants with the intention that, when they are severed, part of one plant will be growing on the other.
''[[Incanescent]]''. Hoary- or gray-pubescent; canescent.
Incanescent. Hoary- or gray-pubescent; canescent.
''[[Incised]]''. Cut; slashed irregularly, more or less deeply and sharply.
Incised. Cut; slashed irregularly, more or less deeply and sharply.
''[[Inclining]]''. Looking or falling down from the horizontal.
Inclining. Looking or falling down from the horizontal.
''[[Included]]''. Not protruded, as stamens not projecting from the corolla.
Included. Not protruded, as stamens not projecting from the corolla.
''[[Incomplete]]''. Lacking some of its parts, as a flower deficient in stamens or calyx.
Incomplete. Lacking some of its parts, as a flower deficient in stamens or calyx.
''[[Incrustate]]''. Crusted; with a hard or firm covering.
Incrustate. Crusted; with a hard or firm covering.
''[[Incumbent]] (cotyledons)''. Of a seed so bent over that the back of one cotyledon lies against the radicle.
Incumbent (cotyledons). Of a seed so bent over that the back of one cotyledon lies against the radicle.
''[[Indefinite]]''. Very numerous, as above twenty; see Definite.
Indefinite. Very numerous, as above twenty; see Definite.
''[[Indehiscent]]''. Not regularly opening, as a seed-pod or anther.
Indehiscent. Not regularly opening, as a seed-pod or anther.
''[[Indeterminate]]''. Growing on from the apex, particularly of the main axis.
Indeterminate. Growing on from the apex, particularly of the main axis.
''[[Indigenous]]''. Native to the region; not introduced from some other country.
Indigenous. Native to the region; not introduced from some other country.
''[[Indumentum]]''. A covering of hair.
Indumentum. A covering of hair.
''[[Induplicate]]''. With margins folded inward.
Induplicate. With margins folded inward.
''[[Indurated]]''. Hard, hardened.
Indurated. Hard, hardened.
''[[Indusium]]''. The little growth covering or surrounding the sorus or fruit-dot in ferns.
Indusium. The little growth covering or surrounding the sorus or fruit-dot in ferns.
''[[Inferior]]''. Beneath, lower, below; as an inferior ovary, one that is below the calyx-leaves.
Inferior. Beneath, lower, below; as an inferior ovary, one that is below the calyx-leaves.
''[[Inflated]]''. Blown up; bladdery-
Inflated. Blown up; bladdery-
''[[Inflorescence]]''. Mode of flower-bearing; technically less correct but much more common in the sense of a flower- cluster.
Inflorescence. Mode of flower-bearing; technically less correct but much more common in the sense of a flower- cluster.
''[[Infra-]]'' In combinations, signifying below.
Infra- In combinations, signifying below.
''[[Infundibuliform]]''. Funnelfonn.
Infundibuliform. Funnelfonn.
''[[Innate]]''. Said of an anther when attached by its base to the filament.
Innate. Said of an anther when attached by its base to the filament.
''[[Innovation]]''. An offshoot or departure from the axis.
Innovation. An offshoot or departure from the axis.
''[[Inserted]]''. Attached; as a stamen growing on the corolla.
Inserted. Attached; as a stamen growing on the corolla.
''[[Inter-]]''. In composition, signifying between, particularly between closely related parts or organs.
Inter-. In composition, signifying between, particularly between closely related parts or organs.
''[[Interfoliaceous]]''. Between the leaves, particularly between two leaves of a pair.
Interfoliaceous, Between the leaves, particularly between two leaves of a pair.
''[[Internode]]''. The part or space of stem between two nodes or joints.
Internode. The part or space of stem between two nodes or joints.
''[[Interrupted]]''. Not continuous; in particular, the interposition of small leaflets or segments between others.
Interrupted. Not continuous; in particular, the interposition of small leaflets or segments between others.
''[[Intorted]]''. Twisted upon or around itself.
Intorted. Twisted upon or around itself.
''[[Intramarginal]]''. Just within the margin or edge; between the margins.
Intramarginal. Just within the margin or edge; between the margins.
''[[Introduced]]''. Brought from another region, either intentionally or otherwise; in horticulture, used to designate the intentional bringing of plants into cultivation either from another country or from the wild.
Introduced. Brought from another region, either intentionally or otherwise; in horticulture, used to designate the intentional bringing of plants into cultivation either from another country or from the wild.
''[[Introrse]]''. Turned or faced inward or toward the axis, as an anther looking toward the center of the flower.
Introrse. Turned or faced inward or toward the axis, as an anther looking toward the center of the flower.
''[[Inverted]]''. Turned over; end-for-end; top-side down.
Inverted. Turned over; end-for-end; top-side down.
''[[Involucel]]''. A secondary involucre; small involucre about the parts of a cluster.
Innolucel. A secondary involucre; small involucre about the parts of a cluster.
''[[Involucre]]''. A whorl of small leaves or bracts standing close underneath a flower or flower-cluster.
Involucre. A whorl of small leaves or bracts standing close underneath a flower or flower-cluster.
''[[Involute]]''. Said of a flat body (as a leaf) rolled inward or toward the upper side. See Revolute.
Involute. Said of a flat body (as a leaf) rolled inward or toward the upper side. See Revolute.
''[[Irregular flower]]''. Some parts different from other parts in same series.
Irregular flower. Some parts different from other parts in same series.
Jointed. With nodes, or points of real or apparent articulation.
''[[Jointed]]''. With nodes, or points of real or apparent articulation.
Keeled. Ridged like the bottom of a boat; also the two front united petals of a papilionaceous flower.
''[[Keeled]]''. Ridged like the bottom of a boat; also the two front united petals of a papilionaceous flower.
Knaur. An excrescence, bur or knot of woody tissue that will grow when removed and used as a cutting.
''[[Knaur]]''. An excrescence, bur or knot of woody tissue that will grow when removed and used as a cutting.
Labellum. Lip, particularly the lip of orchids.
''[[Labellum]]''. Lip, particularly the lip of orchids.
Labiate. Lipped; a member of the Labiatee.
''[[Labiate]]''. Lipped; a member of the Labiatee.
Labyrinthiform. With intricate winding lines or passages.
''[[Labyrinthiform]]''. With intricate winding lines or passages.
Lacerate. Torn; irreguarly cleft or cut.
''[[Lacerate]]''. Torn; irreguarly cleft or cut.
Lacinniate. Slashed into narrow pointed lobes.
''[[Laciniate]]''. Slashed into narrow pointed lobes.
Lactescent. Containing milk or a milk-like substance.
''[[Lactescent]]''. Containing milk or a milk-like substance.
Lacunose. Having holes or empty places, particularly in the anatomical structure.
''[[Lacunose]]''. Having holes or empty places, particularly in the anatomical structure.
Lamella. A thin flat plate or part.
''[[Lamella]]''. A thin flat plate or part.
Lamina. The blade of a leaf or petal or other expanded part or body.
''[[Lamina]]''. The blade of a leaf or petal or other expanded part or body.
Lanceolate. Lance-shaped; much longer than broad; widening above the. base and tapering to the apex.
''[[Lanceolate]]''. Lance-shaped; much longer than broad; widening above the. base and tapering to the apex.
Lapidose. Found in stony places.
''[[Lapidose]]''. Found in stony places.
Lateral. On or at the side.
''[[Lateral]]''. On or at the side.
Layer, A branch that takes root and gives rise to an independent plant.
''[[Layer]]'', A branch that takes root and gives rise to an independent plant.
Leaflet. One part of a compound leaf; secondary leaf.
''[[Leaflet]]''. One part of a compound leaf; secondary leaf.
Leaf-stalk. The stem of a leaf; petiole; foot-stalk.
''[[Leaf-stalk]]''. The stem of a leaf; petiole; foot-stalk.
Legume. Simple pericarp dehiscing on both sutures; pod.
''[[Legume]]''. Simple pericarp dehiscing on both sutures; pod.
Lemma. In grasses, the flowering glume,—the lower of the two bracts immediately inclosing the flower.
''[[Lemma]]''. In grasses, the flowering glume,—the lower of the two bracts immediately inclosing the flower.
Lenticular. Lentil-shaped; lens-shaped.
''[[Lenticular]]''. Lentil-shaped; lens-shaped.
Lepals. Sterile stamens, particularly those nectaries or scales representing stamens; term little used.
''[[Lepals]]''. Sterile stamens, particularly those nectaries or scales representing stamens; term little used.
Lepidote. Surfaced with small scurfy scales.
''[[Lepidote]]''. Surfaced with small scurfy scales.
Liana, liane. A woody twining or climbing plant entangling a tropical forest.
''[[Liana]], liane''. A woody twining or climbing plant entangling a tropical forest.
Life-history. The sum of the events in the life of a plant.
''[[Life-history]]''. The sum of the events in the life of a plant.
Ligneous. Woody.
''[[Ligneous]]''. Woody.
Ligulf. A strap-shaped organ or body; particularly, a strap-shaped corolla, as in the ray-flowers of composites; also a projection from the top of the sheath in grasses and similar plants.
''[[Ligule]]''. A strap-shaped organ or body; particularly, a strap-shaped corolla, as in the ray-flowers of composites; also a projection from the top of the sheath in grasses and similar plants.
Limb. The expanded flat part of an organ; in particular, the expanding part of a gamopetalous corolla.
''[[Limb]]''. The expanded flat part of an organ; in particular, the expanding part of a gamopetalous corolla.
Limbate. Surrounded by an edging of another color; margined with color; also, provided with a limb.
''[[Limbate]]''. Surrounded by an edging of another color; margined with color; also, provided with a limb.
Line. One-twelfth of an inch.
''[[Line]]''. One-twelfth of an inch.
Linear. Long and narrow, the sides parallel or nearly so.
''[[Linear]]''. Long and narrow, the sides parallel or nearly so.
Lineate. Lined; bearing thin parallel lines.
''[[Lineate]]''. Lined; bearing thin parallel lines.
Linguiform. Shaped like a lingula, or with a projecting tongue-like part or process.
''[[Linguiform]]''. Shaped like a lingula, or with a projecting tongue-like part or process.
Lip. One of the parts in an unequally divided corolla or calyx; these parts are usually two, the upper lip and the lower lip, although one lip is sometimes wanting; the upper lip of orchids is by a twist of the stipe made to appear as the lower; a labium.
''[[Lip]]''. One of the parts in an unequally divided corolla or calyx; these parts are usually two, the upper lip and the lower lip, although one lip is sometimes wanting; the upper lip of orchids is by a twist of the stipe made to appear as the lower; a labium.
Lobe. Any part or segment of an organ; specifically a part of petal or calyx or leaf that represents a division to about the middle.
''[[Lobe]]''. Any part or segment of an organ; specifically a part of petal or calyx or leaf that represents a division to about the middle.
Lobule. A small lobe.
''[[Lobule]]''. A small lobe.
Locule. Compartment or cell of a pistil or anther.
''[[Locule]]''. Compartment or cell of a pistil or anther.
Loculiddal. Dehiscence between the partitions into the cavity.
''[[Loculicidal]]''. Dehiscence between the partitions into the cavity.
Lodicule. A small scale in a grass flower, between the lemma and stamens.
''[[Lodicule]]''. A small scale in a grass flower, between the lemma and stamens.
Lament. A legume wilh constrictions or articulations.
''[[Loment]]''. A legume wilh constrictions or articulations.
Lorate. Strap-shaped.
''[[Lorate]]''. Strap-shaped.
Lyratc. Pinnatifid but with an enlarged terminal lobe and smaller lower lobes.
''[[Lyrate]]''. Pinnatifid but with an enlarged terminal lobe and smaller lower lobes.
Medullary. Relating to the pith; the medullary rays seen in cross-sections of woody trunks radiate from the medulla or pith.
''[[Medullary]]''. Relating to the pith; the medullary rays seen in cross-sections of woody trunks radiate from the medulla or pith.
Meniscoidal. Like a meniscus or disk; with the form of a watch-crystal.
''[[Meniscoidal]]''. Like a meniscus or disk; with the form of a watch-crystal.
Mericarp. The peculiar seed-like fruit of the Umbelliferae.
''[[Mericarp]]''. The peculiar seed-like fruit of the Umbelliferae.
-merous. In composition, referring to the numbers of parts; as flowers 5-merous, in which the parts of each kind or series are five or in fives.
''[[-merous]]''. In composition, referring to the numbers of parts; as flowers 5-merous, in which the parts of each kind or series are five or in fives.
Mesocarp. Middle layer or part of a pericarp; the part between the endocarp and exocarp.
''[[Mesocarp]]''. Middle layer or part of a pericarp; the part between the endocarp and exocarp.
Mesochil. The intermediate or middle part of the lip of orchids when the lip is separated into three parts.
''[[Mesochil]]''. The intermediate or middle part of the lip of orchids when the lip is separated into three parts.
Micropyle. The opening through which impregnation takes place; the point on the seed marking the orifice of the ovule.
''[[Micropyle]]''. The opening through which impregnation takes place; the point on the seed marking the orifice of the ovule.
Midrib. The main rib of a leaf or leaf-like part.
''[[Midrib]]''. The main rib of a leaf or leaf-like part.
Mitriform. Mitre-shaped, or like a cap.
''[[Mitriform]]''. Mitre-shaped, or like a cap.
Monadelphous. Stamens united in one group by their filaments as in many Leguminosse.
''[[Monadelphous]]''. Stamens united in one group by their filaments as in many Leguminosse.
Monitiform. Suggesting a string of beads.
''[[Moniliform]]''. Suggesting a string of beads.
Mono-. In Greek compounds, signifying one.
''[[Mono-]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying one.
Monoclinoug. Hermaphrodite; perfect; the two sexes in the same flower. See Diclinous.
''[[Monoclinous]]''. Hermaphrodite; perfect; the two sexes in the same flower. See Diclinous.
Monocotyledonous. With a single cotyledon.
''[[Monocotyledonous]]''. With a single cotyledon.
Monoecious. Staminate and pistillate flowers on same plant.
''[[Monoecious]]''. Staminate and pistillate flowers on same plant.
Monogynous. With only one style.
''[[Monogynous]]''. With only one style.
Monopetolous. One-petaled; all the petals united to form one body or organ, as a gamopetalous corolla.
''[[Monopetalous]]''. One-petaled; all the petals united to form one body or organ, as a gamopetalous corolla.
Monopodiol. Axial direction continued by growth from terminal bud or persistence of the leader.
''[[Monopodiol]]''. Axial direction continued by growth from terminal bud or persistence of the leader.
Monostichous. In one row.
''[[Monostichous]]''. In one row.
Monstrosity. Deformity; any unusual or non-typical kind of development.
''[[Monstrosity]]''. Deformity; any unusual or non-typical kind of development.
Morphology. The science or subject that treats of forms or of the transformations of organs.
''[[Morphology]]''. The science or subject that treats of forms or of the transformations of organs.
Mucose. With a slimy covering or secretion.
''[[Mucose]]''. With a slimy covering or secretion.
Mucro. A short and sharp abrupt tip.
''[[Mucro]]''. A short and sharp abrupt tip.
Mule. An old word for a cross, particularly between different species; hybrid; cross-breed.
''[[Mule]]''. An old word for a cross, particularly between different species; hybrid; cross-breed.
Multifid. Cut or cleft into many narrow lobes or parts.
''[[Multifid]]''. Cut or cleft into many narrow lobes or parts.
Multiple. Of several or many distinct parts.
''[[Multiple]]''. Of several or many distinct parts.
Multiple fruit. The united product (in one body) of several or many flowers.
''[[Multiple fruit]]''. The united product (in one body) of several or many flowers.
Multiseptote. With many divisions or chambers, as some nuts.
''[[Multiseptate]]''. With many divisions or chambers, as some nuts.
Muscariform. In form of a brush or fly-brush.
''[[Muscariform]]''. In form of a brush or fly-brush.
Mycelium. Vegetative part of a fungus, composed of threads or thready tissue.
''[[Mycelium]]''. Vegetative part of a fungus, composed of threads or thready tissue.
Naked flower. With no floral envelopes; without calyx and corolla.
''[[Naked flower]]''. With no floral envelopes; without calyx and corolla.
Napiform. Turnip-shaped; more or less short-fusiform; broader than high and abruptly tapering both ways.
''[[Napiform]]''. Turnip-shaped; more or less short-fusiform; broader than high and abruptly tapering both ways.
Navicular. Boat-shaped; cymbiform.
''[[Navicular]]''. Boat-shaped; cymbiform.
Nectariferous. Nectar-bearing.
''[[Nectariferous]]''. Nectar-bearing.
Nectary. A structure or organ that secretes nectar.
''[[Nectary]]''. A structure or organ that secretes nectar.
Nephroid. Kidney-shaped; reniform.
''[[Nephroid]]''. Kidney-shaped; reniform.
Nerve. A vein or slender rib, particularly if not branched.
''[[Nerve]]''. A vein or slender rib, particularly if not branched.
Netted. Marked with reticulated lines or nerves that project somewhat above the surface.
''[[Netted]]''. Marked with reticulated lines or nerves that project somewhat above the surface.
Neuter, neutral. Neither stamens nor pistils; sexless.
''[[Neuter]], neutral''. Neither stamens nor pistils; sexless.
Nidulate. Nested; as if like or borne in a nidus or nest.
''[[Nidulate]]''. Nested; as if like or borne in a nidus or nest.
Node. A joint where a leaf is borne or may be borne; also incorrectly the space between two joints, which is properly an internode.
''[[Node]]''. A joint where a leaf is borne or may be borne; also incorrectly the space between two joints, which is properly an internode.
Nucleus. The kernel of a seed; the central denser structure of a cell.
''[[Nucleus]]''. The kernel of a seed; the central denser structure of a cell.
Nucule. A small nutlet; any hard seed-like fruit or part.
''[[Nucule]]''. A small nutlet; any hard seed-like fruit or part.
Nut. An indehiscent 1-celled and 1-seeded hard and bony fruit, even if resulting from a compound ovary.
''[[Nut]]''. An indehiscent 1-celled and 1-seeded hard and bony fruit, even if resulting from a compound ovary.
Nutlet. A small or diminutive nut; nucule.
''[[Nutlet]]''. A small or diminutive nut; nucule.
Ob-. A Latin syllable, usually signifying inversion.
''[[Ob-]]''. A Latin syllable, usually signifying inversion.
Obconical. Inversely conical; cone attached at the small point.
''[[Obconical]]''. Inversely conical; cone attached at the small point.
Oblanceolale. Inversely lanceolate; with the broadest part of a lanceolate body away from the point of attachment.
''[[Oblanceolate]]''. Inversely lanceolate; with the broadest part of a lanceolate body away from the point of attachment.
Oblique. Slanting; unequal-sided.
''[[Oblique]]''. Slanting; unequal-sided.
Oblong. Longer than broad, and with the sides nearly or quite parallel most of their length.
''[[Oblong]]''. Longer than broad, and with the sides nearly or quite parallel most of their length.
Obomte. Inverted ovate.
''[[Obovate]]''. Inverted ovate.
Obovoid. An ovoid body attached at the smaller end.
''[[Obovoid]]''. An ovoid body attached at the smaller end.
Obsolescent. Nearly obsolete; becoming rudimentary.
''[[Obsolescent]]''. Nearly obsolete; becoming rudimentary.
Obsolete. Not evident or apparent; rudimentary.
''[[Obsolete]]''. Not evident or apparent; rudimentary.
Obtuse. Blunt, rounded.
''[[Obtuse]]''. Blunt, rounded.
Ocettated. Eyed; a circular spot of one color inside a larger spot or area of another color.
''[[Ocellated]]''. Eyed; a circular spot of one color inside a larger spot or area of another color.
Ochraceous. Ochre-yellow, gradually changing to brown.
''[[Ochraceous]]''. Ochre-yellow, gradually changing to brown.
Ocrea. A boot-shaped or tubular stipule, as in Polygonum.
''[[Ocrea]]''. A boot-shaped or tubular stipule, as in Polygonum.
Oculus. An eye; a leaf-bud when used as a cutting.
''[[Oculus]]''. An eye; a leaf-bud when used as a cutting.
Offset. A plant arising close to the base of mother plant.
''[[Offset]]''. A plant arising close to the base of mother plant.
Oleaginous. Fleshy and oily.
''[[Oleaginous]]''. Fleshy and oily.
Oligos. In Greek compounds, signifying few.
''[[Oligos]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying few.
Opaque. Dull; not translucent or shining.
''[[Opaque]]''. Dull; not translucent or shining.
Operculum. A lid, as of a circumscissile capsule.
''[[Operculum]]''. A lid, as of a circumscissile capsule.
Orthos. In Greek compounds, signifying straight.
''[[Orthos]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying straight.
Orthotropous (ovule or seed). An erect straight seed, with the micropyle at the apex and hilum at the base.
''[[Orthotropous]]'' (ovule or seed). An erect straight seed, with the micropyle at the apex and hilum at the base.
Osseous. Bony, hard, brittle; of very close texture.
''[[Osseous]]''. Bony, hard, brittle; of very close texture.
Ovary. Ovule-bearing part of a pistil.
''[[Ovary]]''. Ovule-bearing part of a pistil.
Ovate. With an outline like that of hen's egg cut in two lengthwise, the broader end downward.
''[[Ovate]]''. With an outline like that of hen's egg cut in two lengthwise, the broader end downward.
Otoid. A solid that is oval in outline.
''[[Ovoid]]''. A solid that is oval in outline.
Ovule. The body which, after fertilization, becomes the seed.
''[[Ovule]]''. The body which, after fertilization, becomes the seed.
Ovuliferous. Ovule-bearing.
''[[Ovuliferous]]''. Ovule-bearing.
Painted. Said of colors that are in streaks of unequal brilliancy.
''[[Painted]]''. Said of colors that are in streaks of unequal brilliancy.
Palate. In personate corollas, a rounded projection or prominence of the lower lip, closing the throat or very nearly so.
''[[Palate]]''. In personate corollas, a rounded projection or prominence of the lower lip, closing the throat or very nearly so.
Palea, palet. In the grass flower, the upper of the two inclosing bracts, -the lower one being the lemma.
''[[Palea]], palet''. In the grass flower, the upper of the two inclosing bracts, -the lower one being the lemma.
Palmate. Lobed or divided in a palm-like or hand-like fashion.
''[[Palmate]]''. Lobed or divided in a palm-like or hand-like fashion.
Palmatifid. Cut about half way down in a palmate form.
''[[Palmatifid]]''. Cut about half way down in a palmate form.
Panicle. A branching raceme; flower-cluster in which the branches are racemose, the flowers being pedicellate.
''[[Panicle]]''. A branching raceme; flower-cluster in which the branches are racemose, the flowers being pedicellate.
Papilionaceous corolla. Butterfly-like; pea-like flower, with a standard, wings, and keel.
''[[Papilionaceous corolla]]''. Butterfly-like; pea-like flower, with a standard, wings, and keel.
Pappiform. Pappus-like.
''[[Pappiform]]''. Pappus-like.
Pappus. Peculiar calyx-limb of composites, being plumose, bristle-like, scales, or otherwise.
''[[Pappus]]''. Peculiar calyx-limb of composites, being plumose, bristle-like, scales, or otherwise.
Parasitic. Growing and living on or in another organism.
''[[Parasitic]]''. Growing and living on or in another organism.
Parietal. Borne on the paries or wall (inner surface) of a capsule.
''[[Parietal]]''. Borne on the paries or wall (inner surface) of a capsule.
Parted. Cleft or cut not quite to the base.
''[[Parted]]''. Cleft or cut not quite to the base.
Parthenogenetic. Seed developing without fertilization or fecundation.
''[[Parthenogenetic]]''. Seed developing without fertilization or fecundation.
Partial. Of secondary importance or rank.
''[[Partial]]''. Of secondary importance or rank.
Partite. Divided very nearly to the base.
''[[Partite]]''. Divided very nearly to the base.
Partitioned. Divided in compartments or chambers by internal horizontal partitions.
''[[Partitioned]]''. Divided in compartments or chambers by internal horizontal partitions.
Pathological. Diseased.
''[[Pathological]]''. Diseased.
Pedicel. Stem of one flower in a cluster.
''[[Pedicel]]''. Stem of one flower in a cluster.
Peduncle. Stem of a flower-cluster or of a solitary flower.
''[[Peduncle]]''. Stem of a flower-cluster or of a solitary flower.
Pellucid. Clear, transparent; that can nearly be seen through.
''[[Pellucid]]''. Clear, transparent; that can nearly be seen through.
Peltate. Attached to its stalk inside the margin; peltate leaves are usually shield-shaped.
''[[Peltate]]''. Attached to its stalk inside the margin; peltate leaves are usually shield-shaped.
Penninerved. Nerves arising along the length of a central midrib.
''[[Penninerved]]''. Nerves arising along the length of a central midrib.
Pentamerous. In fives.
''[[Pentamerous]]''. In fives.
Pepo. Fruit of pumpkin, squash, and the like.
''[[Pepo]]''. Fruit of pumpkin, squash, and the like.
Perennial. Of three or more seasons' duration.
''[[Perennial]]''. Of three or more seasons' duration.
Perfect flower. One that has both stamens and pistil.
''[[Perfect flower]]''. One that has both stamens and pistil.
Perfoliate. The stem apparently passing through the part, as a leaf; united around the stem.
''[[Perfoliate]]''. The stem apparently passing through the part, as a leaf; united around the stem.
Pergameneous, pergamentaceous. Texture of parchment.
''[[Pergameneous]], pergamentaceous''. Texture of parchment.
Peri-. In Greek compounds, signifying around.
''[[Peri-]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying around.
Perianth. The floral envelope considered together; commonly used for flowers in which there is usually no clear distinction between calyx and corolla, as the lilies.
''[[Perianth]]''. The floral envelope considered together; commonly used for flowers in which there is usually no clear distinction between calyx and corolla, as the lilies.
Pericarp. The ripened ovary.
''[[Pericarp]]''. The ripened ovary.
Perigynium. The sac or utricle that incloses the ovary or achene in Carex; it is sometimes inflated.
''[[Perigynium]]''. The sac or utricle that incloses the ovary or achene in Carex; it is sometimes inflated.
Perigynous. Borne around the ovary and not beneath it, as when calyx, corolla and stamens are borne on the edge of a cup-shaped hypanthium; such cases are said to exhibit perigyny.
''[[Perigynous]]''. Borne around the ovary and not beneath it, as when calyx, corolla and stamens are borne on the edge of a cup-shaped hypanthium; such cases are said to exhibit perigyny.
Persistent. Remaining attached; not falling off.
''[[Persistent]]''. Remaining attached; not falling off.
Personate. Said of a two-lipped corolla the throat of whichn is closed by a palate, as in toad-flax.
''[[Personate]]''. Said of a two-lipped corolla the throat of whichn is closed by a palate, as in toad-flax.
Petal. One of the separate leaves of a corolla.
''[[Petal]]''. One of the separate leaves of a corolla.
Petaloid. Petal-like; of color and shape resembling a petal.
''[[Petaloid]]''. Petal-like; of color and shape resembling a petal.
Petiole. Leaf-stalk.
''[[Petiole]]''. Leaf-stalk.
Petiolule. Stalk of a leaflet.
''[[Petiolule]]''. Stalk of a leaflet.
Phalanges (plural of phalanx). The groups or bundles of stamens in diadelphous or polyadelphous flowers.
''[[Phalanges]]'' (plural of ''phalanx''). The groups or bundles of stamens in diadelphous or polyadelphous flowers.
Phenogam, phenogamous. Flowering plants; seed-bearing plants (as distinguished from spore-bearing, or cryptogams).
''[[Phenogam]], phenogamous''. Flowering plants; seed-bearing plants (as distinguished from spore-bearing, or cryptogams).
Phyllodium. Leaf-like petiole and no blade, as in some acacias and other plants.
''[[Phyllodium]]''. Leaf-like petiole and no blade, as in some acacias and other plants.
Phyllotaxy. Order of arrangement of leaves on the stem.
''[[Phyllotaxy]]''. Order of arrangement of leaves on the stem.
Phylology. The study of plants, particularly of the kinds or species; botany.
''[[Phylology]]''. The study of plants, particularly of the kinds or species; botany.
Pileate, pileiform. With the form of a pileus or rimless cap; in particular, pertaining to the cap of a mushroom.
''[[Pileate]], pileiform''. With the form of a pileus or rimless cap; in particular, pertaining to the cap of a mushroom.
Pinna. A primary division or leaflet of a pinnate leaf.
''[[Pinna]]''. A primary division or leaflet of a pinnate leaf.
Pinnate. Feather-formed; with the leaflets of a compound leaf placed on either side of the rachis.
''[[Pinnate]]''. Feather-formed; with the leaflets of a compound leaf placed on either side of the rachis.
Pinnatifid. Cleft or parted in a pinnate (rather than palmate) way.
''[[Pinnatifid]]''. Cleft or parted in a pinnate (rather than palmate) way.
Pinnatipartite. Pinnately-parted.
''[[Pinnatipartite]]''. Pinnately-parted.
Pinnatisect. Cut down to the midrib in a pinnate way.
''[[Pinnatisect]]''. Cut down to the midrib in a pinnate way.
Pinnule. A secondary pinna or leaflet in a pinnately decompound leaf.
''[[Pinnule]]''. A secondary pinna or leaflet in a pinnately decompound leaf.
Pip. A perpendicular or upright small rootstock used in propagation, as of lily-of-the-valley.
''[[Pip]]''. A perpendicular or upright small rootstock used in propagation, as of lily-of-the-valley.
Pisiform. Pea-shaped; pea-like.
''[[Pisiform]]''. Pea-shaped; pea-like.
Pistil. The ovule-bearing and seed-bearing organ.
''[[Pistil]]''. The ovule-bearing and seed-bearing organ.
Pistillate. Having pistils and no stamens; female.
''[[Pistillate]]''. Having pistils and no stamens; female.
Pitted. Having little depressions or cavities.
''[[Pitted]]''. Having little depressions or cavities.
Placenta. Part or place in the ovary where ovules are attached.
''[[Placenta]]''. Part or place in the ovary where ovules are attached.
Plaited. Folded lengthwise, as a closed fan.
''[[Plaited]]''. Folded lengthwise, as a closed fan.
Plane. Evenly flat, rather than wrinkled, folded, grooved or otherwise.
''[[Plane]]''. Evenly flat, rather than wrinkled, folded, grooved or otherwise.
Plalys. In Greek combinations, signifying broad or wide.
''[[Platys]]''. In Greek combinations, signifying broad or wide.
Plumose. Plumy; feather-like; with fine hairs, as the pappus of some composites.
''[[Plumose]]''. Plumy; feather-like; with fine hairs, as the pappus of some composites.
Plumule. The bud in the embryo.
''[[Plumule]]''. The bud in the embryo.
Plur-annual. Of one season's duration only because killed by frost.
''[[Plur-annual]]''. Of one season's duration only because killed by frost.
Pod. A dehiscent dry pericarp.
''[[Pod]]''. A dehiscent dry pericarp.
Pollen. Spores or grains borne by the anther, containing the male element; sometimes it is not granular.
''[[Pollen]]''. Spores or grains borne by the anther, containing the male element; sometimes it is not granular.
Pollination. The mechanical or physical operation of transfering pollen from stamen to pistil.
''[[Pollination]]''. The mechanical or physical operation of transfering pollen from stamen to pistil.
Polliniferous. Bearing-pollen.
''[[Polliniferous]]''. Bearing-pollen.
Pollinium. A coherent mass of pollen, as in orchids and milkweeds.
''[[Pollinium]]''. A coherent mass of pollen, as in orchids and milkweeds.
Poly-. In Greek combinations, signifying numerous or many.
''[[Poly-]]''. In Greek combinations, signifying numerous or many.
Polyadelphous. The stamens in many bundles or fascicles.
''[[Polyadelphous]]''. The stamens in many bundles or fascicles.
Polygamous. Bearing imperfect and hermaphrodite flowers on the same plant.
''[[Polygamous]]''. Bearing imperfect and hermaphrodite flowers on the same plant.
Polymerous. Of many parts or series.
''[[Polymerous]]''. Of many parts or series.
Pome. Fruit of apple, pear, quince, etc.
''[[Pome]]''. Fruit of apple, pear, quince, etc.
Porose. With small holes, pores or perforations.
''[[Porose]]''. With small holes, pores or perforations.
Posterior. At or toward the back; opposite the front; toward the axis; away from the subtending bract.
''[[Posterior]]''. At or toward the back; opposite the front; toward the axis; away from the subtending bract.
Praefoliation. Arrangement of leaves in the bud; vernation.
''[[Praefoliation]]''. Arrangement of leaves in the bud; vernation.
Prsemorse, Jagged; as if bitten off.
''[[Praemorse]]''. Jagged; as if bitten off.
Prickle. A small and weak spine-like body borne irregularly on the bark or epidermis.
''[[Prickle]]''. A small and weak spine-like body borne irregularly on the bark or epidermis.
Prismatic. Prism-shaped; with plane sides separated by angles, body of nearly uniform size throughout, and with similar end-sections.
''[[Prismatic]]''. Prism-shaped; with plane sides separated by angles, body of nearly uniform size throughout, and with similar end-sections.
Process. An extension of any surface or part beyond the main outline.
''[[Process]]''. An extension of any surface or part beyond the main outline.
Procumbent. Trailing or lying flat, but not rooting.
''[[Procumbent]]''. Trailing or lying flat, but not rooting.
Proliferous. Bearing offshoots or redundant parts; bearing other similar structures on itself.
''[[Proliferous]]''. Bearing offshoots or redundant parts; bearing other similar structures on itself.
Proterandrous. Anthers maturing before pistils.
''[[Proterandrous]]''. Anthers maturing before pistils.
Proterogynous. Pistils maturing before anthers.
''[[Proterogynous]]''. Pistils maturing before anthers.
Pseud-annual. Perennial by means of bulbs, corms, or tubers.
''[[Pseud-annual]]''. Perennial by means of bulbs, corms, or tubers.
Pseitdo-. In Greek compounds, signifying spurious or false.
''[[Pseudo-]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying spurious or false.
Pseudobulb. The thickened or bulb-form stems of certain orchids, the part being solid and borne above ground.
''[[Pseudobulb]]''. The thickened or bulb-form stems of certain orchids, the part being solid and borne above ground.
Puberulent. Somewhat or minutely pubescent.
''[[Puberulent]]''. Somewhat or minutely pubescent.
Pubescent. Covered with short, soft hairs; downy.
''[[Pubescent]]''. Covered with short, soft hairs; downy.
Pulverulent. Powdered or dusty.
''[[Pulverulent]]''. Powdered or dusty.
Pulrrinate. Cushioned; with a cushion-like enlargement or structure, as at the base of some petioles or leaflets.
''[[Pulvinate]]''. Cushioned; with a cushion-like enlargement or structure, as at the base of some petioles or leaflets.
Punctate. With translucent or colored dots or depressions or pits.
''[[Punctate]]''. With translucent or colored dots or depressions or pits.
Pungent. Ending in a stiff sharp point or tip; also acrid (to the taste).
''[[Pungent]]''. Ending in a stiff sharp point or tip; also acrid (to the taste).
Putamen. The hard or bony shell of a nut or of a stone- fruit.
''[[Putamen]]''. The hard or bony shell of a nut or of a stone- fruit.
Pyrene, pyrena. Nutlet, particularly the nutlet in a drupe.
''[[Pyrene]], pyrena''. Nutlet, particularly the nutlet in a drupe.
Pyriform. Pear-formed or -shaped.
''[[Pyriform]]''. Pear-formed or -shaped.
Pyxis. Pod opening or dehiscing by a transverse ring.
''[[Pyxis]]''. Pod opening or dehiscing by a transverse ring.