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Quadrangular. Four-angled.
''[[Quadrangular]]''. Four-angled.
Quaternate. In fours.
''[[Quaternate]]''. In fours.
Quincunx. Five plants in a square, one of them being in the center.
''[[Quincunx]]''. Five plants in a square, one of them being in the center.
Quintupled. Five times; multiplied by five.
''[[Quintupled]]''. Five times; multiplied by five.
Raceme. A simple elongated indeterminate cluster with stalked flowers.
''[[Raceme]]''. A simple elongated indeterminate cluster with stalked flowers.
RachUla, rhachilla. A diminutive or secondary axis, or rachis; in particular, in the grasses and sedges the axis that bears the florets.
''[[Rachilla]], rhachilla''. A diminutive or secondary axis, or rachis; in particular, in the grasses and sedges the axis that bears the florets.
Rachis. Axis bearing flowers or leaflets; petiole of a fern frond (plural rachides or rachises).
''[[Rachis]]''. Axis bearing flowers or leaflets; petiole of a fern frond (plural rachides or rachises).
Radiate. Standing on and spreading from a common center; also, with ray-flowers, as in the Composite.
''[[Radiate]]''. Standing on and spreading from a common center; also, with ray-flowers, as in the Composite.
Radical. Belonging or pertaining to the root.
''[[Radical]]''. Belonging or pertaining to the root.
Radicle. The inferior or downward part of the embryo below the cotyledons; caudicle.
''[[Radicle]]''. The inferior or downward part of the embryo below the cotyledons; caudicle.
Radix. Root.
''[[Radix]]''. Root.
Rameal. Pertaining to a branch or branches.
''[[Rameal]]''. Pertaining to a branch or branches.
Ramentn. Chaffy loose scales borne on leaves and stems, as on the stems of ferns.
''[[Ramenia. Chaffy loose scales borne on leaves and stems, as on the stems of ferns.
Ramification. The mode or style of branching of a plant.
''[[Ramification]]''. The mode or style of branching of a plant.
Raphe, rhaphe. The cord or ridge of fibro-vascular tissue connecting the hilum and chaluza on a seed (when the hilum and chalaza are separated).
''[[Raphe]], rhaphe''. The cord or ridge of fibro-vascular tissue connecting the hilum and chaluza on a seed (when the hilum and chalaza are separated).
Ray. Outer modified florets of some composites, with an extended or strap-like part to the corolla; also thebranches of an umbel or umbel-like cluster.
''[[Ray]]''. Outer modified florets of some composites, with an extended or strap-like part to the corolla; also thebranches of an umbel or umbel-like cluster.
Receptacle. Torus; the more or less enlarged or elongated end of the stem or flower-axis on which some or all of the flower-parts are borne; sometimes the receptacle is greatly expanded, as in the Composite; sometimes it assumes capsule-like forms, as in the hypanthium of the rose.
''[[Receptacle]]''. Torus; the more or less enlarged or elongated end of the stem or flower-axis on which some or all of the flower-parts are borne; sometimes the receptacle is greatly expanded, as in the Composite; sometimes it assumes capsule-like forms, as in the hypanthium of the rose.
Reclinate, reclining. Bent down or falling back from the perpendicular.
''[[Reclinate]], reclining''. Bent down or falling back from the perpendicular.
Recondite. Concealed; difficult to make out; not easily recognized.
''[[Recondite]]''. Concealed; difficult to make out; not easily recognized.
Recurved. Bent or curved downward or backward.
''[[Recurved]]''. Bent or curved downward or backward.
Reflexed. Abruptly recurved or bent downward or backward.
''[[Reflexed]]''. Abruptly recurved or bent downward or backward.
Regular flower. With the parts in each series or set alike; aa stamens all like each other, petals all like each other.
''[[Regular flower]]''. With the parts in each series or set alike; aa stamens all like each other, petals all like each other.
Reinforced fruit. With other parts grown to the pericarp.
''[[Reinforced fruit]]''. With other parts grown to the pericarp.
Remote. Separated by spaces longer than common.
''[[Remote]]''. Separated by spaces longer than common.
Reniform. Kidney-shaped.
''[[Reniform]]''. Kidney-shaped.
Repent. Creeping; rooting at the joints.
''[[Repent]]''. Creeping; rooting at the joints.
Resupinate. Upside down; turned over.
''[[Resupinate]]''. Upside down; turned over.
Retrorse. Bent or turned over back or downward.
''[[Retrorse]]''. Bent or turned over back or downward.
Revolute. Rolled backward, margin rolled toward lower side. See Involute.
''[[Revolute]]''. Rolled backward, margin rolled toward lower side. See Involute.
Rhachis. See [[Rachis]].
''[[Rhachis]]''. See [[Rachis]].
Rhaphe. See [[Raphe]].
''[[Rhaphe]]''. See [[Raphe]].
Rhizome. Underground stem; rootstock.
''[[Rhizome]]''. Underground stem; rootstock.
Rhizos. In Greek compounds, signifying root.
''[[Rhizos]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying root.
Rib. In a leaf or similar organ, the primary vein; also any prominent vein or nerve.
''[[Rib]]''. In a leaf or similar organ, the primary vein; also any prominent vein or nerve.
Rimosi. With cracks or chinks.
''[[Rimose]]''. With cracks or chinks.
Ringent. Gaping; said of labiate flowers with an open throat or mouth.
''[[Ringent]]''. Gaping; said of labiate flowers with an open throat or mouth.
Rootstock. Subterranean stem; rhizome.
''[[Rootstock]]''. Subterranean stem; rhizome.
Rottellum. A little beak; particularly a projection above the stigma in the orchid flower.
''[[Rostellum]]''. A little beak; particularly a projection above the stigma in the orchid flower.
Rosnia. A rosette, or dense more or less flat imbricated cluster of leaves.
''[[Rosula]]''. A rosette, or dense more or less flat imbricated cluster of leaves.
Rosuiate. In a rosula or rosette.
''[[Rosulate]]''. In a rosula or rosette.
Rotate. Wheel-shaped; with short or obsolete tube and a flat and circular limb.
''[[Rotate]]''. Wheel-shaped; with short or obsolete tube and a flat and circular limb.
Rotund. Nearly circular; orbicular, inclining to be oblong.
''[[Rotund]]''. Nearly circular; orbicular, inclining to be oblong.
Rudimentary. Incomplete; very little developed.
''[[Rudimentary]]''. Incomplete; very little developed.
Ruminated. Chewed; particularly applied to wrinkled albumen in seeds that are irregularly channeled or pierced, as in nutmeg and in annona fruits.
''[[Ruminated]]''. Chewed; particularly applied to wrinkled albumen in seeds that are irregularly channeled or pierced, as in nutmeg and in annona fruits.
Runcinate. Said of sharply lobed or cut leaves that have the segments directed backward.
''[[Runcinate]]''. Said of sharply lobed or cut leaves that have the segments directed backward.
Runner. A slender trailing shoot taking root at the nodes.
''[[Runner]]''. A slender trailing shoot taking root at the nodes.
Sabulose. Growing in or pertaining to sandy places.
''[[Sabulose]]''. Growing in or pertaining to sandy places.
Saggitate. Like an arrowhead in form; triangular with the basal lobes pointing downward.
''[[Saggitate]]''. Like an arrowhead in form; triangular with the basal lobes pointing downward.
Salver-shaped. With a slender tube and an abruptly expanded flat limb, as that of the phlox; hypocratcriform.
''[[Salver-shaped]]''. With a slender tube and an abruptly expanded flat limb, as that of the phlox; hypocratcriform.
Samara. Indehiscent winged pericarp, as of the maple.
''[[Samara]]''. Indehiscent winged pericarp, as of the maple.
Sap. The watery contents of a plant; an indefinite and undescriptive term little used by botanists.
''[[Sap]]''. The watery contents of a plant; an indefinite and undescriptive term little used by botanists.
Sapid. With a pleasant or savory taste.
''[[Sapid]]''. With a pleasant or savory taste.
Scabrous. Rough; feeling roughish or gritty to the touch.
''[[Scabrous]]''. Rough; feeling roughish or gritty to the touch.
Scale. A name given to many kinds of small mostly dry and appressed leaves or bracts; a vestige.
''[[Scale]]''. A name given to many kinds of small mostly dry and appressed leaves or bracts; a vestige.
Scape. Leafless peduncle arising from the ground; it may bear scales or bracts but no foliage-leaves, and may be one- or many-flowered.
''[[Scape]]''. Leafless peduncle arising from the ground; it may bear scales or bracts but no foliage-leaves, and may be one- or many-flowered.
Scarious. Leaf-like parts or bracts that are not green, but thin, dry, and membranaceous, often more or less translucent.
''[[Scarious]]''. Leaf-like parts or bracts that are not green, but thin, dry, and membranaceous, often more or less translucent.
Scion. See Cion.
''[[Scion]]''. See Cion.
Scleroid. Of a hard texture.
''[[Scleroid]]''. Of a hard texture.
Scorpioid. Said of a cluster in which the flowers are 2- ranked and borne alternately at the right and the left.
''[[Scorpioid]]''. Said of a cluster in which the flowers are 2- ranked and borne alternately at the right and the left.
Seed. The ripened ovule; the essential part is the embryo, and this is contained within integuments.
''[[Seed]]''. The ripened ovule; the essential part is the embryo, and this is contained within integuments.
Seedling. A young plant raised from seed; a plant direct from seed without the intervention of grafting of any kind.
''[[Seedling]]''. A young plant raised from seed; a plant direct from seed without the intervention of grafting of any kind.
Segment. One of the parts of a leaf, petal, calyx or perianth that is divided but not truly compound.
''[[Segment]]''. One of the parts of a leaf, petal, calyx or perianth that is divided but not truly compound.
Self-fertilization. Secured by pollen from same flower; close-fertilization.
''[[Self-fertilization]]''. Secured by pollen from same flower; close-fertilization.
Self-pollination. Transfer of pollen from stamen to pistil of same flower; close-pollination.
''[[Self-pollination]]''. Transfer of pollen from stamen to pistil of same flower; close-pollination.
Sepal. One of the separate leaves of a calyx.
''[[Sepal]]''. One of the separate leaves of a calyx.
Separation. Multiplication of plants by means of naturally detachable asexual bodies or organs, as offsets, stolons.
''[[Separation]]''. Multiplication of plants by means of naturally detachable asexual bodies or organs, as offsets, stolons.
Septate. Partitioned; divided by partitions.
''[[Septate]]''. Partitioned; divided by partitions.
Septicidal. Dehiscence along or in the partitions, not directly into the locule.
''[[Septicidal]]''. Dehiscence along or in the partitions, not directly into the locule.
Septum. A partition.
''[[Septum]]''. A partition.
Sessile. Not stalked; sitting.
''[[Sessile]]''. Not stalked; sitting.
Set. Applied loosely to vegetative parts used in propagation, as to offsets, layers, root-cuttings.
''[[Set]]''. Applied loosely to vegetative parts used in propagation, as to offsets, layers, root-cuttings.
Seta. A bristle.
''[[Seta]]''. A bristle.
Setiform. Bristle-shaped.
''[[Setiform]]''. Bristle-shaped.
Sheath. Any long or more or less tubular structure surrounding an organ or part.
''[[Sheath]]''. Any long or more or less tubular structure surrounding an organ or part.
Shoot. A new plant from the root of the old plant; also any growing twig or axis.
''[[Shoot]]''. A new plant from the root of the old plant; also any growing twig or axis.
Shrub. A woody plant that remains low and produces shoots or trunks from the base.
''[[Shrub]]''. A woody plant that remains low and produces shoots or trunks from the base.
Silicic. The short fruit of certain Cruciferte.
''[[Silicle]]''. The short fruit of certain Cruciferte.
Silique. The long fruit of certain Crucifera;.
''[[Silique]]''. The long fruit of certain Crucifera;.
Silky. A condition produced by a covering of soft appressed fine hairs; sericeus.
''[[Silky]]''. A condition produced by a covering of soft appressed fine hairs; sericeus.
Silvery. With a whitish metallic more or less shining luster.
''[[Silvery]]''. With a whitish metallic more or less shining luster.
Simple pistil. Of one carpel.
''[[Simple pistil]]''. Of one carpel.
Sinus. The space or recess between two lobes of a leaf or other expanded organ.
''[[Sinus]]''. The space or recess between two lobes of a leaf or other expanded organ.
Slip. A softwood cutting "slipped" off or pulled off; applied also to similar parts cut off.
''[[Slip]]''. A softwood cutting "slipped" off or pulled off; applied also to similar parts cut off.
Smooth. Said of surfaces that have no hairiness, roughness or pubescence, particularly of those not rough.
''[[Smooth]]''. Said of surfaces that have no hairiness, roughness or pubescence, particularly of those not rough.
Solitary. Borne singly or alone.
''[[Solitary]]''. Borne singly or alone.
Sorus. A heap or cluster. The fruit-dots or -cluster of ferns (plural sort.)
''[[Sorus]]''. A heap or cluster. The fruit-dots or -cluster of ferns (plural sort.)
Spadix. A thick or fleshy spike of certain plants, as the Araceaj, surrounded or subtended by a spathe.
''[[Spadix]]''. A thick or fleshy spike of certain plants, as the Araceaj, surrounded or subtended by a spathe.
Span. Nine inches; distance from tip of thumb to tip of little finger when the hand is spread out.
''[[Span]]''. Nine inches; distance from tip of thumb to tip of little finger when the hand is spread out.
Spathe. The bract or leaf surrounding or subtending a flower-cluster or a spadix; it is sometimes colored and flower-like, as in the calla.
''[[Spathe]]''. The bract or leaf surrounding or subtending a flower-cluster or a spadix; it is sometimes colored and flower-like, as in the calla.
Spawn. The dried mycelium of mushrooms used in propagation.
''[[Spawn]]''. The dried mycelium of mushrooms used in propagation.
Spheroidal. A solid that is nearly spherical.
''[[Spheroidal]]''. A solid that is nearly spherical.
Spiciform. Spike-form.
''[[Spiciform]]''. Spike-form.
Spiculate. With a small, fleshy and erect point.
''[[Spiculate]]''. With a small, fleshy and erect point.
Spike. Compact, more or less simple indeterminate, mostly elongated cluster, with flowers sessile or nearly so.
''[[Spike]]''. Compact, more or less simple indeterminate, mostly elongated cluster, with flowers sessile or nearly so.
Spikelet. A secondary spike; one part of a compound spike; particularly, one of the ultimate clusters in grosses.
''[[Spikelet]]''. A secondary spike; one part of a compound spike; particularly, one of the ultimate clusters in grosses.
Spine. A strong and sharp-pointed woody body mostly arising from the wood of the stem.
''[[Spine]]''. A strong and sharp-pointed woody body mostly arising from the wood of the stem.
Spinescent. More or less spiny.
''[[Spinescent]]''. More or less spiny.
Spinulc. A little or weak spine.
''[[Spinule]]''. A little or weak spine.
Spontaneous. Said of plants that have escaped from cultivation, but that do not permanently persist.
''[[Spontaneous]]''. Said of plants that have escaped from cultivation, but that do not permanently persist.
Sporangium. A spore-case; a sac or body bearing spores.
''[[Sporangium]]''. A spore-case; a sac or body bearing spores.
Spore. A simple reproductive body, usually composed of a single detached cell, and containing no embryo.
''[[Spore]]''. A simple reproductive body, usually composed of a single detached cell, and containing no embryo.
Sporocarp. A receptacle containing sporangia or spores.
''[[Sporocarp]]''. A receptacle containing sporangia or spores.
Sporophyll. A spore-bearing leaf.
''[[Sporophyll]]''. A spore-bearing leaf.
Spreading. Standing outward or horizontally.
''[[Spreading]]''. Standing outward or horizontally.
Spur. A tubular or sac-like projection from a blossom, as of a petal or sepal; it usually secretes nectar.
''[[Spur]]''. A tubular or sac-like projection from a blossom, as of a petal or sepal; it usually secretes nectar.
Sonoma. A scale.
''[[Squama]]''. A scale.
Squamella. Very small squama or scale.
''[[Squamella]]''. Very small squama or scale.
Stachys. In Greek compounds, signifying a spike.
''[[Stachys]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying a spike.
Stalk. The stem of any organ, as the petiole, peduncle, pedicel, filament, stipe.
''[[Stalk]]''. The stem of any organ, as the petiole, peduncle, pedicel, filament, stipe.
Stamen. The pollen-bearing or "male" organ.
''[[Stamen]]''. The pollen-bearing or "male" organ.
Staminate. Having stamens and no pistils; male.
''[[Staminate]]''. Having stamens and no pistils; male.
Staminode, staminodium. A sterile stamen, or a structure resembling such and borne in the staminal part of the flower; in some flowers (as in Canna) staminodia are petal-like and showy.
''[[Staminode]], staminodium''. A sterile stamen, or a structure resembling such and borne in the staminal part of the flower; in some flowers (as in Canna) staminodia are petal-like and showy.
Standard. The upper and broad more or less erect petal of a papilionaceous flower.
''[[Standard]]''. The upper and broad more or less erect petal of a papilionaceous flower.
Stem. The main axis of a plant; leaf-bearing and flower- bearing as distinguished from the root-bearing axis.
''[[Stem]]''. The main axis of a plant; leaf-bearing and flower- bearing as distinguished from the root-bearing axis.
Sterile flower. Without pistils.
''[[Sterile flower]]''. Without pistils.
Stigma. The part of the pistil that receives the pollen.
''[[Stigma]]''. The part of the pistil that receives the pollen.
Stigmatic. Pertaining to the stigma.
''[[Stigmatic]]''. Pertaining to the stigma.
Stipe. The stalk of a pistil or other small organ; also the petiole of a fern-leaf.
''[[Stipe]]''. The stalk of a pistil or other small organ; also the petiole of a fern-leaf.
Slipel. Stipule of a leaflet.
''[[Stipel]]''. Stipule of a leaflet.
Stipule. A basal appendage of a petiole; the three parts of a complete leaf are blade, petiole, stipules (usually 2)
''[[Stipule]]''. A basal appendage of a petiole; the three parts of a complete leaf are blade, petiole, stipules (usually 2)
Stock. The part on which the cion is grafted; the strain or parentage.
''[[Stock]]''. The part on which the cion is grafted; the strain or parentage.
Stolon. A shoot that bends to the ground and takes root; more commonly, a horizontal stem at or below surface of the ground that gives rise to a new plant at its tip.
''[[Stolon]]''. A shoot that bends to the ground and takes root; more commonly, a horizontal stem at or below surface of the ground that gives rise to a new plant at its tip.
Stone. The "pit" or putamen of a stone fruit.
''[[Stone]]''. The "pit" or putamen of a stone fruit.
Stool. A clump of roots or rootstock that may be used in propagation; also an established low plant from which layers are taken.
''[[Stool]]''. A clump of roots or rootstock that may be used in propagation; also an established low plant from which layers are taken.
Stratification. The operation or method of burying seeds to keep them fresh and to soften their integuments, or to expose them without injury to frost, that they may be more readily and successfully used in propagation.
''[[Stratification]]''. The operation or method of burying seeds to keep them fresh and to soften their integuments, or to expose them without injury to frost, that they may be more readily and successfully used in propagation.
Strict. Straight and upright, little if any branched, often rigid.
''[[Strict]]''. Straight and upright, little if any branched, often rigid.
Strobile. Cone.
''[[Strobile]]''. Cone.
Strophiole. An appendage or protuberance at the hilum. Style. More or less elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and stigma.
''[[Strophiole]]''. An appendage or protuberance at the hilum. Style. More or less elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and stigma.
Stylopodium. Style-foot; an expansion at the base of a style, as in flowers of the Umbelliferee.
''[[Stylopodium]]''. Style-foot; an expansion at the base of a style, as in flowers of the Umbelliferee.
Sub-. Ab a prefix, usually signifying somewhat, slightly or rather.
''[[Sub-]]''. Ab a prefix, usually signifying somewhat, slightly or rather.
Subacute. Somewhat or partially acute.
''[[Subacute]]''. Somewhat or partially acute.
Subcoriaceous. Somewhat or approaching leathery in texture.
''[[Subcoriaceous]]''. Somewhat or approaching leathery in texture.
Subligneous. Partially or somewhat woody.
''[[Subligneous]]''. Partially or somewhat woody.
Subterete. Somewhat or imperfectly terete.
''[[Subterete]]''. Somewhat or imperfectly terete.
Succulent. Juicy; fleshy; soft and thickened in texture.
''[[Succulent]]''. Juicy; fleshy; soft and thickened in texture.
Sucker. A shoot arising from the roots or beneath the surface of the ground.
''[[Sucker]]''. A shoot arising from the roots or beneath the surface of the ground.
Suffrutescent. Partially or slightly shrubby.
''[[Suffrutescent]]''. Partially or slightly shrubby.
Suffruticose. Pertaining to a low and somewhat woody plant; diminutively shrubby or fruticose; woody at base.
''[[Suffruticose]]''. Pertaining to a low and somewhat woody plant; diminutively shrubby or fruticose; woody at base.
Sulcate. Grooved or furrowed lengthwise.
''[[Sulcate]]''. Grooved or furrowed lengthwise.
Superior. Said of an ovary that is free from the calyx.
''[[Superior]]''. Said of an ovary that is free from the calyx.
Supernumerary. Said of buds when there is more than one in an axil.
''[[Supernumerary]]''. Said of buds when there is more than one in an axil.
Suspended. Hanging from the top, as an ovule attached in the top of the locule.
''[[Suspended]]''. Hanging from the top, as an ovule attached in the top of the locule.
Suture. A line or mark of splitting open; a groove marking a natural division or union; the groove lengthwise a plum or similar fruit.
''[[Suture]]''. A line or mark of splitting open; a groove marking a natural division or union; the groove lengthwise a plum or similar fruit.
Symmetrical. Said of a flower that has the same number of parts in each series or circle, as five stamens, five petals.
''[[Symmetrical]]''. Said of a flower that has the same number of parts in each series or circle, as five stamens, five petals.
Symphysis. Growing together; coalescence.
''[[Symphysis]]''. Growing together; coalescence.
Sympodial. Axial growth continued by successive lateral shoots instead of by terminal bud.
''[[Sympodial]]''. Axial growth continued by successive lateral shoots instead of by terminal bud.
Syncarpium. A fruit consisting of many cohering or consolidated carpels.
''[[Syncarpium]]''. A fruit consisting of many cohering or consolidated carpels.
Syncarpous. Having carpels united. See Apocarpus. Syngenesious. Anthers united in a ring, as in Composite.
''[[Syncarpous]]''. Having carpels united. See Apocarpus.
''[[Syngenesious]]''. Anthers united in a ring, as in Compositae.
Tapering. Gradually becoming smaller or diminishing in diameter or width toward one end.
''[[Tapering]]''. Gradually becoming smaller or diminishing in diameter or width toward one end.
Tap-root. A strong nearly or quite perpendicular main root that carries the plant axis straight into the ground, all the other roots being secondary to it, rather than branching equally or diversely at the crown.
''[[Tap-root]]''. A strong nearly or quite perpendicular main root that carries the plant axis straight into the ground, all the other roots being secondary to it, rather than branching equally or diversely at the crown.
Taxonomy. Classification of species.
''[[Taxonomy]]''. Classification of species.
Tendril. A rotating or twisting thread-like process or extension by which a plant grasps an object and clings to it for support; morphologically it may be stem or leaf.
''[[Tendril]]''. A rotating or twisting thread-like process or extension by which a plant grasps an object and clings to it for support; morphologically it may be stem or leaf.
Teratology. The subject of monstrosities, or of abnormal and aberrant forms and malformations.
''[[Teratology]]''. The subject of monstrosities, or of abnormal and aberrant forms and malformations.
Terete. Circular in transverse section; imperfectly cylindrical because the object may taper both ways.
''[[Terete]]''. Circular in transverse section; imperfectly cylindrical because the object may taper both ways.
Terminology. The subject dealing with names.
''[[Terminology]]''. The subject dealing with names.
Ternate. In threes.
''[[Ternate]]''. In threes.
Testa. The outer seed-coat, particularly when bony, hard or brittle.
''[[Testa]]''. The outer seed-coat, particularly when bony, hard or brittle.
Tetradynamous. Six stamens, four being long and two short.
''[[Tetradynamous]]''. Six stamens, four being long and two short.
Tetragonal. Four-angled.
''[[Tetragonal]]''. Four-angled.
Thallus. A flat leaf-like organ; in some cryptogams, the entire cellular plant body without differentiation as to stem and foliage.
''[[Thallus]]''. A flat leaf-like organ; in some cryptogams, the entire cellular plant body without differentiation as to stem and foliage.
Throat. The opening or orifice into a gamopetalous corolla, or perianth; the place where the limb joins the tube.
''[[Throat]]''. The opening or orifice into a gamopetalous corolla, or perianth; the place where the limb joins the tube.
Thyrse, thyrsus. Compact and more or less compound panicle; more correctly a panicle-like cluster with main axis indeterminate and other parts determinate.
''[[Thyrse]], thyrsus''. Compact and more or less compound panicle; more correctly a panicle-like cluster with main axis indeterminate and other parts determinate.
Tip. The plant arising at the end of a stolon, as in the black raspberry.
''[[Tip]]''. The plant arising at the end of a stolon, as in the black raspberry.
Tomentoee. With tomentum; densely woolly or pubescent; with matted soft wool-like hairiness.
''[[Tomentose]]''. With tomentum; densely woolly or pubescent; with matted soft wool-like hairiness.
Tomentulose. Somewhat or delicately tomentose.
''[[Tomentulose]]''. Somewhat or delicately tomentose.
Tortuous. Twisted; with irregular bending and twining.
''[[Tortuous]]''. Twisted; with irregular bending and twining.
Torus. Receptacle.
''[[Torus]]''. Receptacle.
Tree. A woody plant that produces one main trunk and a more or less distinct and elevated head.
''[[Tree]]''. A woody plant that produces one main trunk and a more or less distinct and elevated head.
Tri-. Three or three times.
''[[Tri-]]''. Three or three times.
Tricarpous. Of three carpels or fruits.
''[[Tricarpous]]''. Of three carpels or fruits.
Trichome. A hair, particularly one that is strong or stiff.
''[[Trichome]]''. A hair, particularly one that is strong or stiff.
Tricostate. With three ribs.
''[[Tricostate]]''. With three ribs.
Trifid. Separated about halfway down into three parts.
''[[Trifid]]''. Separated about halfway down into three parts.
Trifoliate. Of three leaves.
''[[Trifoliate]]''. Of three leaves.
Trifoliolate. Of three leaflets.
''[[Trifoliolate]]''. Of three leaflets.
Trigonous. Three-angled.
''[[Trigonous]]''. Three-angled.
Trimerous. In threes.
''[[Trimerous]]''. In threes.
Trimorphous. In three forms; as three lengths of stamens.
''[[Trimorphous]]''. In three forms; as three lengths of stamens.
Tripinnate. Three times pinnate.
''[[Tripinnate]]''. Three times pinnate.
Trisected. In three deeply cut parts.
''[[Trisected]]''. In three deeply cut parts.
Tritemate. Three times three; the leaflets or segments of a twice ternate leaf again in three parts.
''[[Triternate]]''. Three times three; the leaflets or segments of a twice ternate leaf again in three parts.
Truncate. Appearing as if cut off at the end; the end nearly or quite straight across.
''[[Truncate]]''. Appearing as if cut off at the end; the end nearly or quite straight across.
Tuber. A short congested part; usually defined as subterranean (as of a rootstock), although this is not essential.
''[[Tuber]]''. A short congested part; usually defined as subterranean (as of a rootstock), although this is not essential.
Tubercle. .A small tuber, or rounded protruding body.
''[[Tubercle]]''. .A small tuber, or rounded protruding body.
Tuberiferous. Tuber-bearing.
''[[Tuberiferous]]''. Tuber-bearing.
Tuberous. With or resembling a tuber or tubers.
''[[Tuberous]]''. With or resembling a tuber or tubers.
Tumid. Swollen.
''[[Tumid]]''. Swollen.
Tunicated. Provided with concentric or enwrapping coats or layers, as bulb of onion.
''[[Tunicated]]''. Provided with concentric or enwrapping coats or layers, as bulb of onion.
Turgid. Swollen from fullness.
''[[Turgid]]''. Swollen from fullness.
Umbel. Corymbose or indeterminate cluster with branches or rays arising from a common point and about equal in length, resembling framework of umbrella; umbels are characteristic of the Umbellifera.
''[[Umbel]]''. Corymbose or indeterminate cluster with branches or rays arising from a common point and about equal in length, resembling framework of umbrella; umbels are characteristic of the Umbellifera.
Umbellate. Umbelled; with umbels; pertaining to umbels.
''[[Umbellate]]''. Umbelled; with umbels; pertaining to umbels.
Umbellet. Secondary umbel.
''[[Umbellet]]''. Secondary umbel.
Umbellule. Umbellet.
''[[Umbellule]]''. Umbellet.
Uni-. One.
''[[Uni-]]''. One.
Unisexual. Of one sex; staminate or pistillate only.
''[[Unisexual]]''. Of one sex; staminate or pistillate only.
Utricle. A small bladder; a bladdery 1-seeded fruit.
''[[Utricle]]''. A small bladder; a bladdery 1-seeded fruit.
Vahate. Opening by valves or pertaining to valves; meeting by the edges without overlapping, as leaves or petals in the bud.
''[[Valvate]]''. Opening by valves or pertaining to valves; meeting by the edges without overlapping, as leaves or petals in the bud.
Valve. A separable part of a pod; the units or pieces into which a capsule splits or divides in dehiscing.
''[[Valve]]''. A separable part of a pod; the units or pieces into which a capsule splits or divides in dehiscing.
Vascular. With vessels or ducts, or relating to them.
''[[Vascular]]''. With vessels or ducts, or relating to them.
Vein. A branch of the evident woody framework of a leaf or similar organ; secondary member of the fibro-vascular structure.
''[[Vein]]''. A branch of the evident woody framework of a leaf or similar organ; secondary member of the fibro-vascular structure.
Veinlet. A small or slender vein; nerve.
''[[Veinlet]]''. A small or slender vein; nerve.
Venation. Veining; arrangement or disposition of veins.
''[[Venation]]''. Veining; arrangement or disposition of veins.
Ventral. Front; relating to the anterior or inner face or part of an organ; opposite the back or dorsal part.
''[[Ventral]]''. Front; relating to the anterior or inner face or part of an organ; opposite the back or dorsal part.
Vernation. The disposition or arrangement of leaves in the bud.
''[[Vernation]]''. The disposition or arrangement of leaves in the bud.
Versatile. Hung or attached near the middle and usually moving freely, as an anther attached crosswise on the apex of filament and capable of turning.
''[[Versatile]]''. Hung or attached near the middle and usually moving freely, as an anther attached crosswise on the apex of filament and capable of turning.
Verticil. A whorl.
''[[Verticil]]''. A whorl.
Vesicle. A little bladder or bladder-like cavity.
''[[Vesicle]]''. A little bladder or bladder-like cavity.
Vexillary. Pertaining to the vexillum, standard or banner of a papilionaceous flower.
''[[Vexillary]]''. Pertaining to the vexillum, standard or banner of a papilionaceous flower.
Villous. Provided with long and soft, not matted, hairs; shaggy.
''[[Villous]]''. Provided with long and soft, not matted, hairs; shaggy.
Vitta. An oil-tube, as in the fruits of Umbelliferse.
''[[Vitta]]''. An oil-tube, as in the fruits of Umbelliferse.
Vitiate. With vitte; also striped lengthwise.
''[[Vittate]]''. With vitte; also striped lengthwise.
Volute. Rolled up.
''[[Volute]]''. Rolled up.
Watersprout. A strong rapid-growing adventitious shoot in a tree-top or bush or on a trunk.
''[[Watersprout]]''. A strong rapid-growing adventitious shoot in a tree-top or bush or on a trunk.
Whorl. Three or more leaves or flowers at one node, in a circle.
''[[Whorl]]''. Three or more leaves or flowers at one node, in a circle.
Wing. A thin dry or membranous expansion or flat extension or appendage of an organ; also the lateral petal of a papilionaceous flower.
''[[Wing]]''. A thin dry or membranous expansion or flat extension or appendage of an organ; also the lateral petal of a papilionaceous flower.
Woolly. Provided with long, soft and more or less matted hairs; like wool; lanate.
''[[Woolly]]''. Provided with long, soft and more or less matted hairs; like wool; lanate.
Wort. Old word for a plant or herb; now used only in combination, as mother-wort, spiderviort, liverwort.
''[[Wort]]''. Old word for a plant or herb; now used only in combination, as mother-wort, spiderviort, liverwort.