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| ==H== | | ==H== |
| {{compactTOC2}} | | {{compactTOC2}} |
− | Habit. The looks, appearance, general style or mode of growth; as an upright, open, decumbent or strict habit. | + | ''[[Habit]]''. The looks, appearance, general style or mode of growth; as an upright, open, decumbent or strict habit. |
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− | Habitat. Particular place in which a plant grows; as a swamp, roadside, lawn, woods, ballast-heap, hillside. | + | ''[[Habitat]]''. Particular place in which a plant grows; as a swamp, roadside, lawn, woods, ballast-heap, hillside. |
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− | Hairs. A general name for many kinds of small and slender outgrowths on the parts of plants; special kinds of hairiness are designated as setose, villous, comose, pubescent, hirsute, and others. | + | ''[[Hairs]]''. A general name for many kinds of small and slender outgrowths on the parts of plants; special kinds of hairiness are designated as setose, villous, comose, pubescent, hirsute, and others. |
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− | Halberd-shaped. Hastate. | + | ''[[Halberd-shaped]]''. Hastate. |
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− | Hamate. Hooked. | + | ''[[Hamate]]''. Hooked. |
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− | Hastate. Of the shape of an arrow-head but the basal lobes pointed or narrow and standing nearly or quite at right angles; halberd-shaped. | + | ''[[Hastate]]''. Of the shape of an arrow-head but the basal lobes pointed or narrow and standing nearly or quite at right angles; halberd-shaped. |
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− | Haulm. Straw-like stems, as of the cereal grains; sometimes also applied to the stems of palms; usually a collective noun. | + | ''[[Haulm]]''. Straw-like stems, as of the cereal grains; sometimes also applied to the stems of palms; usually a collective noun. |
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− | Head. A short dense spike; capitulum. | + | ''[[Head]]''. A short dense spike; capitulum. |
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− | Heart-shaped. Cordate; ovate in general outline but with two rounded basal lobes; has reference particularly to the shape of the base of a leaf or other expanded part. | + | ''[[Heart-shaped]]''. Cordate; ovate in general outline but with two rounded basal lobes; has reference particularly to the shape of the base of a leaf or other expanded part. |
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− | Heel. An enlarged or more or less transverse part on the lower end of a cutting secured from the older or larger branch from which the cutting is taken. | + | ''[[Heel]]''. An enlarged or more or less transverse part on the lower end of a cutting secured from the older or larger branch from which the cutting is taken. |
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− | Helicoid. Twisted or coiled in snail-shell form. | + | ''[[Helicoid]]''. Twisted or coiled in snail-shell form. |
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− | Heliotropism. The characteristic of turning toward the light. | + | ''[[Heliotropism]]''. The characteristic of turning toward the light. |
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− | Hemi- In Greek compounds, signifying half. | + | ''[[Hemi-]]'' In Greek compounds, signifying half. |
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− | Hepta- In Greek compounds, signifying seven. | + | ''[[Hepta-]]'' In Greek compounds, signifying seven. |
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− | Herb. Naturally dying to the ground; without persistent stem above ground; lacking definite woody firm structure. | + | ''[[Herb]]''. Naturally dying to the ground; without persistent stem above ground; lacking definite woody firm structure. |
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− | Herbaceous. Not woody; dying down each year; said also of soft branches before they become woody. | + | ''[[Herbaceous]]''. Not woody; dying down each year; said also of soft branches before they become woody. |
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− | Hermaphrodite. Bearing both stamens and pistil in the same flower; two-sexed; bisexual. | + | ''[[Hermaphrodite]]''. Bearing both stamens and pistil in the same flower; two-sexed; bisexual. |
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− | Hesperidium. The fruit of the orange-kind. | + | ''[[Hesperidium]]''. The fruit of the orange-kind. |
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− | Hetcrocarpous. Various-fruited; with more than one kind or form of fruit. | + | ''[[Hetcrocarpous]]''. Various-fruited; with more than one kind or form of fruit. |
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− | Heterogamous. With two or more kinds or forms of flowers. | + | ''[[Heterogamous]]''. With two or more kinds or forms of flowers. |
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− | Hetcros. In Greek composition, signifying various, or of more than one kind or form; as heterophyllous, with more than one kind or form of leaf.
| + | ''[[Heteros]]''. In Greek composition, signifying various, or of more than one kind or form; as heterophyllous, with more than one kind or form of leaf. |
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− | Hilum. In the seed, the scar or mark indicating the point of attachment. | + | ''[[Hilum]]''. In the seed, the scar or mark indicating the point of attachment. |
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− | Hip. Fruit of the rose, being an urn-like or closed receptacle bearing the achenes inside. See Hypanthium. | + | ''[[Hip]]''. Fruit of the rose, being an urn-like or closed receptacle bearing the achenes inside. See Hypanthium. |
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− | Hirsute. With rather rough or coarse hairs. | + | ''[[Hirsute]]''. With rather rough or coarse hairs. |
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− | Hirtellous. Softly or minutely hirsute or hairy. | + | ''[[Hirtellous]]''. Softly or minutely hirsute or hairy. |
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− | Hispid. Provided with stiff or bristly hairs. | + | ''[[Hispid]]''. Provided with stiff or bristly hairs. |
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− | Hispidulous. Somewhat or minutely hispid. | + | ''[[Hispidulous]]''. Somewhat or minutely hispid. |
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− | Hoary. Covered with a close white or whitish pubescence. | + | ''[[Hoary]]''. Covered with a close white or whitish pubescence. |
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− | Homo- In Greek compounds, signifying alike or very similar. | + | ''[[Homo-]]'' In Greek compounds, signifying alike or very similar. |
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− | Homocarpous. All the fruits, as of a flower-head, alike. | + | ''[[Homocarpous]]''. All the fruits, as of a flower-head, alike. |
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− | Homogamous. Presenting only one kind of flowers. | + | ''[[Homogamous]]''. Presenting only one kind of flowers. |
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− | Homologous. Related in origin or morphology. See .', nalogoui. | + | ''[[Homologous]]''. Related in origin or morphology. See .', nalogoui. |
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− | Homomorphous. Uniform; all the given parts alike. | + | ''[[Homomorphous]]''. Uniform; all the given parts alike. |
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− | Horny. Hard and dense in texture; corneous. | + | ''[[Horny]]''. Hard and dense in texture; corneous. |
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− | Hybrid. A plant resulting from a cross between two or more parents that are more or less unlike. | + | ''[[Hybrid]]''. A plant resulting from a cross between two or more parents that are more or less unlike. |
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− | Hygroscopic. Capable of absorbing moisture from atmosphere. | + | ''[[Hygroscopic]]''. Capable of absorbing moisture from atmosphere. |
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− | Hypanthium. A fruit-like body (as the rose-hip) formed by the enlargement of the torus and bearing the proper fruits on its upper or inner surface; literally "beneath the flower." Now commonly used to denote the cup- shaped receptacle on which calyx, petals and stamens are inserted in cases of pcrigyny, as in plum, fuchsia. | + | ''[[Hypanthium]]''. A fruit-like body (as the rose-hip) formed by the enlargement of the torus and bearing the proper fruits on its upper or inner surface; literally "beneath the flower." Now commonly used to denote the cup- shaped receptacle on which calyx, petals and stamens are inserted in cases of pcrigyny, as in plum, fuchsia. |
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− | Hypochti. The lower or basal part of the lip in orchids.
| + | ''[[Hypochil]]''. The lower or basal part of the lip in orchids. |
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− | Hypocotyl. That part of the caulicle lying below the cotyledons. | + | ''[[Hypocotyl]]''. That part of the caulicle lying below the cotyledons. |
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− | Hypocrateriform. Salver-form; that shape of the flower characterized by a cylindrical tube and a flat-spreading limb, as in phlox. | + | ''[[Hypocrateriform]]''. Salver-form; that shape of the flower characterized by a cylindrical tube and a flat-spreading limb, as in phlox. |
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− | Hypogeal. Cotyledons remaining beneath the ground in germination. | + | ''[[Hypogeal]]''. Cotyledons remaining beneath the ground in germination. |
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− | Hypogynous. Borne on the torus, or under the ovary; said of the stamens or petals. | + | ''[[Hypogynous]]''. Borne on the torus, or under the ovary; said of the stamens or petals. |
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| ==I== | | ==I== |
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− | Immarginate. Without a rim or edge. | + | ''[[Immarginate]]''. Without a rim or edge. |
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− | Immersed. Entirely under water. | + | ''[[Immersed]]''. Entirely under water. |
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− | Imparipinnate. Unequally pinnate; odd-pinnate; with a single terminal leaflet. | + | ''[[Imparipinnate]]''. Unequally pinnate; odd-pinnate; with a single terminal leaflet. |
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| + | ''[[Imperfect flower]]''. Having either stamens or pistils, but not both. |
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− | Imperfect flower. Having either stamens or pistils, but not both.
| + | ''[[Implexed]], implexuous''. Entangled, interlaced. |
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− | Implexed, implexuous. Entangled, interlaced.
| + | ''[[Impregnation]]''. Fecundation or fertilization of the ovule by the pollen; also, the infiltration of substances. |
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− | Impregnation. Fecundation or fertilization of the ovule by the pollen; also, the infiltration of substances.
| + | ''[[Impressed]]''. Deeply nerved; furrowed or grooved as if by pressure. |
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− | Impressed. Deeply nerved; furrowed or grooved as if by pressure.
| + | ''[[Inarching]]''. The grafting together of two plants with the intention that, when they are severed, part of one plant will be growing on the other. |
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− | Inarching, The grafting together of two plants with the intention that, when they are severed, part of one plant will be growing on the other.
| + | ''[[Incanescent]]''. Hoary- or gray-pubescent; canescent. |
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− | Incanescent. Hoary- or gray-pubescent; canescent.
| + | ''[[Incised]]''. Cut; slashed irregularly, more or less deeply and sharply. |
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− | Incised. Cut; slashed irregularly, more or less deeply and sharply.
| + | ''[[Inclining]]''. Looking or falling down from the horizontal. |
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− | Inclining. Looking or falling down from the horizontal.
| + | ''[[Included]]''. Not protruded, as stamens not projecting from the corolla. |
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− | Included. Not protruded, as stamens not projecting from the corolla.
| + | ''[[Incomplete]]''. Lacking some of its parts, as a flower deficient in stamens or calyx. |
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− | Incomplete. Lacking some of its parts, as a flower deficient in stamens or calyx.
| + | ''[[Incrustate]]''. Crusted; with a hard or firm covering. |
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− | Incrustate. Crusted; with a hard or firm covering.
| + | ''[[Incumbent]] (cotyledons)''. Of a seed so bent over that the back of one cotyledon lies against the radicle. |
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− | Incumbent (cotyledons). Of a seed so bent over that the back of one cotyledon lies against the radicle.
| + | ''[[Indefinite]]''. Very numerous, as above twenty; see Definite. |
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− | Indefinite. Very numerous, as above twenty; see Definite.
| + | ''[[Indehiscent]]''. Not regularly opening, as a seed-pod or anther. |
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− | Indehiscent. Not regularly opening, as a seed-pod or anther.
| + | ''[[Indeterminate]]''. Growing on from the apex, particularly of the main axis. |
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− | Indeterminate. Growing on from the apex, particularly of the main axis.
| + | ''[[Indigenous]]''. Native to the region; not introduced from some other country. |
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− | Indigenous. Native to the region; not introduced from some other country.
| + | ''[[Indumentum]]''. A covering of hair. |
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− | Indumentum. A covering of hair.
| + | ''[[Induplicate]]''. With margins folded inward. |
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− | Induplicate. With margins folded inward.
| + | ''[[Indurated]]''. Hard, hardened. |
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− | Indurated. Hard, hardened.
| + | ''[[Indusium]]''. The little growth covering or surrounding the sorus or fruit-dot in ferns. |
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− | Indusium. The little growth covering or surrounding the sorus or fruit-dot in ferns.
| + | ''[[Inferior]]''. Beneath, lower, below; as an inferior ovary, one that is below the calyx-leaves. |
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− | Inferior. Beneath, lower, below; as an inferior ovary, one that is below the calyx-leaves.
| + | ''[[Inflated]]''. Blown up; bladdery- |
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− | Inflated. Blown up; bladdery-
| + | ''[[Inflorescence]]''. Mode of flower-bearing; technically less correct but much more common in the sense of a flower- cluster. |
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− | Inflorescence. Mode of flower-bearing; technically less correct but much more common in the sense of a flower- cluster.
| + | ''[[Infra-]]'' In combinations, signifying below. |
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− | Infra- In combinations, signifying below.
| + | ''[[Infundibuliform]]''. Funnelfonn. |
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− | Infundibuliform. Funnelfonn.
| + | ''[[Innate]]''. Said of an anther when attached by its base to the filament. |
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− | Innate. Said of an anther when attached by its base to the filament.
| + | ''[[Innovation]]''. An offshoot or departure from the axis. |
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− | Innovation. An offshoot or departure from the axis.
| + | ''[[Inserted]]''. Attached; as a stamen growing on the corolla. |
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− | Inserted. Attached; as a stamen growing on the corolla.
| + | ''[[Inter-]]''. In composition, signifying between, particularly between closely related parts or organs. |
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− | Inter-. In composition, signifying between, particularly between closely related parts or organs.
| + | ''[[Interfoliaceous]]''. Between the leaves, particularly between two leaves of a pair. |
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− | Interfoliaceous, Between the leaves, particularly between two leaves of a pair.
| + | ''[[Internode]]''. The part or space of stem between two nodes or joints. |
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− | Internode. The part or space of stem between two nodes or joints.
| + | ''[[Interrupted]]''. Not continuous; in particular, the interposition of small leaflets or segments between others. |
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− | Interrupted. Not continuous; in particular, the interposition of small leaflets or segments between others.
| + | ''[[Intorted]]''. Twisted upon or around itself. |
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− | Intorted. Twisted upon or around itself.
| + | ''[[Intramarginal]]''. Just within the margin or edge; between the margins. |
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− | Intramarginal. Just within the margin or edge; between the margins.
| + | ''[[Introduced]]''. Brought from another region, either intentionally or otherwise; in horticulture, used to designate the intentional bringing of plants into cultivation either from another country or from the wild. |
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− | Introduced. Brought from another region, either intentionally or otherwise; in horticulture, used to designate the intentional bringing of plants into cultivation either from another country or from the wild.
| + | ''[[Introrse]]''. Turned or faced inward or toward the axis, as an anther looking toward the center of the flower. |
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− | Introrse. Turned or faced inward or toward the axis, as an anther looking toward the center of the flower.
| + | ''[[Inverted]]''. Turned over; end-for-end; top-side down. |
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− | Inverted. Turned over; end-for-end; top-side down.
| + | ''[[Involucel]]''. A secondary involucre; small involucre about the parts of a cluster. |
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− | Innolucel. A secondary involucre; small involucre about the parts of a cluster.
| + | ''[[Involucre]]''. A whorl of small leaves or bracts standing close underneath a flower or flower-cluster. |
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− | Involucre. A whorl of small leaves or bracts standing close underneath a flower or flower-cluster.
| + | ''[[Involute]]''. Said of a flat body (as a leaf) rolled inward or toward the upper side. See Revolute. |
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− | Involute. Said of a flat body (as a leaf) rolled inward or toward the upper side. See Revolute.
| + | ''[[Irregular flower]]''. Some parts different from other parts in same series. |
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− | Irregular flower. Some parts different from other parts in same series. | |
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| ==J== | | ==J== |
| {{compactTOC2}} | | {{compactTOC2}} |
− | Jointed. With nodes, or points of real or apparent articulation. | + | ''[[Jointed]]''. With nodes, or points of real or apparent articulation. |
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| ==K== | | ==K== |
| {{compactTOC2}} | | {{compactTOC2}} |
− | Keeled. Ridged like the bottom of a boat; also the two front united petals of a papilionaceous flower. | + | ''[[Keeled]]''. Ridged like the bottom of a boat; also the two front united petals of a papilionaceous flower. |
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− | Knaur. An excrescence, bur or knot of woody tissue that will grow when removed and used as a cutting. | + | ''[[Knaur]]''. An excrescence, bur or knot of woody tissue that will grow when removed and used as a cutting. |
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| ==L== | | ==L== |
| {{compactTOC2}} | | {{compactTOC2}} |
− | Labellum. Lip, particularly the lip of orchids. | + | ''[[Labellum]]''. Lip, particularly the lip of orchids. |
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− | Labiate. Lipped; a member of the Labiatee. | + | ''[[Labiate]]''. Lipped; a member of the Labiatee. |
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− | Labyrinthiform. With intricate winding lines or passages. | + | ''[[Labyrinthiform]]''. With intricate winding lines or passages. |
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− | Lacerate. Torn; irreguarly cleft or cut. | + | ''[[Lacerate]]''. Torn; irreguarly cleft or cut. |
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− | Lacinniate. Slashed into narrow pointed lobes.
| + | ''[[Laciniate]]''. Slashed into narrow pointed lobes. |
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− | Lactescent. Containing milk or a milk-like substance. | + | ''[[Lactescent]]''. Containing milk or a milk-like substance. |
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− | Lacunose. Having holes or empty places, particularly in the anatomical structure. | + | ''[[Lacunose]]''. Having holes or empty places, particularly in the anatomical structure. |
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− | Lamella. A thin flat plate or part. | + | ''[[Lamella]]''. A thin flat plate or part. |
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− | Lamina. The blade of a leaf or petal or other expanded part or body. | + | ''[[Lamina]]''. The blade of a leaf or petal or other expanded part or body. |
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− | Lanceolate. Lance-shaped; much longer than broad; widening above the. base and tapering to the apex. | + | ''[[Lanceolate]]''. Lance-shaped; much longer than broad; widening above the. base and tapering to the apex. |
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− | Lapidose. Found in stony places. | + | ''[[Lapidose]]''. Found in stony places. |
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− | Lateral. On or at the side. | + | ''[[Lateral]]''. On or at the side. |
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− | Layer, A branch that takes root and gives rise to an independent plant. | + | ''[[Layer]]'', A branch that takes root and gives rise to an independent plant. |
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− | Leaflet. One part of a compound leaf; secondary leaf. | + | ''[[Leaflet]]''. One part of a compound leaf; secondary leaf. |
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− | Leaf-stalk. The stem of a leaf; petiole; foot-stalk. | + | ''[[Leaf-stalk]]''. The stem of a leaf; petiole; foot-stalk. |
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− | Legume. Simple pericarp dehiscing on both sutures; pod. | + | ''[[Legume]]''. Simple pericarp dehiscing on both sutures; pod. |
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− | Lemma. In grasses, the flowering glume,—the lower of the two bracts immediately inclosing the flower. | + | ''[[Lemma]]''. In grasses, the flowering glume,—the lower of the two bracts immediately inclosing the flower. |
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− | Lenticular. Lentil-shaped; lens-shaped. | + | ''[[Lenticular]]''. Lentil-shaped; lens-shaped. |
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− | Lepals. Sterile stamens, particularly those nectaries or scales representing stamens; term little used. | + | ''[[Lepals]]''. Sterile stamens, particularly those nectaries or scales representing stamens; term little used. |
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− | Lepidote. Surfaced with small scurfy scales. | + | ''[[Lepidote]]''. Surfaced with small scurfy scales. |
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− | Liana, liane. A woody twining or climbing plant entangling a tropical forest. | + | ''[[Liana]], liane''. A woody twining or climbing plant entangling a tropical forest. |
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− | Life-history. The sum of the events in the life of a plant. | + | ''[[Life-history]]''. The sum of the events in the life of a plant. |
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− | Ligneous. Woody. | + | ''[[Ligneous]]''. Woody. |
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− | Ligulf. A strap-shaped organ or body; particularly, a strap-shaped corolla, as in the ray-flowers of composites; also a projection from the top of the sheath in grasses and similar plants.
| + | ''[[Ligule]]''. A strap-shaped organ or body; particularly, a strap-shaped corolla, as in the ray-flowers of composites; also a projection from the top of the sheath in grasses and similar plants. |
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− | Limb. The expanded flat part of an organ; in particular, the expanding part of a gamopetalous corolla. | + | ''[[Limb]]''. The expanded flat part of an organ; in particular, the expanding part of a gamopetalous corolla. |
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− | Limbate. Surrounded by an edging of another color; margined with color; also, provided with a limb. | + | ''[[Limbate]]''. Surrounded by an edging of another color; margined with color; also, provided with a limb. |
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− | Line. One-twelfth of an inch. | + | ''[[Line]]''. One-twelfth of an inch. |
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− | Linear. Long and narrow, the sides parallel or nearly so. | + | ''[[Linear]]''. Long and narrow, the sides parallel or nearly so. |
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− | Lineate. Lined; bearing thin parallel lines. | + | ''[[Lineate]]''. Lined; bearing thin parallel lines. |
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− | Linguiform. Shaped like a lingula, or with a projecting tongue-like part or process. | + | ''[[Linguiform]]''. Shaped like a lingula, or with a projecting tongue-like part or process. |
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− | Lip. One of the parts in an unequally divided corolla or calyx; these parts are usually two, the upper lip and the lower lip, although one lip is sometimes wanting; the upper lip of orchids is by a twist of the stipe made to appear as the lower; a labium. | + | ''[[Lip]]''. One of the parts in an unequally divided corolla or calyx; these parts are usually two, the upper lip and the lower lip, although one lip is sometimes wanting; the upper lip of orchids is by a twist of the stipe made to appear as the lower; a labium. |
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− | Lobe. Any part or segment of an organ; specifically a part of petal or calyx or leaf that represents a division to about the middle. | + | ''[[Lobe]]''. Any part or segment of an organ; specifically a part of petal or calyx or leaf that represents a division to about the middle. |
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− | Lobule. A small lobe. | + | ''[[Lobule]]''. A small lobe. |
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− | Locule. Compartment or cell of a pistil or anther. | + | ''[[Locule]]''. Compartment or cell of a pistil or anther. |
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− | Loculiddal. Dehiscence between the partitions into the cavity.
| + | ''[[Loculicidal]]''. Dehiscence between the partitions into the cavity. |
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− | Lodicule. A small scale in a grass flower, between the lemma and stamens. | + | ''[[Lodicule]]''. A small scale in a grass flower, between the lemma and stamens. |
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− | Lament. A legume wilh constrictions or articulations.
| + | ''[[Loment]]''. A legume wilh constrictions or articulations. |
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− | Lorate. Strap-shaped. | + | ''[[Lorate]]''. Strap-shaped. |
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− | Lyratc. Pinnatifid but with an enlarged terminal lobe and smaller lower lobes.
| + | ''[[Lyrate]]''. Pinnatifid but with an enlarged terminal lobe and smaller lower lobes. |
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| ==M== | | ==M== |
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− | Medullary. Relating to the pith; the medullary rays seen in cross-sections of woody trunks radiate from the medulla or pith. | + | ''[[Medullary]]''. Relating to the pith; the medullary rays seen in cross-sections of woody trunks radiate from the medulla or pith. |
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− | Meniscoidal. Like a meniscus or disk; with the form of a watch-crystal. | + | ''[[Meniscoidal]]''. Like a meniscus or disk; with the form of a watch-crystal. |
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− | Mericarp. The peculiar seed-like fruit of the Umbelliferae. | + | ''[[Mericarp]]''. The peculiar seed-like fruit of the Umbelliferae. |
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− | -merous. In composition, referring to the numbers of parts; as flowers 5-merous, in which the parts of each kind or series are five or in fives. | + | ''[[-merous]]''. In composition, referring to the numbers of parts; as flowers 5-merous, in which the parts of each kind or series are five or in fives. |
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− | Mesocarp. Middle layer or part of a pericarp; the part between the endocarp and exocarp. | + | ''[[Mesocarp]]''. Middle layer or part of a pericarp; the part between the endocarp and exocarp. |
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− | Mesochil. The intermediate or middle part of the lip of orchids when the lip is separated into three parts. | + | ''[[Mesochil]]''. The intermediate or middle part of the lip of orchids when the lip is separated into three parts. |
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− | Micropyle. The opening through which impregnation takes place; the point on the seed marking the orifice of the ovule. | + | ''[[Micropyle]]''. The opening through which impregnation takes place; the point on the seed marking the orifice of the ovule. |
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− | Midrib. The main rib of a leaf or leaf-like part. | + | ''[[Midrib]]''. The main rib of a leaf or leaf-like part. |
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− | Mitriform. Mitre-shaped, or like a cap. | + | ''[[Mitriform]]''. Mitre-shaped, or like a cap. |
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− | Monadelphous. Stamens united in one group by their filaments as in many Leguminosse. | + | ''[[Monadelphous]]''. Stamens united in one group by their filaments as in many Leguminosse. |
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− | Monitiform. Suggesting a string of beads.
| + | ''[[Moniliform]]''. Suggesting a string of beads. |
| | | |
− | Mono-. In Greek compounds, signifying one. | + | ''[[Mono-]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying one. |
| | | |
− | Monoclinoug. Hermaphrodite; perfect; the two sexes in the same flower. See Diclinous.
| + | ''[[Monoclinous]]''. Hermaphrodite; perfect; the two sexes in the same flower. See Diclinous. |
| | | |
− | Monocotyledonous. With a single cotyledon. | + | ''[[Monocotyledonous]]''. With a single cotyledon. |
| | | |
− | Monoecious. Staminate and pistillate flowers on same plant. | + | ''[[Monoecious]]''. Staminate and pistillate flowers on same plant. |
| | | |
− | Monogynous. With only one style. | + | ''[[Monogynous]]''. With only one style. |
| | | |
− | Monopetolous. One-petaled; all the petals united to form one body or organ, as a gamopetalous corolla.
| + | ''[[Monopetalous]]''. One-petaled; all the petals united to form one body or organ, as a gamopetalous corolla. |
| | | |
− | Monopodiol. Axial direction continued by growth from terminal bud or persistence of the leader. | + | ''[[Monopodiol]]''. Axial direction continued by growth from terminal bud or persistence of the leader. |
| | | |
− | Monostichous. In one row. | + | ''[[Monostichous]]''. In one row. |
| | | |
− | Monstrosity. Deformity; any unusual or non-typical kind of development. | + | ''[[Monstrosity]]''. Deformity; any unusual or non-typical kind of development. |
| | | |
− | Morphology. The science or subject that treats of forms or of the transformations of organs. | + | ''[[Morphology]]''. The science or subject that treats of forms or of the transformations of organs. |
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− | Mucose. With a slimy covering or secretion. | + | ''[[Mucose]]''. With a slimy covering or secretion. |
| | | |
− | Mucro. A short and sharp abrupt tip. | + | ''[[Mucro]]''. A short and sharp abrupt tip. |
| | | |
− | Mule. An old word for a cross, particularly between different species; hybrid; cross-breed. | + | ''[[Mule]]''. An old word for a cross, particularly between different species; hybrid; cross-breed. |
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− | Multifid. Cut or cleft into many narrow lobes or parts. | + | ''[[Multifid]]''. Cut or cleft into many narrow lobes or parts. |
| | | |
− | Multiple. Of several or many distinct parts. | + | ''[[Multiple]]''. Of several or many distinct parts. |
| | | |
− | Multiple fruit. The united product (in one body) of several or many flowers. | + | ''[[Multiple fruit]]''. The united product (in one body) of several or many flowers. |
| | | |
− | Multiseptote. With many divisions or chambers, as some nuts.
| + | ''[[Multiseptate]]''. With many divisions or chambers, as some nuts. |
| | | |
− | Muscariform. In form of a brush or fly-brush. | + | ''[[Muscariform]]''. In form of a brush or fly-brush. |
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− | Mycelium. Vegetative part of a fungus, composed of threads or thready tissue. | + | ''[[Mycelium]]''. Vegetative part of a fungus, composed of threads or thready tissue. |
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| ==N== | | ==N== |
| {{compactTOC2}} | | {{compactTOC2}} |
− | Naked flower. With no floral envelopes; without calyx and corolla. | + | ''[[Naked flower]]''. With no floral envelopes; without calyx and corolla. |
| | | |
− | Napiform. Turnip-shaped; more or less short-fusiform; broader than high and abruptly tapering both ways. | + | ''[[Napiform]]''. Turnip-shaped; more or less short-fusiform; broader than high and abruptly tapering both ways. |
| | | |
− | Navicular. Boat-shaped; cymbiform. | + | ''[[Navicular]]''. Boat-shaped; cymbiform. |
| | | |
− | Nectariferous. Nectar-bearing. | + | ''[[Nectariferous]]''. Nectar-bearing. |
| | | |
− | Nectary. A structure or organ that secretes nectar. | + | ''[[Nectary]]''. A structure or organ that secretes nectar. |
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− | Nephroid. Kidney-shaped; reniform. | + | ''[[Nephroid]]''. Kidney-shaped; reniform. |
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− | Nerve. A vein or slender rib, particularly if not branched. | + | ''[[Nerve]]''. A vein or slender rib, particularly if not branched. |
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− | Netted. Marked with reticulated lines or nerves that project somewhat above the surface. | + | ''[[Netted]]''. Marked with reticulated lines or nerves that project somewhat above the surface. |
| | | |
− | Neuter, neutral. Neither stamens nor pistils; sexless. | + | ''[[Neuter]], neutral''. Neither stamens nor pistils; sexless. |
| | | |
− | Nidulate. Nested; as if like or borne in a nidus or nest. | + | ''[[Nidulate]]''. Nested; as if like or borne in a nidus or nest. |
| | | |
− | Node. A joint where a leaf is borne or may be borne; also incorrectly the space between two joints, which is properly an internode. | + | ''[[Node]]''. A joint where a leaf is borne or may be borne; also incorrectly the space between two joints, which is properly an internode. |
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− | Nucleus. The kernel of a seed; the central denser structure of a cell. | + | ''[[Nucleus]]''. The kernel of a seed; the central denser structure of a cell. |
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− | Nucule. A small nutlet; any hard seed-like fruit or part. | + | ''[[Nucule]]''. A small nutlet; any hard seed-like fruit or part. |
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− | Nut. An indehiscent 1-celled and 1-seeded hard and bony fruit, even if resulting from a compound ovary. | + | ''[[Nut]]''. An indehiscent 1-celled and 1-seeded hard and bony fruit, even if resulting from a compound ovary. |
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− | Nutlet. A small or diminutive nut; nucule. | + | ''[[Nutlet]]''. A small or diminutive nut; nucule. |
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| ==O== | | ==O== |
| {{compactTOC2}} | | {{compactTOC2}} |
− | Ob-. A Latin syllable, usually signifying inversion. | + | ''[[Ob-]]''. A Latin syllable, usually signifying inversion. |
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− | Obconical. Inversely conical; cone attached at the small point. | + | ''[[Obconical]]''. Inversely conical; cone attached at the small point. |
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− | Oblanceolale. Inversely lanceolate; with the broadest part of a lanceolate body away from the point of attachment.
| + | ''[[Oblanceolate]]''. Inversely lanceolate; with the broadest part of a lanceolate body away from the point of attachment. |
| | | |
− | Oblique. Slanting; unequal-sided. | + | ''[[Oblique]]''. Slanting; unequal-sided. |
| | | |
− | Oblong. Longer than broad, and with the sides nearly or quite parallel most of their length. | + | ''[[Oblong]]''. Longer than broad, and with the sides nearly or quite parallel most of their length. |
| | | |
− | Obomte. Inverted ovate.
| + | ''[[Obovate]]''. Inverted ovate. |
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− | Obovoid. An ovoid body attached at the smaller end. | + | ''[[Obovoid]]''. An ovoid body attached at the smaller end. |
| | | |
− | Obsolescent. Nearly obsolete; becoming rudimentary. | + | ''[[Obsolescent]]''. Nearly obsolete; becoming rudimentary. |
| | | |
− | Obsolete. Not evident or apparent; rudimentary. | + | ''[[Obsolete]]''. Not evident or apparent; rudimentary. |
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− | Obtuse. Blunt, rounded. | + | ''[[Obtuse]]''. Blunt, rounded. |
| | | |
− | Ocettated. Eyed; a circular spot of one color inside a larger spot or area of another color.
| + | ''[[Ocellated]]''. Eyed; a circular spot of one color inside a larger spot or area of another color. |
| | | |
− | Ochraceous. Ochre-yellow, gradually changing to brown. | + | ''[[Ochraceous]]''. Ochre-yellow, gradually changing to brown. |
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− | Ocrea. A boot-shaped or tubular stipule, as in Polygonum. | + | ''[[Ocrea]]''. A boot-shaped or tubular stipule, as in Polygonum. |
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− | Oculus. An eye; a leaf-bud when used as a cutting. | + | ''[[Oculus]]''. An eye; a leaf-bud when used as a cutting. |
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− | Offset. A plant arising close to the base of mother plant. | + | ''[[Offset]]''. A plant arising close to the base of mother plant. |
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− | Oleaginous. Fleshy and oily. | + | ''[[Oleaginous]]''. Fleshy and oily. |
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− | Oligos. In Greek compounds, signifying few. | + | ''[[Oligos]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying few. |
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− | Opaque. Dull; not translucent or shining. | + | ''[[Opaque]]''. Dull; not translucent or shining. |
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− | Operculum. A lid, as of a circumscissile capsule. | + | ''[[Operculum]]''. A lid, as of a circumscissile capsule. |
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− | Orthos. In Greek compounds, signifying straight. | + | ''[[Orthos]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying straight. |
| | | |
− | Orthotropous (ovule or seed). An erect straight seed, with the micropyle at the apex and hilum at the base. | + | ''[[Orthotropous]]'' (ovule or seed). An erect straight seed, with the micropyle at the apex and hilum at the base. |
| | | |
− | Osseous. Bony, hard, brittle; of very close texture. | + | ''[[Osseous]]''. Bony, hard, brittle; of very close texture. |
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− | Ovary. Ovule-bearing part of a pistil. | + | ''[[Ovary]]''. Ovule-bearing part of a pistil. |
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− | Ovate. With an outline like that of hen's egg cut in two lengthwise, the broader end downward. | + | ''[[Ovate]]''. With an outline like that of hen's egg cut in two lengthwise, the broader end downward. |
| | | |
− | Otoid. A solid that is oval in outline.
| + | ''[[Ovoid]]''. A solid that is oval in outline. |
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− | Ovule. The body which, after fertilization, becomes the seed. | + | ''[[Ovule]]''. The body which, after fertilization, becomes the seed. |
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− | Ovuliferous. Ovule-bearing. | + | ''[[Ovuliferous]]''. Ovule-bearing. |
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| ==P== | | ==P== |
| {{compactTOC2}} | | {{compactTOC2}} |
− | Painted. Said of colors that are in streaks of unequal brilliancy. | + | ''[[Painted]]''. Said of colors that are in streaks of unequal brilliancy. |
| | | |
− | Palate. In personate corollas, a rounded projection or prominence of the lower lip, closing the throat or very nearly so. | + | ''[[Palate]]''. In personate corollas, a rounded projection or prominence of the lower lip, closing the throat or very nearly so. |
| | | |
− | Palea, palet. In the grass flower, the upper of the two inclosing bracts, -the lower one being the lemma. | + | ''[[Palea]], palet''. In the grass flower, the upper of the two inclosing bracts, -the lower one being the lemma. |
| | | |
− | Palmate. Lobed or divided in a palm-like or hand-like fashion. | + | ''[[Palmate]]''. Lobed or divided in a palm-like or hand-like fashion. |
| | | |
− | Palmatifid. Cut about half way down in a palmate form. | + | ''[[Palmatifid]]''. Cut about half way down in a palmate form. |
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− | Panicle. A branching raceme; flower-cluster in which the branches are racemose, the flowers being pedicellate. | + | ''[[Panicle]]''. A branching raceme; flower-cluster in which the branches are racemose, the flowers being pedicellate. |
| | | |
− | Papilionaceous corolla. Butterfly-like; pea-like flower, with a standard, wings, and keel. | + | ''[[Papilionaceous corolla]]''. Butterfly-like; pea-like flower, with a standard, wings, and keel. |
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− | Pappiform. Pappus-like. | + | ''[[Pappiform]]''. Pappus-like. |
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− | Pappus. Peculiar calyx-limb of composites, being plumose, bristle-like, scales, or otherwise. | + | ''[[Pappus]]''. Peculiar calyx-limb of composites, being plumose, bristle-like, scales, or otherwise. |
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− | Parasitic. Growing and living on or in another organism. | + | ''[[Parasitic]]''. Growing and living on or in another organism. |
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− | Parietal. Borne on the paries or wall (inner surface) of a capsule. | + | ''[[Parietal]]''. Borne on the paries or wall (inner surface) of a capsule. |
| | | |
− | Parted. Cleft or cut not quite to the base. | + | ''[[Parted]]''. Cleft or cut not quite to the base. |
| | | |
− | Parthenogenetic. Seed developing without fertilization or fecundation. | + | ''[[Parthenogenetic]]''. Seed developing without fertilization or fecundation. |
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− | Partial. Of secondary importance or rank. | + | ''[[Partial]]''. Of secondary importance or rank. |
| | | |
− | Partite. Divided very nearly to the base. | + | ''[[Partite]]''. Divided very nearly to the base. |
| | | |
− | Partitioned. Divided in compartments or chambers by internal horizontal partitions. | + | ''[[Partitioned]]''. Divided in compartments or chambers by internal horizontal partitions. |
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− | Pathological. Diseased. | + | ''[[Pathological]]''. Diseased. |
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− | Pedicel. Stem of one flower in a cluster. | + | ''[[Pedicel]]''. Stem of one flower in a cluster. |
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− | Peduncle. Stem of a flower-cluster or of a solitary flower. | + | ''[[Peduncle]]''. Stem of a flower-cluster or of a solitary flower. |
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− | Pellucid. Clear, transparent; that can nearly be seen through. | + | ''[[Pellucid]]''. Clear, transparent; that can nearly be seen through. |
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− | Peltate. Attached to its stalk inside the margin; peltate leaves are usually shield-shaped. | + | ''[[Peltate]]''. Attached to its stalk inside the margin; peltate leaves are usually shield-shaped. |
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− | Penninerved. Nerves arising along the length of a central midrib. | + | ''[[Penninerved]]''. Nerves arising along the length of a central midrib. |
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− | Pentamerous. In fives. | + | ''[[Pentamerous]]''. In fives. |
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− | Pepo. Fruit of pumpkin, squash, and the like. | + | ''[[Pepo]]''. Fruit of pumpkin, squash, and the like. |
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− | Perennial. Of three or more seasons' duration. | + | ''[[Perennial]]''. Of three or more seasons' duration. |
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− | Perfect flower. One that has both stamens and pistil. | + | ''[[Perfect flower]]''. One that has both stamens and pistil. |
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− | Perfoliate. The stem apparently passing through the part, as a leaf; united around the stem. | + | ''[[Perfoliate]]''. The stem apparently passing through the part, as a leaf; united around the stem. |
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− | Pergameneous, pergamentaceous. Texture of parchment. | + | ''[[Pergameneous]], pergamentaceous''. Texture of parchment. |
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− | Peri-. In Greek compounds, signifying around. | + | ''[[Peri-]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying around. |
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− | Perianth. The floral envelope considered together; commonly used for flowers in which there is usually no clear distinction between calyx and corolla, as the lilies. | + | ''[[Perianth]]''. The floral envelope considered together; commonly used for flowers in which there is usually no clear distinction between calyx and corolla, as the lilies. |
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− | Pericarp. The ripened ovary. | + | ''[[Pericarp]]''. The ripened ovary. |
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− | Perigynium. The sac or utricle that incloses the ovary or achene in Carex; it is sometimes inflated. | + | ''[[Perigynium]]''. The sac or utricle that incloses the ovary or achene in Carex; it is sometimes inflated. |
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− | Perigynous. Borne around the ovary and not beneath it, as when calyx, corolla and stamens are borne on the edge of a cup-shaped hypanthium; such cases are said to exhibit perigyny. | + | ''[[Perigynous]]''. Borne around the ovary and not beneath it, as when calyx, corolla and stamens are borne on the edge of a cup-shaped hypanthium; such cases are said to exhibit perigyny. |
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− | Persistent. Remaining attached; not falling off. | + | ''[[Persistent]]''. Remaining attached; not falling off. |
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− | Personate. Said of a two-lipped corolla the throat of whichn is closed by a palate, as in toad-flax. | + | ''[[Personate]]''. Said of a two-lipped corolla the throat of whichn is closed by a palate, as in toad-flax. |
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− | Petal. One of the separate leaves of a corolla. | + | ''[[Petal]]''. One of the separate leaves of a corolla. |
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− | Petaloid. Petal-like; of color and shape resembling a petal. | + | ''[[Petaloid]]''. Petal-like; of color and shape resembling a petal. |
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− | Petiole. Leaf-stalk. | + | ''[[Petiole]]''. Leaf-stalk. |
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− | Petiolule. Stalk of a leaflet. | + | ''[[Petiolule]]''. Stalk of a leaflet. |
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− | Phalanges (plural of phalanx). The groups or bundles of stamens in diadelphous or polyadelphous flowers. | + | ''[[Phalanges]]'' (plural of ''phalanx''). The groups or bundles of stamens in diadelphous or polyadelphous flowers. |
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− | Phenogam, phenogamous. Flowering plants; seed-bearing plants (as distinguished from spore-bearing, or cryptogams). | + | ''[[Phenogam]], phenogamous''. Flowering plants; seed-bearing plants (as distinguished from spore-bearing, or cryptogams). |
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− | Phyllodium. Leaf-like petiole and no blade, as in some acacias and other plants. | + | ''[[Phyllodium]]''. Leaf-like petiole and no blade, as in some acacias and other plants. |
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− | Phyllotaxy. Order of arrangement of leaves on the stem. | + | ''[[Phyllotaxy]]''. Order of arrangement of leaves on the stem. |
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− | Phylology. The study of plants, particularly of the kinds or species; botany. | + | ''[[Phylology]]''. The study of plants, particularly of the kinds or species; botany. |
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− | Pileate, pileiform. With the form of a pileus or rimless cap; in particular, pertaining to the cap of a mushroom. | + | ''[[Pileate]], pileiform''. With the form of a pileus or rimless cap; in particular, pertaining to the cap of a mushroom. |
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− | Pinna. A primary division or leaflet of a pinnate leaf. | + | ''[[Pinna]]''. A primary division or leaflet of a pinnate leaf. |
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− | Pinnate. Feather-formed; with the leaflets of a compound leaf placed on either side of the rachis. | + | ''[[Pinnate]]''. Feather-formed; with the leaflets of a compound leaf placed on either side of the rachis. |
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− | Pinnatifid. Cleft or parted in a pinnate (rather than palmate) way. | + | ''[[Pinnatifid]]''. Cleft or parted in a pinnate (rather than palmate) way. |
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− | Pinnatipartite. Pinnately-parted. | + | ''[[Pinnatipartite]]''. Pinnately-parted. |
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− | Pinnatisect. Cut down to the midrib in a pinnate way. | + | ''[[Pinnatisect]]''. Cut down to the midrib in a pinnate way. |
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− | Pinnule. A secondary pinna or leaflet in a pinnately decompound leaf. | + | ''[[Pinnule]]''. A secondary pinna or leaflet in a pinnately decompound leaf. |
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− | Pip. A perpendicular or upright small rootstock used in propagation, as of lily-of-the-valley. | + | ''[[Pip]]''. A perpendicular or upright small rootstock used in propagation, as of lily-of-the-valley. |
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− | Pisiform. Pea-shaped; pea-like. | + | ''[[Pisiform]]''. Pea-shaped; pea-like. |
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− | Pistil. The ovule-bearing and seed-bearing organ. | + | ''[[Pistil]]''. The ovule-bearing and seed-bearing organ. |
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− | Pistillate. Having pistils and no stamens; female. | + | ''[[Pistillate]]''. Having pistils and no stamens; female. |
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− | Pitted. Having little depressions or cavities. | + | ''[[Pitted]]''. Having little depressions or cavities. |
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− | Placenta. Part or place in the ovary where ovules are attached. | + | ''[[Placenta]]''. Part or place in the ovary where ovules are attached. |
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− | Plaited. Folded lengthwise, as a closed fan. | + | ''[[Plaited]]''. Folded lengthwise, as a closed fan. |
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− | Plane. Evenly flat, rather than wrinkled, folded, grooved or otherwise. | + | ''[[Plane]]''. Evenly flat, rather than wrinkled, folded, grooved or otherwise. |
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− | Plalys. In Greek combinations, signifying broad or wide.
| + | ''[[Platys]]''. In Greek combinations, signifying broad or wide. |
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− | Plumose. Plumy; feather-like; with fine hairs, as the pappus of some composites. | + | ''[[Plumose]]''. Plumy; feather-like; with fine hairs, as the pappus of some composites. |
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− | Plumule. The bud in the embryo. | + | ''[[Plumule]]''. The bud in the embryo. |
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− | Plur-annual. Of one season's duration only because killed by frost. | + | ''[[Plur-annual]]''. Of one season's duration only because killed by frost. |
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− | Pod. A dehiscent dry pericarp. | + | ''[[Pod]]''. A dehiscent dry pericarp. |
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− | Pollen. Spores or grains borne by the anther, containing the male element; sometimes it is not granular. | + | ''[[Pollen]]''. Spores or grains borne by the anther, containing the male element; sometimes it is not granular. |
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− | Pollination. The mechanical or physical operation of transfering pollen from stamen to pistil. | + | ''[[Pollination]]''. The mechanical or physical operation of transfering pollen from stamen to pistil. |
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− | Polliniferous. Bearing-pollen. | + | ''[[Polliniferous]]''. Bearing-pollen. |
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− | Pollinium. A coherent mass of pollen, as in orchids and milkweeds. | + | ''[[Pollinium]]''. A coherent mass of pollen, as in orchids and milkweeds. |
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− | Poly-. In Greek combinations, signifying numerous or many. | + | ''[[Poly-]]''. In Greek combinations, signifying numerous or many. |
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− | Polyadelphous. The stamens in many bundles or fascicles. | + | ''[[Polyadelphous]]''. The stamens in many bundles or fascicles. |
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− | Polygamous. Bearing imperfect and hermaphrodite flowers on the same plant. | + | ''[[Polygamous]]''. Bearing imperfect and hermaphrodite flowers on the same plant. |
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− | Polymerous. Of many parts or series. | + | ''[[Polymerous]]''. Of many parts or series. |
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− | Pome. Fruit of apple, pear, quince, etc. | + | ''[[Pome]]''. Fruit of apple, pear, quince, etc. |
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− | Porose. With small holes, pores or perforations. | + | ''[[Porose]]''. With small holes, pores or perforations. |
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− | Posterior. At or toward the back; opposite the front; toward the axis; away from the subtending bract. | + | ''[[Posterior]]''. At or toward the back; opposite the front; toward the axis; away from the subtending bract. |
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− | Praefoliation. Arrangement of leaves in the bud; vernation. | + | ''[[Praefoliation]]''. Arrangement of leaves in the bud; vernation. |
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− | Prsemorse, Jagged; as if bitten off.
| + | ''[[Praemorse]]''. Jagged; as if bitten off. |
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− | Prickle. A small and weak spine-like body borne irregularly on the bark or epidermis. | + | ''[[Prickle]]''. A small and weak spine-like body borne irregularly on the bark or epidermis. |
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− | Prismatic. Prism-shaped; with plane sides separated by angles, body of nearly uniform size throughout, and with similar end-sections. | + | ''[[Prismatic]]''. Prism-shaped; with plane sides separated by angles, body of nearly uniform size throughout, and with similar end-sections. |
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− | Process. An extension of any surface or part beyond the main outline. | + | ''[[Process]]''. An extension of any surface or part beyond the main outline. |
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− | Procumbent. Trailing or lying flat, but not rooting. | + | ''[[Procumbent]]''. Trailing or lying flat, but not rooting. |
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− | Proliferous. Bearing offshoots or redundant parts; bearing other similar structures on itself. | + | ''[[Proliferous]]''. Bearing offshoots or redundant parts; bearing other similar structures on itself. |
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− | Proterandrous. Anthers maturing before pistils. | + | ''[[Proterandrous]]''. Anthers maturing before pistils. |
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− | Proterogynous. Pistils maturing before anthers. | + | ''[[Proterogynous]]''. Pistils maturing before anthers. |
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− | Pseud-annual. Perennial by means of bulbs, corms, or tubers. | + | ''[[Pseud-annual]]''. Perennial by means of bulbs, corms, or tubers. |
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− | Pseitdo-. In Greek compounds, signifying spurious or false.
| + | ''[[Pseudo-]]''. In Greek compounds, signifying spurious or false. |
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− | Pseudobulb. The thickened or bulb-form stems of certain orchids, the part being solid and borne above ground. | + | ''[[Pseudobulb]]''. The thickened or bulb-form stems of certain orchids, the part being solid and borne above ground. |
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− | Puberulent. Somewhat or minutely pubescent. | + | ''[[Puberulent]]''. Somewhat or minutely pubescent. |
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− | Pubescent. Covered with short, soft hairs; downy. | + | ''[[Pubescent]]''. Covered with short, soft hairs; downy. |
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− | Pulverulent. Powdered or dusty. | + | ''[[Pulverulent]]''. Powdered or dusty. |
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− | Pulrrinate. Cushioned; with a cushion-like enlargement or structure, as at the base of some petioles or leaflets.
| + | ''[[Pulvinate]]''. Cushioned; with a cushion-like enlargement or structure, as at the base of some petioles or leaflets. |
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− | Punctate. With translucent or colored dots or depressions or pits. | + | ''[[Punctate]]''. With translucent or colored dots or depressions or pits. |
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− | Pungent. Ending in a stiff sharp point or tip; also acrid (to the taste). | + | ''[[Pungent]]''. Ending in a stiff sharp point or tip; also acrid (to the taste). |
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− | Putamen. The hard or bony shell of a nut or of a stone- fruit. | + | ''[[Putamen]]''. The hard or bony shell of a nut or of a stone- fruit. |
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− | Pyrene, pyrena. Nutlet, particularly the nutlet in a drupe. | + | ''[[Pyrene]], pyrena''. Nutlet, particularly the nutlet in a drupe. |
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− | Pyriform. Pear-formed or -shaped. | + | ''[[Pyriform]]''. Pear-formed or -shaped. |
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− | Pyxis. Pod opening or dehiscing by a transverse ring. | + | ''[[Pyxis]]''. Pod opening or dehiscing by a transverse ring. |
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