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Pachyrhizus (Greek, thick, and root). Legu- minosae. Climbing herbs bearing large tuberous roots often 6 to 8 feet long and weighing fifty to seventy pounds, which are used for food and as a source of starch.
Leaves pin- nately 3-foliolate; lfts. stipellate, lobed, 3—4 in. wide: racemes with swollen nodes and fascicled pedicels, bracts and bract-lets setaceous, caducous; calyx 2- lipped, limb as long as the tube, upper lip emarginate, lower lip deeply 3-lobed; corolla much exserted, petals sub-equal, keel obtuse; stamens diadelphous;anthers uniform; ovary subsessile, many- ovuled; style long, circinate at the apex; bearded down the inner side below the very oblique stigma: pod large linear, turgid, deeply depressed between the seeds. —A genus of 3 or 4 species distributed throughout the tropics of both hemispheres. Blanco, Flora de Filipinas, describes and figures the roots as turnip-shaped. When young, the roots are palatable.
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