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The flowers are in racemes or spikes, firm in texture, and white or in shades of green, yellow, brown or purple. Catasetums are not much cultivated, since most of the species are not showy, but they are interesting to the botanist and amateur because of the striking ejection of the pollen-masses. Gardeners often have trouble with catasetums, but they are not difficult to grow if given good care. They need a high temperature, long period of rest, and free supply of water during the growing season. They are grown in both pots and baskets. Readily propagated by dividing the plants at the base; also from very ripe pseudobulbs cut in pieces and put in sand. For culture, see Orchids.
The flowers are in racemes or spikes, firm in texture, and white or in shades of green, yellow, brown or purple. Catasetums are not much cultivated, since most of the species are not showy, but they are interesting to the botanist and amateur because of the striking ejection of the pollen-masses. Gardeners often have trouble with catasetums, but they are not difficult to grow if given good care. They need a high temperature, long period of rest, and free supply of water during the growing season. They are grown in both pots and baskets. Readily propagated by dividing the plants at the base; also from very ripe pseudobulbs cut in pieces and put in sand. For culture, see Orchids.
C. barbatum, Lindl. Fls. green, blotched with purple. Guiana. —C. callosum, Lindl. Odd: fls. with chocolate-brown, narrow-lanceolate sepals and petals; lip greenish, speckled with red. Venezuela. B.M. 4219, 6648.—C. Christyanum, Reichb. f. Sepals and petals usually chocolate; lip greenish yellow, purple fringed. S. Amer.(?). G.C. III. 18:617. B.M. 8007.—C. Classianum, Lind. & Cogn. Fls. greenish yellow; lip fringed along sides. Brazil. G.C. III. 44:211.—C. Cliftonii, Hort. Probably a form of C. Bungerothii. G.M. 54:593 (desc.).—C. Colmaniae, Hort. Fine yellow fl. with 3-lobed lip stained with deep crimson.-C. discolor, Lindl. Fls. purple. An old sort, now rarely seen. Brazil.—C. ebureum, Rolfe.
