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Phaius (Greek, dark; referring to the color of the flowers). Often
spelled Phajus. Orchidaceae. Very large orchids with ample foliage
and all clustered stems terminating in racemes of showy flowers.
Sepals and petals similar, spreading or half-spreading; labellum
large, with the lateral lobes inclosing the column, usually gibbous
or spurred behind; column slender; pollinia 8. Distinguished from
Calanthe by the free labellum; from Thunia by the leafless bracted
scape which does not terminate the leafy axis.—About 20 species,
natives of Trop. Asia, Afr., Austral., China, Japan, and the South
Sea Isls.
The genus Phaius includes both epiphytic and terrestrial
representatives. The noteworthy epiphytic types are native of
Madagascar, including P. tuberculosus, P. simulans, and P. Humblotii.
However they are not frequently represented in orchid collections.
They enjoy a warm moist atmosphere as for vanda. The potting medium
should include chopped peat and moss in equal proportion. When
potting, small rafts with the potting medium packed around or
sections of fern stems, the latter being preferable, should be placed
in the center of the pot or basket. The terrestrial species,
especially P. grandifolius, are well known, being one of the first
orchids put under cultivation. It dates as far back as 1778, when it
was imported from China. Various species are native to low-lying
swampy places of tropical Asia and Australia, and have also become
naturalized in the West Indies. They are of easy culture and will
grow in  an ordinary warmhouse associated with palms. They delight in
moisture throughout the year, in a growing medium of sandy fibrous
sod-soil, with plenty of organic fertilizer in a dried state mixed
with the soil and also in liquid form when in full growth. The main
factor to bear in mind is perfect drainage. Plants are increased
readily by the division of the dormant pseudobulbs. Upward of thirty
garden hybrids are under cultivation at the present time, including
some interesting bigeneric forms. (G. H. Pring.)
| color = lightgreen
| color = lightgreen
