| + | Neuwiedia (named for Prince Maximilian von Newied). Orchidaceae. A half-dozen Malayan terrestrial orchids with short caudex and leafy sts.: Lvs. lengthened, stalked, strong-nerved: fls. small, mostly white or yellow, sessile or nearly so, in a bracteate terminal raceme or spike; sepals and petals free and mostly similar, connivent or spreading; lip somewhat spatulate, similar to petals; column short. Little cult.; require conditions of warmhouse paphiopedilum. N. Lindleyi, Rolfe, has primrose-yellow decurved fls. 1 in. long: 3-4 ft.: Lvs. many, 1-2 ft. long, oblanceolate, membranaceous. B.M. 7368. N. Griffithii, Reichb. f.. has white deflexed pubescent fls. in a short spike; 16 in.: Lvs. 4-10 in. long, elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate. B.M. 7425. |