Ulmus minor


Plant Characteristics
Habit   tree

Height: 50 ft"ft" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 50. to 70 ft"ft" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 70.
Width: 70 ft"ft" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 70.
Lifespan: perennial
Exposure: sun
USDA Zones: 5 to 10
Scientific Names

Ulmaceae >

Ulmus >

minor >

Ulmus minor (Mill.) , the Field Elm, is by far the most polymorphic of the European species, although its taxonomy remains a matter of contention. Its natural range is predominantly south European, extending to Asia Minor

The tree typically grows to < 30 m and bears a rounded crown. The leaves are generally elliptic, < 11 cm long by 7.5 cm broad, with the asymmetric base and acuminate apex typical of the genus; the upper surface is coarse. The species readily produces suckers from roots and stumps, even after devastation by Dutch elm disease, consequently genetic resources are not considered endangered [1].

Read about Ulmus minor in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Ulmus foliacea, Gilib. (U. nitens, Moench. U. glabra, Mill., not Huds. U. campestris var. laevis, Spach. U. campestris var. glabra, Hartig. U. surculosa var. glabra, Stokes). Smooth-leaved Elm. Tree, with straight trunk, wide-spreading branches and usually pendulous branchlets; suckering: bark gray, deeply fissured: young branchlets glabrous or nearly so: buds minutely pubescent: lvs. oval or obovate, acuminate, very unequal at the base, lustrous and smooth above, with white axillary tufts beneath and glandular, sparingly and minutely pubescent at first, doubly serrate, not ciliate, 2-3 1/2 in. long; pairs of veins about 12; petiole 1/4 – 1/2 in. long: fls. 4-5-merous: fr. obovate, cuneate at the base, broad and rounded at the apex; the seed nearly touching the closed notch at the apex. Eu., N. Afr., W. Asia. S.E.B. 8:1286 (as U. suberosa glabra). R.F.G.. 12:664. H.W. 2:37, p. 3 (as U. campestris).—A variable species with several geographical varieties and a number of garden forms. Var. suberosa, Rehd. (U. suberosa, Moench, not Ehrh. U. campestris suberosa, Wahl.). Branches with corky wings. R.F.G. 12:663. Var. propendens, Rehd. (U. glabra propendens, Schneid. U. microphylla pendula, Hort. U. suberosa pendula, Hort.). With pendulous branchlets, and small lvs. about 1 in. long. M.D.G. 1901:166. Var. italica, Rehd. (U. nitens var. italica, Henry). Similar to the typical form, but lvs. more coriaceous, with 14-18 pairs of veins, quite glabrous at maturity except conspicuous axillary tufts beneath; petioles 1/4 in. long. Italy, Spain, Portugal. Var. umbraculifera, Rehd. (U. campestris umbraculifera, Trautv. U. densa, Litwinow). Tree, with dense globose head, otherwise like the type. Persia, Armenia. Gt. 30:1034. M.D.G. 1900:579. M.D. 1910, pp. 72. 73. Var. gracilis, Rehd. (U. campestris umbraculifera gracilis, Spaeth). Similar to the preceding but with a more ovoid, not globose head, and smaller lvs. Var. Koopmannii, Rehd. (U. campestris Koopmannii, Hort. U. Koopmannii, Spaeth). Closely allied to var. umbraculifera, but with a dense oval head: branchlets paler: lvs. ovate, 1 – 1 1/4 in. long. Var. Ruepellii, Rehd. (U. campestris Ruepellii, Spaeth). Similar to var. umbraculifera, but branchlets pubescent and branches slightly corky: lvs. rather small, scabrous above. Var. stricta, Rehd. (U. stricta, Lindl. U. nitens var. stricta, Henry. U. campestris var. cornubiensis, Loud.). Cornish Elm. Narrow pyramidal tree with ascending branches: young branchlets often pubescent at the insertion of the lvs.: buds glabrous: lvs. obovate to oval, somewhat unequal at the base, 2 – 2 1/2 in. long, glabrous and smooth above; petioles 1/3 in. long: fls. usually 4-merous: fr. 2/3 in. long, narrower than in the type. S. W. England. Var. Wheatleyi, Rehd. (U. nitens var. Wheatleyi, Henry. U. campestris Wheatleyi, Simon-Louis. U. sarniensis, Lodd. U. campestris monumentalis, Hort., not Ruiz). Wheatley, Jersey, or Guernsey Elm. Narrow pyramidal tree with ascending branches: lvs. similar to those of the preceding variety, but broader, with less conspicuous axillary tufts and glandular beneath and on the petiole. G.C. III. 41:150. M.D. 1910, p. 273. Var. monumentalis, Rehd. (U. campestris monumentalis, Ruiz). Columnar tree with few upright branches and numerous short branchlets: lvs. crowded, rather short-petioled, dark green and somewhat rough above. Var. Dampieri, Rehd. (U. nitens var. Dampieri, Henry. U. campestris Dampieri, Spaeth). Fastigiate tree, forming a narrow pyramidal head: lvs. crowded on short branchlets, broadly ovate, 2 - 2 1/2 in. long, glabrous. Var. Wredei, Rehd. (U. campestris Dampieri Wredei, Hort. U. Wredei aurea, Hort.). Like the preceding, but lvs. yellowish. M.D.G. 1898:160. Var. pendula, Rehd. (U. nitens var. pendula, Henry). With slender pendulous branches. Var. Webbiana, Rehd. (U. campestris Webbiana, Lee). Pyramidal tree with ascending branches: lvs. folded longitudinally. Var. variegata, Rehd. (U. campestris variegata, Dum.-Cours. U. campestris var. argenteo-variegata, Rehd.). Lvs. variegated with white, smooth above.

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Read about Ulmus minor in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Ulmus campestris, Linn. (U. procera, Salisb. U. sativa, Mill., according to Henry. U. suberosa, Smith. U. surculosa var. latifolia, Stokes). English Elm. Tall tree, to 130 ft. high, with a straight st. and spreading or ascending branches forming an oval head; usually suckering abundantly: bark deeply fissured: young branchlets pubescent: buds ovoid, minutely pubescent: lvs. broadly oval or ovate, short-acuminate, very oblique at the base, dark green and scabrous above, soft-pubescent beneath and with axillary tufts of hairs, 2-3 in. long; pairs of veins about 12; petioles 1/5 in. long, pubescent: fls. short-stalked with 3-5 stamens: fr. nearly orbicular, 1/2 in. across, with a short closed notch at the apex, seed touching the base of the notch. England, W. and S. Eu. F.S.R. 2, p. 267. S.E.B. 8:1285. Em. 2:336. M.D.G. 1900:577.—This is the most stately of the European elms and much planted in England; the famous "Long Walk" in Windsor Park consists of this elm. This tree is sometimes planted as an avenue tree in this country; it succeeds very well and fine old trees may be seen occasionally in the northeastern states. The foliage remains green several weeks longer than that of the American elm. The form of S. Eu. has been distinguished as var. australis, Henry. Pyramidal tree: lvs. thicker and firmer; more cuspidate-acuminate, with the veins more prominent beneath: fr. more obovate. There are also several garden forms. Var. variegata, Dipp.(var. argenteo-variegata, Hort.). Lvs. striped and spotted with white. Var. purpurea, Kirchn. Lvs. tinged purple, 2 – 2 1/2 in. long. Var. purpurascens, Schneid. (var. myrtifolia purpurea, L. de Smet). Lvs. tinged purplish, about 1 in. long. Var. Van Houttei, Schneid. (var. Louis Van Houtte). Lvs. tinged with yellow. Var. Berardii, Simon-Louis. Bushy tree or shrub with slender upright branches: lvs. oblong, with few coarse teeth, nearly glabrous, 1/2 - 1 in. long. Var. viminalis, Loud. (U. antarctica, Kirchn. U. stricta, Hort.). Tree with ascending branches and pendulous slightly pubescent branchlets: lvs. obovate to narrowly elliptic, incisely doubly serrate, acuminate, scabrous above and slightly pubescent beneath, 1 – 2 1/2 in. long. G.C. III. 51:236. Var. viminalis aurea, Henry (U. Rosseelsii, Koch. U. campestris aurea, Morr. Var. antarctica aurea, Nichols.). Like the preceding but with yellow lvs. B.H. 16:19. I.H. 14:513. Var. viminalis marginata, Kirchn. (var. viminalis variegata, Nichols.). Like var. viminalis, but lvs. variegated with white. Var. Wentworthii, Schelle (U. Wentworthii pendula, Hort.). A form with pendulous branches.

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