Ulmaceae (from the genus Ulmus, the classical name). Elm Family. Fig. 16. Trees or shrubs without milky juice: leaves alternate, usually oblique: flowers bisexual or unisexual, regular, small; perianth simple; parts 4-5, rarely 3-7; stamens of the same number opposite the sepals, rarely twice as many, not elastically incurved; ovary superior, 1-celled, 1-ovuled; the ovule suspended, anatropous; stigmas usually 2: fruit nut-like, drupaceous, or winged.
Thirteen genera and about 140 species are generally distributed in all but the polar regions. The largest genus is Celtis, with 60 species. The family is closely related to the Urticaceae and Moraceae. Its non-elastic stamens, and suspended anatropous seeds are important distinguishing characters.
The seeds of some species of Celtis are edible. The wood is used to make wind instruments, and the like. Elm wood is of use in the crafts. The mucilaginous bark of slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) is used for poultices and coughs. The fragrant wood of Planera Abelicea of Crete is false sandalwood.
There are several genera in cultivation in America. Among these are: Aphananthe, ornamental; Celtis (Nettle Tree, Hackberry, Sugarberry), hardy, ornamental; Planera (Water Elm), ornamental; Ulmus (Elm), ornamental, and for timber; Zelkova, ornamental.CH
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