Ipomoea purpurea

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Read about Ipomoea purpurea in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Ipomoea purpurea, Roth (Convolvulus majus, Hort. Convolvulus purpureus, Linn.). Tall Morning-glory. Fig. 1961. St. trailing or twining for 4-10 ft., branching from the base: peduncles slender, 1-5-fld., often longer than the petioles: corolla 1-2 in. long, light blue, purple, pink and diversely variegated. July-Sept. Trop. Amer. Escaped from gardens to waste places, Canada to Fla., west to Neb. and Texas, widely distributed in most tropical regions. B.M. 113, 1005, 1682. Gn.21,p. 295; 27, p. 473.—One of the most popular of garden annuals. Some of its varieties resemble the entire- leaved forms of I. hederacea, but may be distinguished by their longer and more slender peduncles, umbellate pedicels, and oblong-acute sepals without the long tip usually found on I. hederacea. Seeds ripen freely on cult, varieties and may be gathered for future sowings. Among the host of garden forms are: alba, white; atro-caerulea, dark blue; atro- sanguinea, dark purple; azurea, sky-blue; carminata, light crimson ; dickensonii (Pharbitis hispida var. dickensonii), azure- blue; huberi (I. huberi var. variegata, Hort.). Lvs. marked with silvery white, fls. variously colored and margined with white; kermesina (I. kermesina), scarlet; rosea., blush-rose; varia, a trade name for packages containing a mixture of many kinds; violacea-striata, violet-purple. There are several double forms of I. purpurea. var. flore-pleno, Fig. 1962, has very large lvs.: fls. appearing much later than single varieties, semi- or much-doubled, bluish white streaked with light blue or pink. Intro. 1892. Said to be very floriferous and a good pot-plant. G.F. 5:593 (adapted in Fig. 1962). A.G. 14:246. var. violacea fl.-pl., Hort., is entirely distinct from the preceding. Gt. 47, p. 133.

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