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Cymbidium Clarisse Austin 'Best Pink cultivar'

Plant Characteristics
Habit   orchid

Lifespan: perennial
Exposure: part-sun
Water: moderate
Features: evergreen, flowers
Flower features: red, orange, yellow, green, purple, brown, multicolored, pink, white, single, spotted
Scientific Names

Orchidaceae >

Cymbidium >

Cymbidium Clarisse 'Best Pink'

Cymbidium (pronounced /sɪmˈbɪdiəm/),[1] or boat orchids, is a genus of 52 evergreen species in the orchid family Orchidaceae.

Cymbidium plants are sympodial and grow to a height of 60 cm and the racemes as high as 90 cm. The raceme grows from the base of the most recent pseudobulb. Each flower can have a diameter of 5 to 10 cm, according to the species. They bloom during the winter, and each plant can have up to fifteen or more flowers. The fantastic range of colors for this genus include white, green, yellowish-green, cream, yellow, brown, pink, and red [and orange] (and there may be markings of other color shades at the same time), but not blue and black. The flowers last about ten weeks. They have a waxy texture. The rounded sepals and petals have about the same dimensions. They show very diverse color patterns, different for every species.Template:Fact[2]

It is one of the most popular and desirable orchids in the world because of the beautiful flowers. These plants make great houseplants, and are also popular in floral arrangements and corsages. They have been cultivated for thousands of years, especially in China. Cymbidiums became popular in Europe during the Victorian era. One feature that makes the plant so popular is the fact that it can survive during cold temperatures (as low as 7˚ C or 45˚ F) [Actually they will survive at temperatures below 32˚F for short periods and even as low as 28˚F].

Read about Cymbidium in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Cymbidium (boat, from the Greek, referring to the shape of the lip). Orchidaceae. Handsome epiphytal, rarely terrestrial orchids, requiring warmhouse conditions.

Stems pseudobulbous or not so: lvs. coriaceous, long, rarely short, persistent: sepals and petals sub-equal, labellum usually tri-lobed, adnate to the base of the column; column erect; pollinia 2.—Species 30 and more, tropical or subtropical, found on mountains at high elevations in Asia, and a few species in Afr. and Austral.

These are among the most decorative of orchids when in bloom, and are attractive all the time owing to the graceful foliage seen on well-grown specimens. There are now many handsome species and varieties and these in their turn have produced, at the hands of the hybridizer, many fine decorative plants, so that a house of cymbidiums produces flowers most of the time, and these last many weeks in full beauty. There are few orchids whose flowers last so long, and the spikes of bloom, often 2 to 3 feet in length, are useful for decorative purposes of all kinds, either on the plants or cut. The recent species, C. insigne, is the most beautiful of all and has already lent itself to hybridization, so that to the very many known hybrids C. insigne will soon add its influence and coloring.—Cultivated cymbidiums are terrestrial, with thick fleshy roots best contained in pots. A portion of tough fibrous loam should be added to the osmundine, about half of each with plenty of broken charcoal to keep the whole porous. The plants will do well for years without disturbance at the roots, but when this is necessary, great care must be taken not to injure them. Division is, in fact, very difficult to accomplish when the pots are full of roots, and it is best practice to pot the plant in a larger receptacle if the roots are healthy, washing out loose earth and removing dead portions of roots first. Cymbidiums may be grown in a temperature of 50° as a minimum in winter, must not be subjected to strong sunlight after March, and never allowed to become dry at the roots, as these are more or less active, even in winter. Being terrestrial, weak manure-water may be applied during active growth. Many species thrive well when planted out in large palm and fern houses among rocks arranged in a natural manner, and when the plants are placed so that the flower-spikes are on a level with the vision, they have a charming effect for many weeks when in bloom, and the environment suite them well. Of the few well-marked species, there are many forms that have been collected and when flowered in cultivation, proved distinct. These in some cases have been called new species, but are now being better understood; some prove to be natural hybrids, others are varieties. (E. O. Orpet.)

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.




Cymbidiums are susceptible to the Tobacco mosaic virus and Cymbidium mosaic potexvirus.


Cymbidium dayanum

[[Image:|right|thumb|Cymbidium Hybrid]]

Golden Leaf-edge Orchid
(Cymbidium floribundum)
  • Cymbidium aestivum Z.J.Liu & S.C.Chen (Yunnan, China South-Central)
  • Cymbidium aliciae (Philippines)
  • Cymbidium aloifolium: Aloe-Leafed Cymbidium (Himalaya to W. Malaysia)
  • Cymbidium atropurpureum (S. Thailand, W. & C. Malaysia)
  • Cymbidium bicolor: Two-Colored Cymbidium (S. China to Trop. Asia)
    • Cymbidium bicolor subsp. bicolor (S. India, Sri Lanka) Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Cymbidium bicolor subsp. obtusum (Himalaya to S. China and Indo-China). Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Cymbidium bicolor subsp. pubescens (W. & C. Malaysia)
  • Cymbidium borneense (N. & NW. Borneo)
  • Cymbidium canaliculatum: Banana Orchid, Queensland Black Orchid, Small Groove-leaf Cymbidium (N. & E. Australia)
  • Cymbidium chawalongense (newly discovered in Tibet)
  • Cymbidium chloranthum: Green-flowered Cymbidium (W. Malaysia)
  • Cymbidium cochleare (E. Himalaya to Taiwan)
  • Cymbidium concinnum Z.J.Liu & S.C.Chen (Yunnan, SW China)
  • Cymbidium cyperifolium (Himalaya to S. China and Philippines)
    • Cymbidium cyperifolium subsp. cyperifolium (Himalaya to S. China).. Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Cymbidium cyperifolium subsp. indochinense (Indo-China, Philippines). Pseudobulb epiphyte
  • Cymbidium dayanum: Phoenix Orchid, Tree Orchid, Day's Cymbidium (Himalaya to S. Japan and Malaysia)
  • Cymbidium defoliatum
  • Cymbidium devonianum: Devon's Cymbidium (Nepal to N. Thailand)
  • Cymbidium eburneum: Ivory-colored Cymbidium (Himalaya to Hainan)
  • Cymbidium elongatum (NW. Borneo)
  • Cymbidium elegans (SW China)
  • Cymbidium ensifolium: Four Season Orchid, Golden-thread Orchid, Spring Orchid, Burned Apex Orchid, Rock Orchid (Trop. & Temp. E. Asia)
    • Cymbidium ensifolium subsp. ensifolium: Mt. Tu-Wu Fall Orchid (Indo-China to Temp. E. Asia). Pseudobulb, epiphyte
    • Cymbidium ensifolium subsp. haematodes (S. India to New Guinea). Pseudobulb epiphyte
  • Cymbidium erythraeum: Indian Cymbidium (Himalaya to SC. China)
  • Cymbidium erythrostylum: Red Column Cymbidium (Vietnam)
  • Cymbidium faberi: Multi-flower Orchid, Miscanthus Orchid (Uttaranchal to Taiwan)
    • Cymbidium faberi var. faberi (C. & S. China, Taiwan). Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Cymbidium faberi var. szechuanicum (Uttaranchal to SC. China). Pseudobulb epiphyte
  • Cymbidium finlaysonianum: Finlayson's Cymbidium (Indo-China to Malaysia)
  • Cymbidium flavum (China)
  • Cymbidium floribundum: Golden Leaf-edge Orchid, Golden-edged Orchid, Yellow Margin Orchid (S. China, Taiwan).
  • Cymbidium goeringii: Spring Orchid (Chinese: 春蘭) (Himalaya to Temp. E. Asia).
    • Cymbidium goeringii subsp. goeringii : Goering's Cymbidium (Himalaya to Temp. E. Asia). Pseudobulb epiphyte
      • Cymbidium goeringii subsp. goeringii var. goeringii: Chinese Spring Orchid, Japanese Spring Orchid, Korean Spring Orchid (Temp. E. Asia) Pseudobulb epiphyte
      • Cymbidium goeringii subsp. goeringii var. formosanum: Taiwanese Spring Orchid (Taiwan) Pseudobulb epiphyte
      • Cymbidium goeringii subsp. goeringii var. forrestii: Yunnanese Spring Orchid (Chinese: 雲南春蘭, 朵朵香) (SW. China) Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Cymbidium goeringii subsp. gracillimum : Leek Orchid, Chive Orchid (Chinese: 豆瓣綠, 豆瓣蘭, 綫葉春蘭) (Japan to S. China). Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Cymbidium goeringii subsp. longibracteatum (SC. China). Pseudobulb epiphyte
      • Cymbidium goeringii subsp. longibracteatum var. longibracteatum Sword-leaf Spring Orchid (Chinese: 春劍) (SC. China). Pseudobulb epiphyte
      • Cymbidium goeringii subsp. longibracteatum var. tsukengensis Mt. Tsukerg Orchid, Snow Orchid (Chinese: 雪蘭) (SC. China). Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Cymbidium goeringii subsp. tortisepalum : Broad-leaf Spring Orchid (Chinese: 菅草蘭) (SC. China to Taiwan) Pseudobulb epiphyte
      • Cymbidium goeringii subsp. tortisepalum var. tortisepalum (Chinese: 埤亞蘭) (Taiwan). Pseudobulb epiphyte
      • Cymbidium goeringii subsp. tortisepalum var. lianpan Miscanthus Orchid (Chinese: 蓮瓣蘭) (SC. China). Pseudobulb epiphyte
  • Cymbidium gongshanense (Chinese: 貢山鳳蘭) (S. China)
  • Cymbidium hartinahianum J.B.Comber & Nasution 1977 (N. Sumatra)
  • Cymbidium hookerianum (Chinese: 虎頭蘭, 青蟬蘭) (E. Nepal to S. China).
  • Cymbidium insigne: Splendid Cymbidium (Chinese: 美花蘭) (N. Thailand to Hainan)
  • Cymbidium iridioides: Iris-like Cymbidium (Chinese: 黃蟬蘭) (Himalaya to SC. China)
  • Cymbidium kanran: Cold-growing Cymbidium (Chinese: 寒蘭) (S. China to S. Japan)
  • Cymbidium lancifolium: Green-flowered Peacock Orchid, Lance-leafed Cymbidium (Chinese: 兔耳蘭) (Trop. & Subtrop. Asia)
    • Cymbidium lancifolium var. lancifolium : Green Bamboo-leaf Orchid, Cut-grass Orchid (Trop. & Subtrop. Asia) Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Cymbidium lancifolium var. papuanum (New Guinea). Pseudobulb epiphyte
  • Cymbidium longifolium (Himalaya to SC. China)
  • Cymbidium lowianum: Low's Cymbidium (Chinese: 碧玉蘭) (China to N. Indo-China)
    • Cymbidium lowianum var. kalawense (Myanmar). Pseudobulb epiphyte
    • Cymbidium lowianum var. lowianum (China to N. Indo-China). Pseudobulb epiphyte
  • Cymbidium macrorhizon (Chinese: 大根蘭) (N. Pakistan to Temp. E. Asia).
  • Cymbidium madidum: Buttercup Orchid, Northern Cymbidium, Moist Forest Cymbidium (Chinese: 濕地蘭) (Queensland to N. New South Wales)
  • Cymbidium maguanense F.Y. Liu: Ivory-colored Cymbidium (Chinese: 象牙白) (Yunnan, SW China)
  • Cymbidium mastersii: Master's Cymbidium (Chinese: 大雪蘭) (E. Himalaya to China)
  • Cymbidium micranthum Z.J.Liu & S.C.Chen (2004) (Chinese: 細花蘭) (Yunnan, China South-Central,temperate Asia)
  • Cymbidium multiradicatum Z.J.Liu & S.C.Chen (Chinese: 多根蘭) (Yunnan, SW China)
  • Cymbidium munronianum (E. Himalaya to Assam)
  • Cymbidium nanulum (Chinese: 珍珠矮) (China (SW. Yunnan, SW. Guizhou), Hainan)
  • Cymbidium omeiense Y.S.Wu & S.C.Chen (Chinese: 峨眉春蕙) (China, Xichuan)
  • Cymbidium parishii (S. Myanmar)
  • Cymbidium qiubeiense (Chinese: 邱北冬蕙蘭) (China)
  • Cymbidium rectum (Malaysia, N. Borneo)
  • Cymbidium roseum (W. Malaysia)
  • Cymbidium sanderae: Sander's Cymbidium (Vietnam)
  • Cymbidium schroederi (C. Vietnam)
  • Cymbidium sigmoideum (W. Malaysia)
  • Cymbidium sinense: Chinese Cymbidium (Chinese: 墨蘭) (Assam to Nansei-shoto)
  • Cymbidium suave: Snake Orchid (Chinese: 蛇蘭) (E. Australia)
  • Cymbidium suavissimum (Chinese: 果香蘭) (N. Myanmar)
  • Cymbidium teretipetiolatum (China)
  • Cymbidium tigrinum: Tiger-striped Cymbidium (Chinese: 斑舌蘭) (Assam to China).
  • Cymbidium tracyanum: Tracy's Cymbidium (Chinese: 西藏虎頭蘭) (SE. Tibet to China and Indo-China)
  • Cymbidium wenshanense (Chinese: 文山紅柱蘭) (China to Vietnam)
  • Cymbidium whiteae (Sikkim)
  • Cymbidium wilsonii (Chinese: 滇南虎頭蘭) (China)

Natural Hybrids

  • Cymbidium × ballianum (Chinese: 巴氏雪蘭) (= C. eburneum × C. mastersii) (Myanmar)
  • Cymbidium × baoshanense (Chinese: 保山蘭) (= C. lowianum × C. tigrinum) (SC. Yunnan)
  • Cymbidium × chiu-lih(?) (Chinese: 秋麗蘭) (= C. lancifolium × C. ensifolium) (China)
  • Cymbidium × nishiuchianum (Chinese: 春寒蘭) (= C. goeringii × C. kanran) (Taiwan)
  • Cymbidium × nishiuchianum (Chinese: 春暉) (= C. goeringii subsp. goeringii var. formosanum × C. kanran) (Taiwan)
  • Cymbidium × florinda (= C. erythrostylum × C. iridioides. Cyperorchis × florinda) (Vietnam)
  • Cymbidium × gammieanum (= C. elegans × C. erythraeum. Cyperorchis × gammieana) (Nepal to Sikkim)
  • Cymbidium × glebelandensis (= C. insigne × C. schroederi) (Vietnam)
  • Cymbidium × jy-shiang(?) (Chinese: 芝香蘭) (= C. lancifolium × C. sinense) (China)
  • Cymbidium × rosefieldense (= C. hookerianum × C. tracyanum. Cyperorchis × rosefieldensis) (Vietnam)
  • Cymbidium × woodlandense (= C. mastersii × C. tracyanum. Cyperorchis × woodlandensis) (Myanmar)

Asian Cymbidium

Asian Cymbidiums or Chinese Cymbidiums refer to mainly five species of cymbidiums orchids that are found throughout East Asia in areas of China, Korea, Japan, India, and in parts of Thailand and Vietnam. These species are usually grown for their variegated leaves. But plants are also grown for their fragrant flowers and peloric flower structure. Plants are usually grown in long and thin vase like pots. The five species are:

  • Cymbidium sinense 墨蘭
  • Cymbidium ensifolium 建蘭
  • Cymbidium kanran 寒蘭
  • Cymbidium goeringii 春蘭 (all the varieties like v. longibracteatum 春劍, v. lianpan 蓮瓣蘭, subsp. gracillimum 豆瓣蘭 are treated as different groups in the culture traditionally) Image
  • Cymbidium faberi 蕙蘭


  1. Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607
  2. "Cymbidium Care". Retrieved on 2011-01-28.

External links
