Acer platanoides

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Read about Acer platanoides in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Acer platanoides, Linn. Norway Maple. Fig. 92. Large tree, to 100 ft.: lvs. 5-lobed, cordate at base, glabrous, light green and lustrous beneath, lobes pointed, remotely dentate with pointed teeth: corymbs glabrous; fls. yellowish green: fr. glabrous, with horizontally spreading wings. Eu., Caucasus. H.W. 3:45. Pax 49. Gt. 42, p. 561,584,585.—Large, handsome tree, with round, spreading head, resembling somewhat A. saccharum. The lvs. turn pale yellow in autumn. Many garden forms, some of which are here arranged in two groups, the first being remarkable for the manner in which the lvs. are cut and for the habit; the second being chiefly remarkable for their coloring:

(1) Var. cucullatum, Nichols. Lvs. irregularly and shortly lobed, crimped, light green. Var. dissectum, Jacq. Similar to var. Lorbergii, but with darker foliage and of slower growth. Var. globosum, Nichols. Forming a globose head. M.D.G. 1903:189. G.W. 5, p. 14. Var. laciniatum, Ait. Lvs. irregularly divided, the divisions bending downward: growth upright. Gt. 42, p. 584. Var. Lorbergii, Van Houtte. Lvs. divided nearly to the base, divisions deeply lobed. Gt. 1893, p. 584. Var. columnare,Carr. Habit columnar.

(2) Var. albovariegatum, Nichols. Lvs. with large white blotches. Var. aureomarginatum, Pax. Lvs. with yellow margin, somewhat irregularly lobed. Var. rubrum, Herd. (var. Reitenbachii, Nichols.). Lvs. greenish red when unfolding, turning dark blood-red in late summer. Gt. 16: 545. B.H. 18:39. Var. Geneva, Ellwanger & Barry, is probably not much different. Var. Schwedleri, Koch. Lvs. bright red when young, changing to dark green. G.C. II. 15:565. Var. Stollii, Spaeth. More upright-growing: lvs. usually 3-lobed, with entire lobes, purple when unfolding, later dark green. Gt. 42. p. 585. Var. Wittmackii, Schwerin. Lvs. usually 3-lobed, with an irregularly dentate and undulate yellow margin, reddish brown when unfolding, later bright green with most of the tips transformed into peculiar reddish brown appendages becoming, finally, dark green. Gt. 52:1516. Var. Drummondii, Drumm. Lvs. green with white margin, red when unfolding. M.D. 1910:1.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

  1. REDIRECT Norway Maple