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Gerbera plants at the nursery

Plant Characteristics
Lifespan: [[Lifespan::perennialRH]]
Origin: [[Origin::Africa, Madagascar, Asia, IndonesiaRH]]
Exposure: [[Exposure::Shade from hottest sunRH]]
Water: frequent when in growth"frequent when in growth" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Asteraceae >

Gerbera >

Hairy, stemless herbs. Perennials which can be treated like annualsRH. Leaves may spread or come up from a basal rosette, are entire to dentate (or rarely pinnately lobed), petiolate, and hairy underneathRH.

Read about Gerbera in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Gerbera (named in honor of Traug. Gerber, a German naturalist who traveled in Russia). Compdsitx. A small group of temperate and tropical Asiatic and African perennial herbs grown for their yellow or pink or orange flower-heads.

Stemless herbs with radical, petioled Ivs. which are entire or sometimes lobed: fl.-heads solitary, many-fld., the conspicuous rays in 1 or 2 rows, those of the inner row, when present, very short and sometimes tubular and 2-lipped, as are the disk-fls.: achenes beaked.— There are 40 species, only one of which (G. jamesonii) is well known in Amer. and is sometimes found outside the collections of botanic gardens and fanciers. They should be grown in the temperate house, in a rich compost of sandy loam and peat. Prop, by seeds or by cuttings of side shoots.

G. aurantiaca, Sch. A handsome plant with fls. 2 ½ in. diam.: florets red. with bright yellow anthers. Natal and the Transvaal. B.M. 8079. Has been listed under name of G. elsae.—G. cantabrigiensis, Hort. A garden hybrid between G. jamesonii and G. viridifolia. G.M.47:386, desc.—G. viridifolia, Sch., is a little-known green-lvd. plant with showy Ms. that are white on the upper side, yellow beneath. S. Afr.—Well worth growing in temperate house. CH

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.


Most common are the G. jamesonii hybrids, with extremely long-lasting cut flowersRH. The flowers come in a wide range of pastel and basic bright colors. In frost-free areas they overwinter safely outdoorsRH. In cold-winter areas, keep at 5-7°C (40-45°F) and keep just moistRH.

Tip: Scald tip of stem when cutting flowers for vase to make them last longerRH.


Plants may be divided in the springRH. Seed.

Pests and diseases

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About 40 speciesRH, includingwp:


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External links