Ulmus davidiana var. japonica

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Read about Ulmus davidiana var. japonica in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Ulmus japonica, Sarg. (U. campestris var. japonica, Rehd.). Tree, to 100 ft., with a broad head and often more or less pendulous branchlets: young branchlets densely pubescent and rough with minute tubercles, pale yellowish brown, sometimes developing corky ridges: lvs. obovate or elliptic, acuminate, oblique at the base, scabrous and hairy above, pubescent beneath with slight axillary tufts of hairs, 3-5 in. long; pairs of veins 12-16; petiole 1/6 – 1/4 in. long, densely pubescent: fls. nearly sessile, tetramerous: fr. obovate-oblong, about 3/4 in. long, gradually narrowed toward the base, with an open notch at the apex; seed touching the notch. Japan, Manchuria, Amurland. G.F. 6:327. S.T.S. 2:101. — Intro. into the Arnold Arboretum in 1895; it has proved perfectly hardy there, grows rapidly, and promises to become a valuable ornamental tree.

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