Vitis tiliifolia

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Read about Vitis tiliifolia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Vitis caribaea, DC. Fig. 3963. Climbing, with flocculent-woolly (or rarely almost glabrous) and striate shoots: tendrils rarely continuous: lvs. cordate-ovate or even broader and mostly acuminate-pointed, sometimes obscurely angled above (but never lobed except now and then on young shoots), becoming glabrous above but generally remaining rufous-tomentose below, the margins set with very small, mucro-tipped sinuate teeth: cluster long and long-peduncled, generally large and very compound: berry small and globose, purple; seed obovate, grooved on the dorsal side. A widely distributed and variable species in the American tropics, running into white-lvd. forms (as in V. Blancoi, Munson). Although supposed to occur from Fla. to Texas, Munson is "unable to discover the slightest traces of this species in the U. S.;" he considers the Fla. plants to be hybrids of other species, or forms of V. cinerea. The species is considered to be promising for the development of a pomological grape for the tropics (F. S. Earle, Journ. Heredity, Dec., 1915). V. rufotomentosa, Small, differs in having the lf.-blades usually distinctly lobed and the margins coarsely toothed, rusty tomentose on nerves beneath: sandy soil, Fla to La.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.