Aloysia citrodora
Read about Aloysia citrodora in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Lippia citriodora, Kunth (Aloysia citriodora, Ort.). Lemon Verbena. Small shrub, glabrous, the branchlets striate and more or less scabrous: lvs. in whorls of 3 or 4, lanceolate, short-stalked, glabrous, densely covered beneath with glandular dots, entire or toothed at the middle, lemon-scented: spikes whorled and axillary or collected in terminal panicles, which may be 3 in. long and wide: fls. white, small, in summer and autumn. Uruguay, Argentina, Chile. B.M. 307 (as Verbena triphylla). Sometimes grown as standard and tree-like. G.C. II. 11:301.