Lonicera maackii

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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Lonicera >

maackii >

Read about Lonicera maackii in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Lonicera maackii, Maxim. Fig. 2203. Upright shrub, to 15 ft.: branchlets short-pubescent: lvs.elliptic-ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, dark green above, paler beneath, usually only pubescent on the veins on both sides, 2-3 ½ in. long: peduncles shorter than petioles; bractlets half as long or as long as ovary; calyx distinctly Smoothed, nearly as long as ovary; corolla ¾ in. long, white, fading to yellowish, glabrous outside, fragrant, upper lip upright, divided to the middle or below, tube short, not gibbous; stamens usually only half as long as limb: fr. dark red. June; fr. in Sept.- Nov. N.E. Asia to Cent. Japan. Gt. 33:1162. G.C. III. 41:265. G. 29:411. G.W.4, p. 235. Var. podocarpa, Franch. Lower and more spreading: lvs.broader, oval to elliptic, short - acuminate: ovaries raised above the bracts on a very short but usually distinct stalk: fls. slightly smaller. Cent. China. Var. erube- scens, Rehd. 'A form of the preceding variety, with larger fls. flushed pinkish.—A very desirable species, the latest of the bush honeysuckles to bloom; the type is showier in bloom, while the var. nodocarpa is most beautiful in fr. which lasts, like the dark green foliage, into Nov.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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