Malpighia emarginata

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Plant Characteristics
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Read about Malpighia emarginata in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Malpighia glabra, Linn. Barbados Cherry. Fig. 2308. Shrub, 6ft., glabrous, the branches slender: lvs. ovate to elliptic, entire, usually pointed, having a few biscuspidate hairs which disappear early: umbels 3-5-fld.; fls. ¾ in. across, rose-red, the petals erose or fringed: drupes red or scarlet, about the size of a cherry, acid, with thin skin, used for jam and preserves; seeds large, 4angled. S. Texas to N. S. Amer.; W. Indies.—Widely planted in tropics, and offered in S. Fla. Prop, by cuttings, and seeds germinate readily.

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