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Read about Moluccella in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Moluccella (diminutive, made from Molucca). Also written Mollucella. Labiatae. Half-hardy annuals, flowering in midsummer, interesting because of the cup- shaped calyx. Annual: corolla-tube included, with an oblique hairy ring within, the upper lip erect, the lower trilobed, the middle lobe broader, notched; stamens ascending under the hood, the anthers attached by lateral pedicels to the tip of the filament, cells divergent; style bifid: nutlets 4, convex on one side, angular on the other, broader upward, truncate.—Of 25 described names only 2 now remain in this genus as accepted species. Bentham & Hooker place this genus near Lamium. Other genera of garden value in which the upper lip of the corolla is concave or vaulted and often villous within are Stachys, Leonurus and Phlomis. From these Moluccella is easily distinguished by its calyx. The fls. are white, tipped pink, scarcely if at all thrust out of the calyx, and borne in whorls of 6-10. To this genus belongs the shell-flower, a quaint old annual plant, that self-sows in old-fashioned gardens, but is now rarely advertised for sale. Start the seed in frames in February and March; the seedlings may be transplanted to the rockery or border in May. They seem to like a sandy loam.
Pests and diseases
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Moluccella. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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