Dichelostemma ida-maia

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Read about Dichelostemma ida-maia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Brevoortia ida-maia, Wood (B. coccinea, Wats. Brodiaea coccinea, Gray). Floral. Fire-cracker. Lvs. slender, grassy: scapes slender, 1-3 ft. high, with 3-6 pendulous tubular-saccate fls. 1-2 in. long, which are brilliant crimson-red, tipped with pea-green. N. Calif, to Ore. in wooded foothills. B.M. 5857. G.C. III. 20:687. Gn. 46, p. 503.—The fls. are very lasting and beautiful.

Half-hardy. Needs partial shade and a deep, loose soil, thoroughly drained, and with some leaf-mold. Conn the sue of a nutmeg.

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