Callistachys lanceolata
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Read about Callistachys lanceolata in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Oxylobium callistachys, Benth. Tall shrub: Lvs. mostly in irregular whorls of 3, varying from ovate-oblong and 1½-2 in. long to lanceolate and 4-5 in. long, leathery, silky- pubescent beneath when young: racemes oblong or pyramidal, 2-6 in. long. B.R. 216 (as Callislachys lanceolata). B.M. 1925 (as C. ovata). P.M. 8:31 (as C. longifolia). L.B.C. 20:1983 (as C. retusa). J.H. III. 35:35.