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- ...are found primarily at higher altitudes in the cool, damp montane forests of the [[Andes]] and [[Venezuela]], with some into [[Central America]] up to s ...hey are borne on a slender peduncle, originating from the base of the back of the leaf. The long dorsal [[sepal]] is erect and ends in a somewhat thicker8 KB (1,118 words) - 22:36, 13 December 2009
- Coryanthes (Greek, korys, helmet, and anthos, flower, referring to the shape of the lip). Orchidaceae. Epiphytic orchids requiring warmhouse conditions. ...llapse and become unsightly. Although mud interest attaches to the species of Coryanthes, the genus is not generally cult., since the fls. last too short8 KB (1,200 words) - 14:52, 5 August 2009
- ...], it is a large imposing white-gilled white-spotted red [[mushroom]], one of the most recognizable and widely encountered in popular culture. Though it Native throughout the [[temperate]] and [[boreal]] regions of the [[Northern Hemisphere]], ''Amanita muscaria'' has been unintentionally39 KB (5,648 words) - 15:42, 27 March 2010
- It has 5 subfamilies, more than 800 genera, and hundreds of thousands of species and cultivars.]]s (top, lower right, lower left), two normal [[petal]]s on either side of the dorsal (upper) sepal, and the [[labellum]], a modified lower petal in157 KB (25,918 words) - 03:57, 24 February 2010