Crinum asiaticum

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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Crinum asiaticum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Crinum asiaticum, Linn. (C. toxicarium, Roxbg.). Bulb 4-5 in. thick; neck 6-9 in. long: Lvs. 20-30 to a bulb, 3-4 ft. long. 3-4 in. broad: peduncle ½-2 ft. long, 1 in. thick; fls. 20-50 in an umbel; spathe-valves 2—4 in. long; pedicels ½-l in. long: perianth white; tube erect, tinged with green, 3—4 in. long; segms. 2½-3 in. long; filaments tinged red, 2 in. long: ovule 1 in a cell. Trop. Asia. B.M. 1073. G.F. 4:283. Baker gives 5 botanical varieties, of which the most important in the American trade is probably var. sinicum, Baker (C. sinicum, Roxbg. C. pedunculatum, Hort., not R. Br.). St. John's Lily. Bulb 6 in. thick, 18 in. long: Lvs. 5 in. broad, with undulated edges, forming a massive crown 4-5 ft. high: peduncle 2-3 ft. long; fls. 20 or more, the tube and segms. longer than in the type; perianth white. China. The bulb usually divides into 2 of equal size; small offsets are rarely produced. Seedlings flower in 5 years. Var. declinatum, Baker (C. declinatum, Herb.); has a declined instead of erect bud; perianth-segms. tinged red at tip. B.M. 2231. Var. procerum, Baker (C. procerum, Carey), is larger than the type with Lvs. 5 ft. long, 6 in. wide: perianth-tube and limb 5 in. long, the latter tinged red outside. Rangoon. B.M. 2684. Var. anomalum, Baker, is freakish- looking, its Lvs. being expanded into a broad, membranous, striated and plaited wing. B.M. 2908 (as C. plicatum), C. eboraci, Herb. (C. hybridum Todorae. Hort.). Similar to the variety next mentioned, but half the size. Garden hybrid between a small form of C. asiaticum and C. longifolium. C. eboraci var. cappedum, Reasoner (C. cappedum, Reasoner). Habit much like C. asiaticum, but Lvs. tapering to a slender point, semi-erect, 4 ft. high: fls. about 20, segms. 4 in. long, ½in. broad, spreading, white, sometimes changing to pink. Garden hybrid between C. asiaticum var. sinicum and C. longifolium. Increases both by offsets and splitting of the bulb into two. C. sinico-scabrum, Hort., hybrid of C. asiaticum var. crossed with C. scabrum, and intermediate in aspect and fl.—C. asiaticum is the largest of the cult, species, good specimens standing 5 ft. high and having a greater spread. The evergreen reticulated Lvs. are ornamental. It blooms several times each year in good warmhouseor greenhouse conditions. CH

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