Nemophila menziesii

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Read about Nemophila menziesii in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Nemophila menziesii, Hook. & Am. (N. atomaria, Fisch. & Mey. N. modesta, Kellogg. N. pedunculata, Benth.). St. straggling, succulent, procumbent, pilose: lvs. pinnatifid, the lobes ovate, nearly entire, slightly hairy: fls. light blue to nearly white, marked with dark brown spots toward the center or sometimes with a dark eye. Low grounds, W. Amer., Calif, to Ore. B.R. 1940. B.M. 3774. P.M. 5:99. V. 2:267. Brand makes 19 subspecies and botanical varieties of this species, of which some are important horticulturally. Var. discoidalis, Hort., in which the spots on the corolla are confluent into a large, brownish purple eye. Other garden forms are: var. vittata, Hort., velvety black margined with white (Gn. 9, p. 232); var. elegans, Hort. (N. atomaria var. elegans, Hort.), fls. pure white, with chocolate center. (V. 2:268); var. oculata, Hort., white, with purple center, and var. argentea, Hort., white fls., lilac stripes.

Subsp. insignis, Brand. Baby Blue-eyes. Fig. 2459. Lvs. pinnateiy parted into 7-9 oblong segms., which are sometimes2-3-lobed or toothed: fls. ½ in. wide; corolla bright clear blue, the scales within its base short, partly free, covered with short hairs. Low ground, Calif. B.R. 1713. B.M. 3485. P.M. 3:151. V. 2:268; 5:168; 8:215. Gn. 74, p. 367.—There are many garden varieties. Among these are var. grandiflora, with large, clear blue fls. (Gt. 34:370); var. alba fls. pure white; var. marginata, or variegata, Hort., fls. blue, edged with white.

Var. crambeoides, Hort. Corolla 15-18 in. diam., light blue, veined not spotted.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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