Annona reticulata

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Read about Annona reticulata in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Annona reticulata, Linn. (A. longifolia, Mociño & Sessé). Common Custard-apple. Bullock's-heart. Corazon. Corossol Coeur-de-boeuf. Coracao De Boi. Mamon. Anonas. Anona Colorada. Quauhtzapotl. Fig. 213. A deciduous tree, 15-25 ft. high with young growth fulvous-pubescent, at length glabrate: Lvs. approximate, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, acute at the apex, conduplicate, glabrate, or with the midrib and lateral nerves sparsely pubescent: fls. in extra-axillary clusters of several issuing from the new branch- lets, peduncles nodding; outer petals fleshy, oblong- linear, keeled on the inside and excavated at the base, olive-green or yellowish, usually stained within with purple and with a dark purple blotch at the base; inner petals very small, scale-like, ovate, acute; carpels distinct, the ovaries covered with pale brown silky hairs, at length uniting to form a solid fr.: fr. 3-5 in. diam., smooth, with the surface divided into rhomboid or hexagonal aréoles by impressed lines, usually reddish or reddish brown when ripe, or red-cheeked on the sunny side, pulp sweetish but insipid, tallow-like and usually granular, adhering closely to the seeds. Trop. Amer.; now widely spread throughout the tropics of both hemispheres.—A robust tree which has spread spontaneously in the forests of the Philippines, the island of Guam and, the E. Indies, while its congeners, A. muricata and A. squamosa, occur usually only where planted. It is essentially tropical while the cherimoya, with the smooth-fruited forms of which it has often been confused, is subtropical. Its. fr. is inferior in flavor to both the cherimoya and the sugar-apple (A. squamosa) , from the first of which it may be distinguished by its long, narrow, glabrate Lvs., and from the second by its solid, compact fr., as well as its larger Lvs. From A. glabra, with which it is also confused, it may be distinguished by its elongate narrow outer petals and its small, dark brown seeds. It is common in the W. Indies and thrives in S. Fla.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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