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ExpandRead about Cylindropuntia fulgida in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Opuntia fulgida, Engelm. A numerously branched arborescent plant, often 10-12 ft. high, with erect trunk 8-14 in. diam., having a thick, grayish, scaly, unarmed bark: joints congested toward the ends of the larger branches, ovate to ovate-cylindrical, 2-8 in. long and often 2 in. thick, very fragile and tumid, easily becoming detached and taking root, bluish green, somewhat glaucous: areoles with white wool and bright straw-colored bristles spines on young growth 5-8 increasing yearly until ultimately 30-50, finally deciduous, with loose, glistening, white or straw-colored sheaths 1½ in. or less long: fls. ¾-1 in. wide, pink: fr. obovate to globose, light green, pendulous, in large, proliferous clusters, sometimes 50 in a single cluster. S. W. tl. S. and N. Mex.— The common "cholla" of the Ariz, plains, where it often becomes a fair-sized tree and notable for its formidable armor of barbed spines completely hiding the surface of the plant. Var. mamillata, Coult. Differs in having fewer, shorter spines.
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