Pinus nigra

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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Pinus nigra in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Pinus nigra, Arnold (P. Laricio, Poir.). Austrian Pine. Tree, to 100 or occasionally 150 ft., with stout, spreading branches in regular whorls forming a symmetrical pyramid, in old age sometimes broad and flat- topped: branchlets usually light brown: buds ovate or oblong-ovate, light brown, resinous: lvs. stiff, acute, dark green, 3-6 1/2 in. long: cones sessile, ovate, yellowish brown, glossy, usually 2-3 1/2 in. long; apophysis depressed, conspicuously keeled; umbo flattened, obtuse or with a very short prickle; seeds gray, 1/4 in.long. S. Eu. to W. Asia.—Very variable and usually the following geographical varieties are distinguished: Var. austriaca, Schneid. (P. Laricio var. austriaca, Endl. P. austriaca, Hoss. P. nigricans, Hort.). Fig. 2969. Tall tree, with dark gray bark, broadly ovate head and very dark green, rigid lvs. 3-4 in. long: branchlets grayish or yellowish brown. S.E. Eu., from Austria to Dalmatia and Rumania. Gn. 19,

p. 477; 38, p. 113. F.S.R. 3, p. 10. F.E. 18:376 (pl. 84). G.W. 15, p. 466, H.W. 1:6, pp. 148-51. Mn. 10, p. 170. R.H. 1894, p. 271. Var. Pallasiana, Schneid. (P. Pallasiana, Lamb.). Crimean Pine. Tall tree, with long and stout branches: lvs. dark green and glossy: cones light brown, about 4 in. long. W. Asia. G.C.II. 20:785; 21:481. Var. calabrica, Schneid. (P. Laricio calabrica, Delam.). Calabrian Pine. Tall tree, with shorter ascending branches forming a narrower, less dense head: lvs. of lighter green: branchlets light brown. Italy, Sicily. Var. pindica, Rehd. (P. Laricio -pindica, Mast. P. pindica, Formanek). Lvs. pale green, about 5 in. long: cones about 3 in. long with convex apophysis and small obtuse umbo. Thessaly. G.C. III. 31:304. Var. leuco- dermis, Rehd. (P. leucodermis, Ant.). Pyramidal tree: bark light gray, broken into angular plates: lvs. dark green, 2—4 in. long: cones oblong-ovate, light grayish brown, dull, about 3 in. long. S. E. Eu. H.W. 1, p. 158-61. Var. Poiretiana, Schneid. (P. Laricio, Poir. P. Laricio corsicana, Hort.). Corsican Pine. Tall tree, to 150 ft., with shorter ascending branches forming a narrower head: bark gray: branchlets reddish brown: lvs. lighter green, 4-6 in. long. Corsica. R.H. 1897, pp. 355, 357. F.S.R. 1, p. 33. Gn. 27, p. 321; 29, p. 104; 36, p. 523; 52, p. 219. G.C. II. 21:15; 111.4:693,705. Var. tenuifolia, Schneid. (P. Loricio tenuifolia, Parl. P. Salzmannii. Dun. P. monspeliensis, Salzmann. P. pyrenaica, Lapeyr. P. cebennensis, Hort. P. horizontalis, Hort.). Tree, to 60 ft.: branchlets orange-colored: lvs. slender, to 6 1/2 in. long: cones small, about 2 in. long. Of the horticultural varieties may be mentioned var. pendula, Rehd. (P. Laricio pendula, Beissn.); var. pygmaea, Rehd. (P. Laricio pygmaea, Rauch), a dwarf dense bushy form; var. prostrata, Rehd. (P. L. prostrata, Beissn.), prostrate habit, and var. Moseri, Rehd. (P. L. Moseri, Moser), compact and dwarf, needles turning golden yellow in winter.—The var. austriaca is hardy N., the others are at least hardy as far north as Mass. They are of rapid growth and conspicuous by their large, dark green foliage. Var. tenuifolia is especially very handsome as a young plant, with its long, dense lvs. CH

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