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webbianum, 22.
H. aegyptiacum. Linn. Dwarf shrub: lvs. crowded, elliptic, acute, ¼ - 1/3 in. long: fls. solitary, axillary. 1/3 – ½ in. across, forming leaf) racemes; styles 3. Medit. region. B.M. 6481. G.C. II. 14:503. B.R. 196.—H. arnoldianum, Rchd. (H. galioides X H. lobocarpum). Similar to H. galioides, but with a many-fld. terminal inn. and several-fld. lateral infl.: caps. 3-5-celled. Originated at the Arnold Arboretum.—H. balearicum. Linn. Low upright shrub with the lvs. beneath and the twigs warty: lvs. oval, obtuse, about 1/3 in. long: fla. 1 ½  in. across, solitary, terminal; stylea 5. Medit. region.
H. aegyptiacum. Linn. Dwarf shrub: lvs. crowded, elliptic, acute, ¼ - 1/3 in. long: fls. solitary, axillary. 1/3 – ½ in. across, forming leaf) racemes; styles 3. Medit. region. B.M. 6481. G.C. II. 14:503. B.R. 196.—H. arnoldianum, Rchd. (H. galioides X H. lobocarpum). Similar to H. galioides, but with a many-fld. terminal inn. and several-fld. lateral infl.: caps. 3-5-celled. Originated at the Arnold Arboretum.—H. balearicum. Linn. Low upright shrub with the lvs. beneath and the twigs warty: lvs. oval, obtuse, about 1/3 in. long: fla. 1 ½  in. across, solitary, terminal; stylea 5. Medit. region.
B.M. 137.—H. canariense, Linn. Allied to H. floribundum. Shrub, to 15 ft.: lvs. oblong-lanceolate, narrowed at the base, 2-3 in.: flu. 1-1 ½ in. across, in panicles; sepals ovate, acute, ciliate. L.B.C. 10:953.—H. coris, Linn. Procumbent subshrub, 6-8 in. high: lvs narrowly linear, revolute on the margin, about 1 in. long, in whorls of 4-6: fls. ¾ in. across, in few-fld. loose cynics; styles 3. Cent, and S. Eu. B.M. 6503.—H. cuneatum, Poir. Low diffuse subshrub. ½ -l ft. high: lvs. obovate, ¼ -1/3 in. long: fls. ¾ in. across, axillary, slender-stalked, forming leafy racemes. Asia Minor. —H. dawsonianum, Rehd. (H. lobocarpum X H. prolificum). Differs from H. prolificum in the more numerous fls. and the 3-5-celled, furrowed caps. Originated at the Arnold Arboretum.—H. dolabriforme, Vent. Procumbent perennial, with ascending sts. 6-20 in. high: lvs. linear-lanceolate, ½ - 1 ½  in. long: fls. 1 in. across, in terminal leafy corymbs. Ky. and Tenn. B.B. (ed. 2) 2:532.— H. elegans, Steph. Upright perennial, ½ -l ft high.: lvs. ovate- lanceolate, ¾ - 1 in. long: fls. ¾ -1 in. across, in terminal panicles; sepals ovate-lanceolate, glandular-ciliate. Cent. Eu. to Altai Mts. R.F.G. 6:360 (5190).—H. elodes, Huds.=H. helodes, Linn.— H. empetrifolium, Willd. Upright shrub, to 1 ft.: lvs. linear, revolute on the margin, ½ - ¾  in. long, in whorls of 3: fls. ½ - ¾ in. across, in 3-5-fld. cymes forming panicles; sepals broadly oblong. 8. E. Eu., Asia Minor. B.M. 6764. Gn. 30, p. 221.—H fasciculatum. Lam. Allied to G. galioides. Shrub, to 6 ft.: lvs. linear, thick, ½ - ¾  in. long: fls. 1/3 – ½ in. across, in narrow panicles. N. C. to Fla. and Texas.—H. fragile, Heldr. A Sart. Dwarf subshrub: lvs. ovate, imbricate, Kin. long, glaucescent-fls. large, in 3- to many-fld. cymes; sepals linear-lanceolate. Greece.—H. helodes, Linn. Procumbent perennial, with orbicular-ovate, villous lvs. 1/3 – ¾ in. long: fls. pale
goat-like odor. Arching shrub, with strongly 2-edged branchlets: lvs. ovate to ovate-oblong. 1 ½ -2 in. long: fls. 1 in. across, in few- fid, dense corymbs. Caucasus.—H. japonicum, Thunb. Decumbent perennial, with ovate or oval 3-nerved lvs. and 4-angled sts.: fls. ¼ in. across, with petals equaling the lanceolate sepals, in terminal cymes. E. Asia to Austral. Scarcely ornamental.—H. lysimachioides. Wall. Slender shrub, with slightly angular arching branchleta: lvs. ovate to ovate-oblong, acute. 1-1 ½ in. long: fls. 1 in. across in loose leafy cymes; sepals linear-lanceolate; styles 5. Himalayas. V.F. 25,—H. montanum, Linn. Perennial: lower lvs. larger, ovate, glabrous: fls. in close compact cymes, often reduced to a head. Cent, and S. Eu.—H. napaulense, Choisy (H. nepalensis, Hort.). Trailing subshrub with ovate to ovate-lanceolate lvs. ½ - ¾ in. long: fls. 1/3 in. across in few-fld. loose cymes. Himalayas.—For H. nepalense, Hort.. see also No. 6.—H. nothum, Rehd. (H. densiflorum X H. kalmianum). Similar to H. densiflorum, but fls. less numerous, lvs. narrower and caps. 3-5-celled, slightly furrowed. Originated at the Arnold Arboretum.—H. nummularium, Linn. Diffuse ascending subshrub: lvs. roundish, 1/3 – ½ in. long: fls. ¾ in. across, in terminal cymes; sepals glandularciliate. Pyrenees. R.F.G. 6:346 (5184).—H. olympicum. Linn. Upright or ascending subshrub, 1 ft.: lvs. oblong-lanceolate, grayish green, ½ - 1 ½ long: fls. golden yellow. 1 ½ - 2 ½ in. across, in terminal few-fld. corymbs; sepals large, pointed; petals oblong-obovate. S. E. Eu., Asia Minor. B.M. 1R67. Gn. 31:302.—H. opacum, Ton. & Gray. Allied to H. sphaerocarpum. Subshrub, 1-3 ft.: lvs. oblong-lanceolate, ½ -l in. long: fls. 1/3 in. across, in open corymbs; sepals obtuse: caps, ovoid. S. C. to Fla. and Miss. G.F. 5:305.— H. orientale, Linn. Upright perennial, ½ -l ft.: lvs. obovate-oblong to linear-oblong, obtuse, glandular-ciliate, ½ -l in. long: fls. 1 in. across, in small terminal cymes. Asia Minor.—H. polyphyllum, Boiss. Perennial with ascending sts.: lvs. elliptic-linear, glaucous, 1/3 – 1/3 in. long: fls. 1 ½ -2 in. across, in dense terminal cymes. Cilicia.—H. pulchrum, Linn. Allied to H. perforatum. Sts. terete: lvs. ovate, clasping, 1/3 – ½ in. long: fls. ½ - ¾ in. across, in terminal panicles; sepals glandular-ciliate. Cent. Eu. R.F.G. 6:347 (5185).— H. ramosissimum, Ledeb.=H. inodorum.—H. repens, Linn. Perennial, with prostrate sts.: lvs. oblong or linear-oblong, ¼ - 1/3 in. long: fls. golden yellow, 1 in. across in few-fld. terminal cymes. S. E. Eu.. Asia Minor. S.F.G. 8:775.—H. reptans, Hook. f. 4 Thorns. Prostrate shrub, with rooting sts.: Ivs. elliptic-oblong, ¼ - ½ in. long: fls. cup-shaped, solitary, terminal, 1 ¾ in. across; petals broadly obovate; styles 5. Himalayas. Gn. 24, p. 267; 30. p. 221. —H. salicifolium, Sieb. & Zucc. Allied to H. chinense, but distinguished by the narrower acute lvs., many-fld. corymbs and acute sepals. Japan.—H. splendens. Small. Allied to H. aureum. Shrub, to 5 ft.: lvs. oblong, ¾ -1 in. long: fls. pedicelled, 1 ½  in. across, in several- to many-fld. cymes; stamens orange-colored: caps, with 3 narrow wings. Ga. Seems not yet in cult.; very desirable.—H. tomentosum, Linn. Perennial with ascending sts.: lvs. ovate, woolly, 1/3 -  ¾ in. long: fls. ½ - ¾ in. across, in many-fld. corymbs; sepals ciliate. acute. Eu. R.F.G. (1:340 (5183).—H. turgidum, Small. Allied to H. sphaerocarpum. Shrub. 1-2 ft.: lvs. linear-oblanceolate, ½ - 1 in. long: fls. 1 in. across in several-fid, cymes; sepals ovate to elliptic: caps, subglobose, broadest at the top. Ala.
Alfred Rehder.


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