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'''Scrophulariaceae''', the '''figwort family''', is a [[family (biology)|family]] of [[flowering plant]]s.  The plants are annual or perennial herbs with flowers with bilateral ([[zygomorphic]]) or rarely radial  ([[actinomorphic]]) symmetry.  Members of the Scrophulariaceae have a [[cosmopolitan distribution]], with the majority found in temperate areas, including tropical mountains.  The family name is based on the name of the included genus ''[[Scrophularia]]'' [[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]].
In the past it was treated as including about 275 genera and over 5,000 species, but its circumscription has been radically altered since numerous molecular phylogenies have shown the traditional broad circumscription to be grossly polyphyletic.  Many genera have recently been transferred to other families within the [[Lamiales]], notably [[Plantaginaceae]] and [[Orobanchaceae]] but also several new families <ref name="olmstead2001">{{cite journal |author = Olmstead, R. G., dePamphilis, C. W., Wolfe, A. D., Young, N. D., Elisons, W. J. & Reeves P. A.|title = Disintegration of the Scrophulariaceae | journal= American Journal of Botany| volume= 88| pages = 348–361| year=2001 | url =  | doi = 10.2307/2657024 | pmid = 11222255}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | author = Olmstead, R. G. | title =  Whatever happened to the Scrophulariaceae? | journal=Fremontia|volume = 30| pages= 13–22|year=2003}} - on line [ here]</ref>.  Several families of the Lamiales have had their circumscriptions enlarged to accommodate genera transferred from Scrophulariacae [[sensu|''sensu lato'']].
Scrophulariaceae (from the genus Scrophularia, a reputed remedy for scrofula). Figwort Family. Fig. 52. Herbs, shrubs, or small trees: leaves alternate, opposite or whorled: flowers bisexual, regular or commonly irregular, often bilabiate, in which case the throat is often closed by a palate; calyx 5-cleft; corolla 5-lobed, gamopetalous, hypogynous, rarely spurred at the base, imbricated; fertile stamens rarely 5, usually 4 and didynamous, rarely 2; sterile often present as staminodia; epipetalous; hypogynous disk annular or unilateral; ovary superior, 2-celled; ovules many; style 1; stigmas 1-2: fruit generally a capsule, rarely a berry.
Scrophulariaceae (from the genus Scrophularia, a reputed remedy for scrofula). Figwort Family. Fig. 52. Herbs, shrubs, or small trees: leaves alternate, opposite or whorled: flowers bisexual, regular or commonly irregular, often bilabiate, in which case the throat is often closed by a palate; calyx 5-cleft; corolla 5-lobed, gamopetalous, hypogynous, rarely spurred at the base, imbricated; fertile stamens rarely 5, usually 4 and didynamous, rarely 2; sterile often present as staminodia; epipetalous; hypogynous disk annular or unilateral; ovary superior, 2-celled; ovules many; style 1; stigmas 1-2: fruit generally a capsule, rarely a berry.
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===Tribe Aptosimeae===
*''[[Anticharis]]'' <small>Endl.</small>
*''[[Aptosimum]]'' <small>Burch. ex Benth.</small>
*''[[Peliostomum]]'' <small>E. Mey. ex Benth.</small><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Aptosimeae |work=[[Germplasm Resources Information Network]] |publisher=[[United States Department of Agriculture]] |accessdate=2009-03-29}}</ref>
===Tribe Buddlejeae===
*''[[Buddleja]]'' <small>L.</small> - Butterfly-bush
*''[[Emorya]] <small>Torr.</small>
*''[[Gomphostigma]]'' <small>Turcz.</small><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Buddlejeae |work=[[Germplasm Resources Information Network]] |publisher=[[United States Department of Agriculture]] |accessdate=2009-03-29}}</ref>
===Tribe Hemimerideae===
*''[[Alonsoa]]'' <small>Ruiz & Pav.</small>
*''[[Colpias]]'' <small>E.Mey. ex Benth.</small>
*''[[Diascia (plant)|Diascia]]'' <small>Link & Otto</small>
*''[[Diclis]]'' <small>Benth.</small>
*''[[Hemimeris]]'' <small>L.f.</small>
*''[[Nemesia (plant)|Nemesia]]'' <small>Vent.</small><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Hemimerideae |work=[[Germplasm Resources Information Network]] |publisher=[[United States Department of Agriculture]] |accessdate=2009-03-29}}</ref>
===Tribe Leucophylleae===
*''[[Eremogeton]]'' <small>Standl. & L.O.Williams</small> [[File:Leucophyllum frutescens (Purple Sage) W2 IMG_1125.jpg|thumb|240px|''[[Leucophyllum frutescens]]'' ]]
*''[[Leucophyllum]]'' <small>Humb. & Bonpl.</small><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Leucophylleae |work=[[Germplasm Resources Information Network]] |publisher=[[United States Department of Agriculture]] |accessdate=2009-03-29}}</ref>
===Tribe Limoselleae===
*''[[Barthlottia]]'' <small>Eb.Fisch.</small>
*''[[Camptoloma]]'' <small>Benth.</small>
*''[[Chaenostoma]]'' <small>Benth.</small> (sometimes included in ''[[Sutera (plant)|Sutera]]'' but separated by Kornhall and Bremer<ref name="kornhall2004">{{Cite journal | doi = 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2004.00341.x | title = New circumscription of the tribe Limoselleae (Scrophulariaceae) that includes the taxa of the tribe Manuleeae | author = Kornhall, Per and Bremer, Birgitta | journal = Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society | volume = 146 | pages = 453–467 | issue = 4 | year = 2004 }}</ref>)
*''[[Chenopodiopsis]]'' <small>Hilliard</small>
*''[[Cromidon]]'' <small>Compton</small>
*''[[Dischisma]]'' <small>Choisy</small>
*''[[Glekia]]'' <small>Hilliard</small>
*''[[Globulariopsis]]'' <small>Compton</small>
*''[[Glumicalyx]]'' <small>Hiern</small>
*''[[Gosela]]'' <small>Choisy</small>
*''[[Hebenstretia]]'' <small>L</small>
*''[[Jamesbrittenia]]'' <small>Kuntze</small><ref name="kornhall2004"/>
*''[[Limosella]]'' <small>L.</small> -> Plantaginaceae -> Scrophulariaceae (according to Oxelman ''et al.'' 2005)<ref>{{cite journal| author = Oxelman, B.; Kornhall, P.; Olmstead, R.G.; Bremer, B.| title= Further disintegration of the Scrophulariaceae | journal=Taxon| volume =  54|issue = 2|pages= 411–425| year = 2005}}</ref>
*''[[Lyperia]]'' <small>Benth.</small>
*''[[Manuleopsis]]'' <small>Thell. ex Schinz</small>
*''[[Melanospermum]]'' <small>Hilliard</small>
*''[[Microdon]]'' <small>Choisy</small>
*''[[Phyllopodium]]'' <small>Benth.</small>
*''[[Polycarena]]'' <small>Benth.</small>
*''[[Reyemia]]'' <small>Hilliard</small>
*''[[Selago]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Strobilopsis]]'' <small>Hilliard & B.L.Burtt</small>
*''[[Sutera (plant)|Sutera]]'' <small>Roth</small> syn. Manulea <small>Thun.</small> - Dwarf Snapdragon, "Bacopa"
*''[[Tetraselago]] <small>Junell</small>
*''[[Trieenea]]'' <small>Hilliard</small>
*''[[Zaluzianskya]]'' <small>F.W.Schmidt</small><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Limoselleae |work=[[Germplasm Resources Information Network]] |publisher=[[United States Department of Agriculture]] |accessdate=2009-03-29}}</ref>
===Tribe Myoporeae===
*''[[Bontia]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Calamphoreus]]'' <small>Chinnock</small>
*''[[Diocirea]]'' <small>Chinnock</small>
*''[[Eremophila (plant)|Eremophila]]'' <small>R.Br.</small>
*''[[Glycocystis]]'' <small>Chinnock</small>
*''[[Myoporum]]'' <small>Sol. ex G.Forst.</small>
*''[[Pentacoelium]]'' <small>Siebold & Zucc.</small><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Myoporeae |work=[[Germplasm Resources Information Network]] |publisher=[[United States Department of Agriculture]] |accessdate=2009-03-29}}</ref>
===Tribe Scrophularieae===
*''[[Antherothamnus]]'' <small>N.E.Br.</small>
*''[[Nathaliella]]'' <small>B.Fedtsch.</small>
*''[[Oreosolen]]'' <small>Hook.f.</small>
*''[[Scrophularia]]'' <small>L.</small> - Figwort
*''[[Mullein|Verbascum]]'' <small>L.</small> - Mullein<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Scrophularieae |work=[[Germplasm Resources Information Network]] |publisher=[[United States Department of Agriculture]] |accessdate=2009-03-29}}</ref>
===Tribe Teedieae===
*''[[Dermatobotrys]]'' <small>Bolus</small>
*''[[Freylinia]]'' <small>Colla</small>
*''[[Oftia]]'' <small>Adans.</small>
*''[[Ranopisoa]]'' <small>J.F.Leroy</small>
*''[[Teedia]]'' <small>Rudolphi</small>
===Not placed in a tribe===
*''[[Brachystigma]]'' <small>Pennell</small> - Desert foxglove
*''[[Dasistoma]]'' <small>Raf.</small>
*''[[Hemianthus]]'' <small>Nutt.</small>
*''[[Leucosalpa]]'' <small>Scott-Elliot</small>
*''[[Phygelius]]'' <small>E.Mey. ex Benth.</small> - Cape fuchsia<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Genera of Scrophulariaceae |work=[[Germplasm Resources Information Network]] |publisher=[[United States Department of Agriculture]] |accessdate=2009-03-29}}</ref>
==Excluded genera==
The following genera, traditionally included in the Scrophulariaceae, have been transferred to other families as indicated:
*''[[Agalinis]]'' -> [[Orobanchaceae]]
*''[[Amphianthus]]'' -> [[Plantaginaceae]]
*''[[Angelonia]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Antirrhinum]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Bacopa]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Bartsia]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Bellardia]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Besseya]]'' -> Plantaginaceae<ref>[ Besseya] at GRIN Taxonomy for Plants</ref>
*''[[Calceolaria]]'' -> [[Calceolariaceae]]
*''[[Castilleja]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Chaenorrhinum]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Chelone (genus)|Chelone]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Chionophila]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Collinsia]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Cordylanthus]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Craterostigma]]'' Hochst. -> alongside ''[[Lindernia]]''<ref>{{Cite journal | doi = 10.3732/ajb.92.2.297 | title = Piecing together the "new" Plantaginaceae | year = 2005 | author = Albach, D. C. | journal = American Journal of Botany | volume = 92 | pages = 297 | url = }}</ref> or as part of ''Lindernia''<ref>{{cite web | url = | work = A Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar | title = Lindernia All. | publisher = Missouri Botanical Garden and Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle }}</ref>
*''[[Cymbalaria]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Digitalis]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Dopatrium]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Epixiphium]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Euphrasia]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Galvezia]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Gambelia (plant)|Gambelia]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Glossostigma]]'' -> [[Phrymaceae]]
*''[[Gratiola]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Hebe (plant)|Hebe]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Holmgrenanthe]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Howelliella]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Keckiella]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Kickxia]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Lagotis]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Limnophila (plant)|Limnophila]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Linaria]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Lindernia]]'' -> Plantaginaceae, also placed within its own family [[Linderniaceae]] according to Haston ''et al.'' 2007 (also known as LAPG II).<ref>{{cite journal| last =Haston, E.| first = Richardson, J. E., Stevens, P. F., Chase, M. W., Harris, D. J. | title = A linear sequence of Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II families| journal = Taxon| volume =  56| issue = 1| year = 2007| pages = 7–12| doi = }}</ref>
*''[[Lophospermum]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Mabrya]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Maurandella]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Maurandya]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Mazus]]'' -> Phrymaceae
*''[[Mecardonia]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Melampyrum]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Micranthemum]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Mimulus]]'' -> Phrymaceae
*''[[Misopates]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Mohavea]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Nemesia]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Neogaerrhinum]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Nothochelone]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Nuttallanthus]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Odontites]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Orobanche]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Orthocarpus]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Parentucellia]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Paulownia]]'' -> [[Paulownia]]ceae
*''[[Pedicularis]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Penstemon]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Pseudorontium]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Rhinanthus]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Russelia]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Sairocarpus]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Schistophragma]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Scoparia]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Stemodia]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Striga (plant)|Striga]]'' -> Orobanchaceae<ref name="olmstead2001"/><ref>{{cite journal | title = The Evolution of Parasitism in Scrophulariaceae/Orobanchaceae: Plastid Gene Sequences Refute an Evolutionary Transition Series | author = Nelson D. Young, Kim E. Steiner, Claude W. dePamphilis | journal = Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden | volume = 86 | issue = 4 | date = Autumn, 1999 | pages = 876 | doi = 10.2307/2666173}}</ref>
*''[[Synthyris]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Tonella]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Torenia]]'' L. -> Linderniaceae
*''[[Triphysaria]]'' -> Orobanchaceae
*''[[Veronica (plant)|Veronica]]'' -> Plantaginaceae
*''[[Veronicastrum]]'' -> Plantaginaceae

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