| + | C. altaica, Lange = C. Wattiana.—C. ambigua, C. A. Mey. Related to C. monogyna. Lvs. deeply 4-7-lobed, sparingly hairy on both sides, 1-2 in. long: corymbs slightly hairy. fr. ovoid, usually with 2 stones. S. Russia.—C. Baxteri, Sarg.=C. foetida.—C. beata, Sarg. Allied to C. pruinosa. Shrub, to 15 ft.: lvs. oblong-ovate, villous above while young: anthers dark maroon-color: fr. crimson, pruinose, ripens end of Sept. N. Y.—C. Beckwithae, Sarg. Allied to C. pastorum. Shrub or tree, to 18 ft.: lvs. ovate, usually truncate at the base, at maturity thin: calyx-lobes glandular-serrate: fr. subglobose, crimson, with 5 stones. N. Y.—C. bellula. Sarg. Related to C. pruinosa. Shrub, to 12 ft.; glabrous: Lvs. ovate, bluish green and lustrous above, 2-3 in. long: stamens 8-10: fr. dull crimson, bloomy, ¾ in. across, with usually 4 stones. Mich. 8.T.8. 1:56.—C. berberifolia, Torr. A Gray. Related to C. Crus-galli. Lvs. obovate or obovate-oblong, obtuse, pubescent below, lustrous and nearly glabrous above, 1⅓-2 in. long: corymbs pubescent: anthers yellow: fr. orange with red cheek. La. S.S. 179.—C. Celsiana. Bosc. Shrub: lvs. pinnately lobed, slightly pubescent beneath: corymbs many-fld.: fr. ovoid, red. Origin unknown, probably hybrid of C. pentagyna.—C. champlainensis, Sarg. Allied to C. mollis. Tree, to 20 ft., spiny: Lvs. ovate, usually truncate at the base, lobed, glabrous above, pubescent on the veins below, 2-2½ in. long: corymbs villous, usually 4-5-fld.; stamens 10: fr. obovoid or ovoid, scarlet, ⅓ in. long, in Sept. Que. and Ont. to Vt. and N. Y. S.S. 13:669.—C. chloroearca, Maxim. Allied to C. sanguinea. Lvs. pinnately lobed. truncate at the base, with short lobes, glabrous at length: corymbs many-fld., nearly glabrous: fr. black, with green flesh. Japan.—C. cognata. Sarg. Closely related to C. pruinosa. Shrub, to 10 ft., spiny: Lvs. ovate, acute or acuminate, slightly lobed, dull bluish green, glabrous: corymbs 5-7-fld.; anthers yellow: fr. ovoid or pyriform, pruinose, dull crimson at maturity, over ⅓ in. long, in Oct. Mass.—C. compta, Sarg. (C. silvicola var. compta, Eggleston). Allied to C. pruinosa. Shrub, spiny, glabrous: Lvs. oblong-ovate, usually rounded at the base, slightly lobed, glabrous: corymbs many-fld.; stamens 7-10; anthers dark row: fr. obovoid, light cherry-red, ½ in. long, in Oct. W. N. Y. —C. conspicta, Sarg. Allied to C. pruinosa. Tree, to 20 ft., spiny: Lvs. broadly ovate, rounded or subcordate at the base, lobed, yellow-green, pubescent on the midrib below: corymbs 5-6-fld., slightly hairy, compact; anthem white: fr. subglobose, crimson, over ½ in. across, in Oct. Ont.—C. crenulata, Roxbg.= Pyracantha crenulata, —C. cuneata, Sieb. & Zucc. Belongs to group Cuneata-. Shrub: young branchlets villous: Lvs. ahort-petioled, cuneate-obovate or cuneate-ohlong, crenate-serrate, glabrous and lustrous above, sparingly hairy below: corymbs villous, 3-7-fld.; stamens 20; anthers red: fr. red, with 5 stones, plain inside. China and Japan. L. I. 5.— C. cupulifera. Sarg. Allied to C. rotundifolia. Shrub, to 20 ft.: Lvs. obovate or rhombic, slightly lobed, lustrous and scabrate above: corymbs slightly villous; fls. cup-shaped; stamens 10, anthers pink: fr. scarlet, with 3-4 stones. N. Y.—C. Dayana, Sarg. Allied to C. pedicellata. Tree, to 15 ft., spiny: Lvs. broadly ovate, acuminate, rounded or cuneate at the base, dark yellow-green, slightly hairy on the veins below while young: corymbs 10-14-fld.; fls. ¾in. across; stamens 20: fr. obovoid, crimson, in Sept., soon falling. W. N. Y.—C. diffusa, Sarg. Allied to C. pruinosa. Intricately branched spiny shrub, to 15 ft., glabrous: Lvs. ovate, acuminate, rounded or cuneate at the base, dark bluish green and slightly scabrate above: corymbs 6-12-fld.; stamens 10: fr. subglobose, scarlet, less than ½ in. across , in Oct .W.N.Y.-C. Dippeliana, Lange (C. tanacetiflora var. Loeana, Hort. C. tanacetifolia x C. punctata?). Small tree, spiny: Lvs. rhombic-elliptic, lobed, sparingly pubescent above, densely beneath: corymbs densely villous; stamens 20: fr. subglobose, reddish yellow or dull red. Origin unknown. Gn. 33, p. 468.—C. dissona, Sarg. (C. pruinosa var. dissona, Eggleston). Allied to C. pruinosa. Slender spiny shrub, to 10 ft., glabrous: Lvs. ovate to rhombic, cuneate at the base, dark bluish green: corymbs 5-7-fld.; stamens 10; anthers purple: fr. subglobose. crimson, in Oct. Mass.—C. dsungarica, Zabel. Allied to C. sanguinea. Tree: Lvs. deeply lobed, sparingly pubescent or nearly glabrous: corymbs slightly pubescent: fr. black; stones without or with slight furrows. Of unknown origin. — C. Dunbari, Sarg. Shrub, to 12 ft., spiny: Lvs. ovate to suborbicular, usually rounded at the base, slightly lobed, glabrous or slightly rough above: corymbs 10-14-fld.: fr. subglobose, crimson, ½in. across, in Oct. W.N.Y. Belongs to group Anomalae,allied to Tenuifoliae.-C. aurobrizensis, Sarg. Allied to C. coccinioides. Shrub, to 20 ft., spiny: Lvs. ovate, with. 3-4 pairs of short lobes, glabrous: corymbs glabrous; stamens 20: fr. bright red, in Oct. N. Y. S.T.S. 1:2. — C. elliptica, Ait. (C. glandulosa, Moench. C. flava var. pubescens, Gray). Allied to C. flava. Lvs. broader, of firmer texture, more pubescent and glandular: fr. subglobose, red or yellow. Southern states. B.R. 22: 1890 (as C. spathulata). — C. elliptico. Beadle, is C. senta, Beadle, a species allied to C. flava. S.S. 13:697. — C. elliptica, Mohr, is C. signata, Beadle, a species allied to C. Crus-galli. S.S. 13:644. — C. exornata, Sarg. Allied to C. pruinosa. Shrub, to 10 ft., spiny: Lvs. ovate, usually rounded at the base, slightly lobed, dark yellow-green and rough above: corymbs 5-6-fld.; stamens 7-10; anthers pink: fr. subglobose, scarlet, less than ½ in. across, in Sept. Ont. — C. Fazonii, Sarg. Allied to C. rotundifolia. Shrub, to 10 ft., spiny: lvs. broadly ovate, with 4-5 pairs of short lobes, nearly glabrous at maturity: corymbs villous; stamens 5-10: fr. dark crimson, in Sept. N. H. S.T.S. 1:60.—C. ferentaria, Sarg. Allied to C. macracantha. Intricately branched shrub, to 12 ft.. with stout spines: Lvs. rhombic or obovate, puberulous below on the veins: corymbs slightly villous; stamens 7-10; anthers white: fr. subglobose or ovoid, ⅓ in. long, scarlet, with usually 2 stones, ripening in Oct. W.N.Y.—C. flabellata, Spach (C. Grayana, Eggleston). Allied to C. pedicellata. Shrub, to 20 ft.: Lvs. ovate, with short acute lobes, at first sparingly hairy above and villous at the veins beneath: corymbs slightly villous; calyx-lobes sparingly glandular- serrate; stamens 20: fr. ovoid, crimson, with 3-5 stones, in Sept. Que.—C. florentina, Zuccagni = Pyrus crataegifolia.—C.faetida, Ashe (C. Baxteri, Sarg.). Allied to C. intricate. Intricately branched, spiny shrub, to 12 ft., glabrous: Lvs. ovate or oval: corymbs usually 5-6-fld.; calyx-lobes serrate: fr. subglobose. orange-red or red- brown, about ½ in. thick, with 3-4 stones, in Oct. Mass, to Ont. and Va.—C. Fontanesiana, Steud. Allied to C. Crus-galli. Lvs. elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, almost glabrous, shining above: corymbs many-fld., pubescent: fr. red. Probably hybrid of C. Crus-galli.-C. Forbease, Sarg. Allied to C. pastorum. Shrub, to 15 ft.: Lvs. ovate to oval, cuneate or rounded at the base, slightly lobed: stamens 20; anthers dark rose-color: fr. globose or ovoid, scarlet, with thin and juicy flesh. Mass.—C. formosa, Sarg. Allied to C. pruinosa. Shrub, to 15 ft.: Lvs. oblong-ovate, rounded or cuneate at the base, slightly lobed, slightly hairy above while young: corymbs many-fld.: fr. ovoid or obovoid, scarlet, pruinose, with 4-5 stones. N. Y.—-C. gemmosa, Sarg. Allied to C. succulenta. Tree, to 30 ft., spiny: Lvs. broadly obovate to broadly elliptic, doubly serrate and often slightly lobed, at maturity pubescent on the midrib beneath: corymbs villous: fr. scarlet, lustrous, in Oct. N. Y. to Mich, and Ont. S.S. 13:686.—C. geneseensis. Sarg. Allied to C. Crus-galli. Small tree, to 12 ft., spiny, glabrous: Lvs. obovate- oblong, pointed at the rounded or acute apex, with prominent veins: corymbs many-fld., lax; anthers pink: fr. ovoid, scarlet, ½ in. long, with 1-3 nutlets, in Oct. W. N. Y. G.C. III. 53:115.—C. glandulosa, Moench=C. elliptica.—C. gloriosa, Sarg. Allied to C. pedicellata. Tree, to 25 ft., with few spines: Lvs. ovate, cuneate or rounded at the base, rough above, slightly pubescent on the veins below, sometimes finally glabrous: corymbs 10-15-fld.; stamens 7- 10: fr. ovoid, often unsymmetrical, deep crimson, in Sept. W. N. Y. —C. grandiflora, Koch (C. lobata, Bosc. Cratae-mespilus grandiflora, Camus). Small tree: Lvs. elliptic, serrate, often slightly lobed toward the apex, pubescent: fls. 1-3, large: fr. brown, globose, large. Supposed to be a hybrid between Mespilus germanica and a Crataegus. G.F. 10:35. R.H. 1869, p. 80.—C. Grayana, Eggleston=C. flabellata.—C. Harbisonii. Beadle. Belongs to group Bracteatae allied to Intricate. Tree, to 25 ft.: Lvs. oval or broadly obovate, coarsely serrate; petioles glandular: corymbs many-fld., with conspicuous glandular bracts: fr. red or bright red, in Oct. S.S. 13:691.—C. heterophylla, Fluegge. Allied to C. monogyna. Lvs. larger, usually trifid: fr. larger, bright red: corymbs many-fld. B.R. 14:1161:22:1847.— C. hiemalis, Lange. Possibly C. Crus-galli x C. pentagyna. Lvs. elliptic to ovate, densely serrate or slightly lobed, lustrous above, pubescent on the veins beneath: corymbs villous; stamens 15, with purple anthers: fr. purplish black. Origin unknown.—C. Holmesiana, Sarg. Allied to C. pedicellata. Tree, to 30 ft.: Lvs. oval or ovate, slightly lobed, at maturity yellowish green, glabrous: fls. ½-¾ in. across; stamens usually 5, anthers purple: fr. ovoid, crimson, with usually 3 stones. Montreal to Pa., W. N. Y. and Ont. S.S. 13:676.— C. integriloba, Sarg. Allied to C. tomentosa. Tree, to 10 ft., spiny: Lvs. broadly obovate or oval, broadly cuneate at the base, slightly lobed. glabrous: corymbs villous; calyx-lobes entire: fr. subglobose, ⅓-½in- across, scarlet, lustrous. Que. G.C. III. 47:60.—C. irrosa, Sarg. Allied to C. pedicellata. Shrub, to 12 ft.: Lvs. ovate, cuneate or rounded at the base, slightly lobed, lustrous and glabrous above: stamens 20, anthers yellow: fr. ovoid, dark red, lustrous. Que.—C. Korolkowii, Henry =C. Wattiana. See also No. 50.—C. lauta, Sarg. Allied to C. Ellwangeriana. Arborescent shrub, spiny: Lvs. ovate, acuminate, scabrate above, sparingly pubescent on the veins below: corymbs 8-12-fld., compact: fr. ovoid, bright orange-red. ¾ in. long, with 5 nutlets, in Sept. Origin unknown, much planted in Boston parks.—C. leiophylla, Sarg. Allied to C. pruinosa. Slender intricate, spiny shrub, to 15 ft., glabrous: Lvs. broadly ovate, usually rounded or truncate at the base, dark dull blue-green above: corymbs 5-7- fld., compact; anthers yellow: fr. obovoid. bright red. ,½ in. long, with usually 4 stones, in Nov. W. N. Y.—C. livoniana, Sarg. Allied to C. Crus-galli. Tree, to 20 ft., spiny, glabrous: Lvs. oblong-obovate, acute or rounded at the apex, finely and often doubly serrate: corymbs lax, 10-18-fld.; calyx-lobes glandular-serrate: fr. subglobose to ovoid, dark crimson, ½ in- long, with 2-4 stones, in Oct. N. Y. S.T.S. 2:129.—C. lobata, Bosc=C. grandiflora.—C. locorum. Sarg. Allied to C. pastorum. Tree to 25 ft., spiny: Lvs. broadly ovate to obovate, slightly lobed, glabrous: corymbs villous, few-fld.; stamens 20, with purple anthers: fr. ovoid, crimson, in Sept. Ill. S.S. 13:679.—C. maineana, Sarg. (C. leiophylla var. maineana, Eggleston). Allied to C. pruinosa. Tree-like shrub, to 15 ft., spiny, glabrous: lvs. ovate to deltoid, acuminate, hairy while young: corymbs many-fld.; stamens 10; anthers dark purple : fr. globose, scarlet, scarcely pruinose, about ½ in. thick , in. Oct. W.N.Y.-C. matura. Sarg. Allied to C. pastorum. Shrub, to 10 ft., with few spines, glabrous: Lvs. oval to ovate-oblong, usually cuneate at the base, dark green above, yellow-green below: corymbs many-fld.; stamens 5-10; anthers red: fr. ovoid, dark purplish crimson, ¾ in. long, in Aug. Vt., Mass., N. Y.—C. Maximowicxii. Schneid. (C. sanguinea var. villosa, Maxim.). -Allied to C. sanguinea. Small tree, to 20 ft: Lvs. ovate, slightly lobed. pilose below: corymbs densely pilose: fr. pilose when young, finally glabrous. Amurland, Manchuria.—C. microcarpa, Lindl.=C. spathulata.—C. opulens, Sarg. Allied to C. pruinosa. Shrub, to 15 ft., spiny, glabrous: Lvs. oblong- ovate to oval, acuminate, hairy above while young: corymbs 5-8 fld., compact: fr. subglobose. obscurely angled, crimson, slightly pruinose, ½ in. long, in Oct. W. N. Y.—C. Palmeri, Sarg. Allied to C. Crus-galli. Tree, to 25 ft.: Lvs. broadly ovate to oblong, rounded or acute at the apex, coarsely serrate, glabrous: corymbs glabrous; stamens 10, with yellow anthers: fr. dull green, tinged with red, in Oct. S.M. 381.—C. peregrina, Sarg. Allied to C. mollis. Tree: Lvs. ovate, broadly cuneate, with 5-6 pairs of narrow lobes, glabrous above, villous beneath: corymbs many-6d., villous: fr. ovate-globose, dark dull purple, pubescent at the base and apex. ½ in. across. Origin unknown, probably S. W. Asia. S.T.S. 2:191.—C. perjucunda, Sarg. Allied to C. pruinosa. Spiny shrub, glabrous: Lvs. ovate, acuminate, dark green above: corymbs 8-10-fld.; anthers white: fr. ovoid, orange-red, finally crimson, slender-stalked, less than ½ in. long, in Oct. Ont., N. Y.—C. perslmilis, Sarg. Allied to C. Crus-galli. Shrub, to 8 ft.: lvs. oblong-obovate to oval, usually acute, veins prominent, slightly hairy while young: corymbs slightly villous; stamens 10-20: fr. subglobose or ovoid, crimson, lustrous, with 1-2 stones. N. Y.—C. praecox, Sarg. (C. praecoqua, Sarg.). Allied to C. rotundifolia. Shrub, to 10 ft., spiny: Lvs. rhomboidal to oval, slightly hairy while young, glabrous at maturity and scabrous above: corymbs slightly villous, many-fld.; stamens 10: fr. subglobose, dark crimson, ⅔-in. thick, in Aug. Vt., Que.—C. promisea, Sarg. Allied to C. pruinosa. Shrub, to 12 ft., spiny, glabrous: Lvs. oblong-ovate, acuminate, deeply lobed: corymbs lax, many-fid.; stamens 5-7; anthers pink: fr. ovoid, crimson, not pruinose, less than ½ in- long, in Sept. W. N. Y.— C. Pyracantha, Pers.= Pyracantha coccinea.—C. rivuaris, Nutt. Allied to C. Douglasii. Shrub: Lvs. ovate-lanceolate, serrate, glabrous at length. Wyo. to Colo, and Utah. 8.3.4:176.—C. Sargentii. Beadle. Allied to C. intricata. Tree, to 20 ft.: Lvs. elliptic to oblong-ovate, slightly lobed, glabrous at maturity: corymbs slightly villous or glabrous; stamens 20, with purple anthers: fr. yellow or orange-yellow, tinged with red, in Sept. Ga. to Tenn. and Ala.—C. songarica, Regel= C. Wattiana.—C. spalkulata, Michx. Shrub or tree, to 20 ft.: Lvs. cuneate, oblanceolate, crenately serrate or 3-lobed at the apex: corymbs many-fld.: fr. scarlet, globular, ¼ in. across. Southern states. S.S. 4:185. B.R.22:1846 (as C. microcarpa). The only species of the group Microcarpae allied to the Apiifoliae.—C. triflora, Chapm. Shrub or small tree, to 20 ft.: lvs. ovate or elliptic, serrate, often slightly lobed, pubescent, 1-2 ½ in. long: corymbs 3-fld., hirsute; fls. 1 in. across; stamens 20; anthers yellow: fr. globose, red. Ga., Ala. Belongs to the group Triflorae, allied to Intricate.—Very distinct and handsome; has proved hardy at the Arnold Arboretum.—C. verecunda, Sarg. Allied to C. intricata. Shrub, about 3 ft., spiny, glabrous: Lvs. oblong-obovate or oval, acute or acuminate, light bluish green: corymbs 6-l0-fld.; stamens 7; anthers white: fr. ovoid or obovoid, less than ½ -in. long, with 2-3 stones, in Sept. or Oct. W. N. Y.—C. Wattiana, Hemsl. & Lace. (C. altaica, Lange. C. songarica, Regel). Allied to C. sanguinea. Lvs. smaller, truncate at the base, glabrous: corymbs glabrous: fr. yellow or reddish yellow, smaller. Cent. Asia. Var. incisa, Schneid. (C. Korolkowii, Henry. C. sanguinea var. incisa, Regel). Lvs. more1 deeply and acutely lobed. R.H. 1901:301.—C. Wilsonii, Sarg. Allied to C. tomentosa. Shrub, to 20 ft.: Lvs. ovate or obovate, acute or obtuse, lustrous above, sparingly villous beneath: fr. ovoid, red, nearly ½in. long, with 1-3 stones. Cent. China- Alfred Rehder. |