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Amelanchier canadensis, Medikus (A. Botryàpium, Borkh. A. canadénsis var. Botryàpium, Torr. & Gray. A. canadénsis var. tomentúla, Sarg.). Service-berry. Bushy tree, fastigiately branched: st. solitary or few, sometimes shrubby : Lvs. generally obovate, less often ovate, oval or oblong, acute or acuminate, usually cordate at the base, 1½-3½ in. long, sharply serrate quite or nearly to the base, densely white-tomentose beneath when young, less so above, tomentum usually partly persistent: racemes rather dense, nodding, silky-tomentose; petals linear or linear-oblong, about ½ in. long; top of ovary glabrous or slightly hairy: fr. maroon- purple, tasteless. May, early, before the Lvs. ; fr. in June. Maine to Iowa, Mo. and south to Ga. and La. S.S. 4 : 194. B.R. 14:1174. Gn. 73, p. 239 (habit; may be A. oblongifolia).—This is the only species with the Lvs. tomentose on both surfaces when young.
Amelanchier oblongifolia, Roem. (A. canadénsis var. oblongifolia, Torr. & Gray. A. Botryàpium, Brit. & Brown, in part.  A.obovàlis, Ashe.). Shrub, with slender upright sts. growing in rather dense clumps, but not stoloniferous, to 25 ft. : Lvs. oblong to obovate-oblong, usually rounded at the base, and rounded or acute at the apex, 1¼-2½ in. long, very finely serrate nearly or quite to the base, white-tomentose beneath when young: racemes short, dense and upright, silky-tomentose; petals obovate-oblong to oblanceolate or linear, about ⅓ in. long; top of ovary glabrous or sometimes slightly woolly; fr. nearly black, with bloom, sweet. May, with A. teems; fr. in June. Maine to S. C.—S.S. 4:195. Em. 2:503 (lower figure). B.M. 7619. G.C. III. 21:333. D.G.M. 1900: 497 (habit).—This differs from all other species except A. ovalis and A. Bartramiana in having the sépals on the immature fr. upright or only slightly spreading; in the other species they are recurved.
Amelanchier oblongifolia, Roem. (A. canadénsis var. oblongifolia, Torr. & Gray. A. Botryàpium, Brit. & Brown, in part.  A.obovàlis, Ashe.). Shrub, with slender upright sts. growing in rather dense clumps, but not stoloniferous, to 25 ft. : Lvs. oblong to obovate-oblong, usually rounded at the base, and rounded or acute at the apex, 1¼-2½ in. long, very finely serrate nearly or quite to the base, white-tomentose beneath when young: racemes short, dense and upright, silky-tomentose; petals obovate-oblong to oblanceolate or linear, about ⅓ in. long; top of ovary glabrous or sometimes slightly woolly; fr. nearly black, with bloom, sweet. May, with A. teems; fr. in June. Maine to S. C.—S.S. 4:195. Em. 2:503 (lower figure). B.M. 7619. G.C. III. 21:333. D.G.M. 1900: 497 (habit).—This differs from all other species except A. ovalis and A. Bartramiana in having the sépals on the immature fr. upright or only slightly spreading; in the other species they are recurved.


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