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Bulbophyllum (Greek, bulb-leaf). Orchidaceae. Epiphytic plants, creeping upon rocks or trees; cult, in the warmhouse.
Pseudobulbs 1-2-lvd in the axils of the sheaths, and with the infl. arising from the base of the pseudobulb: fls. small and numerous in a raceme, or larger and few or solitary; dorsal sepal erect or spreading, free, equaling or shorter than the lateral, which are obliquely broadened at the base and adnate to the foot of the column; petals shorter than or nearly equaling the sepals; lip articulated to the foot of the column, incumbent upon the column; pollinia 4.—A genus of about 125 species, mostly natives of Trop. Asia and Afr.— Bulbophyllum needs a moist atmosphere and should not become dry. Grown on pieces of wood or tree-fern stems.
| color = lightgreen
| color = lightgreen


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