Narcissus tazetta, Linn. Polyanthus Nascissus. Fjg. 2447. Strong variable species, the bulb often 2 in. diam., the 4-6 lvs. 1½ ft- or less long, about the length of the flattened peduncle: fls. several (4-8 or 12), horizontal or declined on slender pedicels, the tube less than 1 in. long and greenish, the spreading obovate imbricate segms. pure white, and entire cup-shaped corona lemon-yellow, the whole fl. about 1½ in. across; stamens and style barely exserted. Canary Isls. to China and Japan. — Perhaps the commonest species and very variable. "Of the multiform Tazetta narcissi about 100 have received specific names." —Baker. In his monograph, he describes 14 subspecies, named in italic below. "The numerous forms of N. Tazetta are so extremely variable that nothing short of 50 folio plates would do the plant justice."—Burbidge. All this wealth of varieties is readily grouped under one specific type, which is recognizable by the many small-crowned fls. and the broad lvs. The variations are largely in color and in size of fls. Baker makes three groups:
(a) bicolores, the perianth white and the corona yellow. Here are to be placed lacticolor, corcyrensis, patulus, ochroleucus and many others.
(b) albse. entire fl. white. Here belongs the "Paper White" (var. papyr&ceus, Hort. N. papyraceus, Ker. B.M. 947) very popular for winter bloom. G. 26:137.
Here are to be referred the names Panizzianus, dubius, canariensis, pachybolbos,
(c) luteae, entire fl. yellow. Here belong aureus, cupularis, Bertolonii, italicus.
Var.orientalis, Hort. (N. orientalis, Linn. Queltia orientalis, Salisb.). Chinese Sacred Lily. Considered by Baker and others to be probably a hybrid between N. incomparabilis and N. Tazetta: robust: lvs. flat and green, 1/3in- broad: scape much compressed: fls. 3—4, on long erect or curving pedicels: tube of perianth subcylindrical, ½in. long and green, the segms. oblong, acute, sulfur-yellow, 1 in. long and half as wide; corona cup - shaped, one- third length of segms., orange - yellow, irregularly 3-lobed with erect margin; stamens and style not exserted. B.M. 948.—Grown in bowls of water; very fragrant.
N. poetaz, Hort., is a hybrid race, from N. Tazetta X a form (ornatus) of N. poeticus. It is a promising race, with several poeticus-like fls. on the scape, the fragrance less cloying than that of N. Tazetta. They force readily. Writing of the origin and characteristics of the poetaz section, Joseph Jacob says in The Garden that they originated in 1885 in the bulb-fields of R. vander Schoot & Son, at Hillegom, Holland, from N. ornatus used as seed parent crossed with different kinds of N. Tazetta. "In their general appearance, this new race partakes of the characters of both parents. The Poet shows itself in the larger fls. and in some of the cups, while the Tazetta appears in their having several fls. upon one st. To sum up, they may be described as a large-fld. Polyanthus narcissus having from 2-6 blooms on a st., more pleasantly scented, and, generally speaking, with a looser and more artistic perianth. The Poetico-Tazetta narcissi are of this group or race.
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