Afraegle paniculata

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Read about Afraegle paniculata in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Balsamocitrus paniculata, Swingle (Citrus paniculata, Schum. Aegle Barteri, Hook. f. Limonia Warneckii, Engler). A handsome tree, 20-45 ft. high and much branched: Lvs. on old trees trifoliolate, the lateral lfts. about two-thirds as long as the terminal one and narrowed into a slender petiolule ⅛-3/14 in. long; terminal lft. has a long slender petiolule ½-¾ in. long but there seems to be no articulation where it joins the lamina as in case of B. Dawei; spines are said to be solitary, from 1-4 in. long but are wanting on fruiting branches: fls. usually 4-merous, sometimes 5-merous; stamens 13-20, normally 4 times as many as the petals; ovary 8- or 9-celled; disk large, lobed: frs. spherical or obo- void, 3-5 in. diam., with a thick woody rind, green until maturity, then taking on a gray color; cells of fr. contain numerous smooth seeds; germination unknown.—commonly planted in the villages of Nigeria and the Gold Coast in Trop. W. Afr. This species has not yet been intro. into cult., but it is to be hoped that seeds will be secured from Afr. to permit its being tested as a stock for citrous frs.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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