Anguloa (dedicated to Don Francisco de Angulo). Orchidaceae. Stout coolhouse orchids, with large pseudo- bulbs, the scales at the base passing into Lvs.
Leaves large, plicatcly nerved: scapes from the base of the pseudobulbs, clothed with large lax sheaths; fls. sub-globular; sepals and petals connivent, fleshy; lip shorter than sepals and petals, 3-lobed, the middle lobe much smaller than the lateral lobes, linear and recurved, or broader and 2-lipped.—Species 3, all in cult., natives of 8. American Andes, at elevations of 5,000-7,000 ft.
This interesting genus comprises but few species, but these are singular, since all are well worthy of culture. Coming from the Andes of Colombia, a moderate temperature of 50° in winter will be ample for their needs, and a cool, shaded structure in summer, as the foliage is easily scorched by direct sunlight in hot weather. The peculiar structure of the flowers has given the popular name of "boat orchid," which suggests the general shape. This, together with the fragrance, and the hinged lip, which oscillates with the least movement, makes the plants very interesting when in bloom. The anguloas are rather terrestrial than epiphytal. The culture is very simple if, as a potting compost, a mixture is used containing some soil with the fiber and some sphagnum moss as a surfacing, the potting being very firm. Propagation is simple by division of the bulbs. The old back ones may be severed at the creeping rhizome after the new growth has been completed, and these will start new shoots usually in spring. Division must be made after the shoots are visible from the back bulbs. The black-spot disease of the bulbs is often fatal to anguloas. It appears suddenly and is generally due to too much moisture in the atmosphere or at the roots. Directly it is seen, the affected parts must be cut out clean, and dry sulfur applied; this, if done in time, will stop the progress of the disease. If brown scale attacks the plants, sponge with soap and water, taking care not to injure the tender leaves. (Orpet.)
A. Cliftonii. Hort. O. 4, pl. 3.—A. intermedia, Rolfe, a hybrid between A. Ruckeri and A. Clowesii, was produced by Seden. This had fls. of nearly the size and shape of A. Ruckeri.
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