ExpandRead about Aponogetonaceae in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Aponogetonaceae (from the genus Aponogeton, derivation obscure). Aponogeton Family. Aquatic herbs with tuberous rhizomes, and basal, submerged or floating leaves; blade linear to oval, palmately parallel-veined, with transverse veinlets; the general tissue between the veins often wanting, thus producing a remarkable openwork latticed effect: flowers spicate, bisexual, regular, hypogynous; perianth of several petaloid parts; stamens usually 6, rarely more; carpels mostly 3, rarely 4-6, separate; ovules 2-6, mostly basal, anatropous: fruit pouch-like; endosperm none.
The single genus, with its 15 species occurs in Africa, Madagascar, tropical Asia and Australia. The family is related to the Naiadaceae, with which it was formerly united, and from which it is distinguished by the petaloid perianth, several ovules, and straight embryo.
The roots are sometimes eaten by natives.
Aponogeton distachyus (Cape pondweed, water hawthorn) is cultivated in water-gardens.CH
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