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ExpandRead about Aralia chinensis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Aralia chinensis, Linn. (A. japonica, Hort. A. mandshurica, Hort. Dimorphanthus elatus, Miq. A. spinosa var. canescens, Franch. & Savat.). Chinese Angelica Tree. Fig. 299. Sts. less prickly, 40 ft.: Lvs. 2-4 ft. long, usually without prickles; lfts. ovate or broad ovate, coarsely serrate or dentate, usually pubescent beneath, nearly sessile, 3½-6 in. long; veins dividing before reaching the margin and ending in the points of the teeth. Aug.. Sept. China, Japan. M.D.G. 1897:461. Gn. 1, p. 561. G.W. 5:509.—In general appearance very much like the former species, but considerably hardier. Grows well also in somewhat dry, rocky or clayey soil. Var. glabrescens, Schneid. (A. spinosa var. glabrescens, Franch. & Savat. A. spinosa var. canescens, Sarg. A. canescens, Sieb. & Zucc.). Lvs. often prickly above; lfts. glabrous beneath, except on the veins, dark green above. More tender. Var. mandshurica, Rehd. (Dimorphanthus mandshuricus, Maxim.). St. prickly: lfts. pubescent only on the veins beneath, more sharply and densely serrate than the foregoing variety and "hardier. G.C. II. 10:592; 23:313. Var. variegata, Rehd. (A. japonica variegata, G.C.). Lfts. bordered with white. I.H. 33:609. G.C. III. 31:231. Gn. 63, p. 379. Var. aureo-variegata, Rehd. (Dimorphanthus mandschuricus elegantissimus fol. var., Hort.). Lfts. variegated with yellow.
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