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Artabotrys >

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Read about Artabotrys in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Artabotrys (Greek, suspended grapes, alluding to the clustered fruit suspended by the hooked peduncle). Annonaceae. Climbing Ylang-ylang. Tail- Grape. Woody tropical climbers or scrambling shrubs, remarkable for their curiously hooked peduncles, and prized for the fragrance of their flowers.

Leaves smooth, evergreen, alternate: petals 6 in 2 series, both series valvate or edge-to-edge, in most species flat but in certain Malayan and African species terete or club-shaped, with a broad excavated base, above which they are constricted and connivent over the essential parts, which they almost conceal, the flat or terete limb above the constriction usually spreading and ascending, sometimes slightly incurved: stamens typically annonaceous, closely packed, wedge-shaped or oblong with 2 dorsal pollen-sacs on the back of the thick filament and connective produced above them in the form of a dilated hood or cap: ovaries several, seldom numerous, each with 2 erect basal ovules side by side; styles variable, sometimes oblong or club-shaped and reflexed, sometimes erect or very small; ripe carpels separate, borne in a cluster on the hardened torus or receptacle, either sessile or stipitate, more or less plum-like or olive-like, and normally containing 2 flattened seeds with hard bony testa, rising side by side from the base, grooved around the margin and containing the wrinkled albumen characteristic of all Annonaceae. E. Asia, the Malay Archipelago, and Trop. Afr.— About 40 species thus far described, several of them cult, in tropical countries and grown in conservatories for their fragrant fls.

Several of the most common species have been confused. Artabotrys uncinatus was described by Lamarck under the name Annona uncinata in 1786. It was supposed to be identical with Artabotrys odoratissimus, R. Br., the type species of the genus, which was established in 1819. Its flowers, however, are described as having ovate-lanceolate petals with a brownish red upper part (or limb), and with broad claws at the base, cottony, concave within at the base and constricted between the claw and the blade. It is consequently to be identified with Artabotrys odoratissimus of Blume, which is distinct from A. odoratissimus. R. Br., and which was described as A. Blumei by Hooker & Thomson; while A. odoratissimus of Hooker & Thomson is to be referred to A. hamatus of Blume; and A. intermedius, Hassk., is regarded as a variety of A. odoratissimus, R. Br.

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