Begonia nitida

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Read about Begonia nitida in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Begonia nitida, Dry. (B. minor, Jacq. B. speciosa, Hort. B. obliqua, L'Her.). Fig. 526. Smooth: st. 3-4 ft. high, perennial, fleshy, woody at the base when old: Lvs. obliquely ovate, wavy, 4—6 in. across, glossy dark green: fls. on long, axillary peduncles, pale pink, with a silvery blush; males 1]^ in. across, with 2 broad and 2 narrow petals; females smaller, with 5 equal petals. Jamaica. B.M. 4046. A.G. 24:575. Gt. 2:192.—A very useful plant in the greenhouse, flowering all winter. Also interesting on account of being probably the first begonia intro. to cult, in Eu. (1777, at Kew, by Win. Brown). Var. odorata alba is a very handsome variety of this species, which has smaller fls. of the purest white and sweet-scented. Dr. Nachtigal (H. nitida var. odorata alba x B. Lyncheana), is similar in general form to the latter, but has fls. of a delicate rose-pink, especially on the inner surface of petals.

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