Beta vulgaris, Linn. (B. maritima, Linn.). The supposed source of the cult, beets and foliage beets. Probably a development from the perennial beet of the coasts in parts of Eu., a much-branched decumbent plant (Fig. 546), with thick, long and hard (not really fleshy) perennial roots. In cult, forms, the plant is erect in fls. and fr., with greenish clustered fls., and ovate- oblong, smooth, more or less thick and wavy-margined Lvs. There are 3 main races of the cult, beet-plant:
Var. crassa, Alef. Beet-root. Beet of American gardens and fields, characterized by its thickened root of many forms, some_ of which are developed for their sugar-producing qualities. See Beet.
Var. cruenta, Alef. (B. hortensis and B. rubra, Hort.). Red and Victoria foliage beets. Root not highly developed: Lvs. large and showy, red or green, with yellow ribs. Var. metallica is a form of this. In many brilliant forms, often used in bedding and for strong color effects.
Var. Cicla, Moq. (B. Cicla, Linn. B. brasiliensis and B. chilensis, Hort.). Leap-beet. Sicilian Beet. Sea-kale Beet. Spinach Beet. Chilian Beet. Roman Kale. Poirei. Root small and branched, not thick or fleshy: Lvs. very large, thick-ribbed, green, yellow-green, reddish green or even red, often with very wide and thick petioles.—Used as a pot-herb. Differs widely in the coloration of the If.-ribs, and shape and development of lf.-blade. One form of it is Chard (which see).
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