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ExpandRead about Betula populifolia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Betula populifolia, Ait. (B. alba var. populifolia, Spach). White Birch. Small tree, exceptionally 40 ft., with smooth white bark: branchlets with numerous resinous glands: Lvs. slender, petioled, triangular or deltoid, long-acuminate, coarsely doubly serrate, glutinous when young, glabrous at length and shining: cones slender, stalked, cylindric, about 1 in. long; bracts pubescent, the lateral lobes divergent, about as long as the middle one. From New Brunswick to Del., west to Ont. S.S. 9:450. H.T. 118, 119. Em. 1:242.—A small, graceful, but short-lived tree, yet thriving in dry and poor soil. Var. laciniata, Loud. Lvs. incised-laciniate. Var. pendula, Loud. Branches distinctly pendulous. Var. purpurea, Ellwanger & Barry. Lvs. purple when young, green at length. B. populifolia x B. papyrifera is shown in G.F. 8:356. It has been found wild in several localities, but is apparently not in cult.
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